3 days in, way behind pace. Cut it early today cause i feel like i might have strep throat or some ****. Doctors in the morning and getting on monthly pace by Friday. Running great. 40 tabling quite a bit, sure i am missing some spots. pretty annoying when people minraise like 2.2 bb stacks and i don't see it in the bb. Don't play 40 tables a lot, its nuts, but looks like i will have to at times to get anywhere near 12k.
Profit looking good and i took 3rd in a 5 dollar hyper for 300 bucks
Not only did I luck box the BOP Earth High Orbit two weeks ago for 700 bucks, i also binked 2nd in this past weeks Low Orbirt Earth for 450. 1150 not bad for something I don't ever really expect to be on. Sleep and grind all day tomorrow.
Will answer questions when i feel a little better.
Pace is 1161
thanks for reading