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,000 in 14 days - Commerce, CA ,000 in 14 days - Commerce, CA

07-18-2010 , 12:42 AM
Ugh...worst session of my 5/10 career last night. I have my previous 34 Commerce sessions tracked and have my results as 23 winning sessions, 11 losing sessions, and +$17,405 with my worst losing session being ($3750). Almost doubled that last night. As usual, will make my daily post in the morning...feeling pretty bummed out right now.
,000 in 14 days - Commerce, CA Quote
07-18-2010 , 05:18 AM
**** sorry, man.

great thread, though.

it was good to meet you and hang out a bit in vegas, and a pleasure to play with you. you do seem really comfortable at the table and have a great live presence; i'm sure you'll get there unless you continue running awful.

i was actually pretty curious how you thought i played in the game at mirage. i was really disappointed in how bad i played late as i got tired, and also think i was probably a bit of a vag in the pots i played vs. you.

anyway, glglglglglglglgl!
,000 in 14 days - Commerce, CA Quote
07-18-2010 , 05:29 AM
keep it up rum, chill, rest then go get them tiger!
,000 in 14 days - Commerce, CA Quote
07-18-2010 , 06:53 AM
Just focus on going back today and playing good poker...seriously **** everything else.
,000 in 14 days - Commerce, CA Quote
07-18-2010 , 07:26 AM
Originally Posted by rumnchess
Hand 4:

Pre: I open JThh to $45 over one limper. The SB is a very good winning young player who can value bet thin, bet size well, etc. But he has big FPS in pots he plays vs me, and tends to be a bit of a station. He 3bets to $160 and we are $2,600 deep. I happily call, thinking of all the big macs I can buy if I hit a favorable flop.

Flop: ($350) TT9 rainbow. I hit trips a lot in 3bet pots. He leads for $230, and I decide to just call. This is open for discussion but I think it's probably the best play. Keeps in his air, and even though he likes to call, if I raise the flop and bomb the turn, I think he can find a fold.

Turn: ($810) TT9Q. He leads for $360 and I call. Certainly the only choice; raising overreps our hand and there aren't really any awful rivers as an 8 or K straightens us and a J fills us up.

River: ($1530) TT9QJ. We fill up. He leads for $600 and I call, deciding that folding might even be better than raising as we lose to all the better boats and only really beat KK, 99 or AK (that probably doesn't bet the turn). He flips KK and I think he definitely overplayed his hand. I think he should c/f the river, or c/c if I bet small as there's almost nothing I can be turning into a bluff there and he is just cooked so often.

Discussion points: His play in the hand, my play in the hand.
I love your lines in this hand except the river. I'm not a great live player but I still think there's value to a river raise. Yes you lose to all better boats but what better boats are there? QQ/JJ really. You're ahead of T9 (1 combo) and 99, and I don't see QT as a real threat. On the river you can probably min raise and get a crying call from any K, especially AK.

I know you're bummed from last night, but thoughts?
,000 in 14 days - Commerce, CA Quote
07-18-2010 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by rumnchess
Hand 4:

Pre: I open JThh to $45 over one limper. The SB is a very good winning young player who can value bet thin, bet size well, etc. But he has big FPS in pots he plays vs me, and tends to be a bit of a station. He 3bets to $160 and we are $2,600 deep. I happily call, thinking of all the big macs I can buy if I hit a favorable flop.

Flop: ($350) TT9 rainbow. I hit trips a lot in 3bet pots. He leads for $230, and I decide to just call. This is open for discussion but I think it's probably the best play. Keeps in his air, and even though he likes to call, if I raise the flop and bomb the turn, I think he can find a fold.

Turn: ($810) TT9Q. He leads for $360 and I call. Certainly the only choice; raising overreps our hand and there aren't really any awful rivers as an 8 or K straightens us and a J fills us up.

River: ($1530) TT9QJ. We fill up. He leads for $600 and I call, deciding that folding might even be better than raising as we lose to all the better boats and only really beat KK, 99 or AK (that probably doesn't bet the turn). He flips KK and I think he definitely overplayed his hand. I think he should c/f the river, or c/c if I bet small as there's almost nothing I can be turning into a bluff there and he is just cooked so often.

Discussion points: His play in the hand, my play in the hand.

I love your lines in this hand except the river. I'm not a great live player but I still think there's value to a river raise. Yes you lose to all better boats but what better boats are there? QQ/JJ really. You're ahead of T9 (1 combo) and 99, and I don't see QT as a real threat. On the river you can probably min raise and get a crying call from any K, especially AK.

I know you're bummed from last night, but thoughts?

----Just replying to this post....... I don't think the sb is going to be 3 betting a wide enough range against a player like rumnchess ( who I assume would know he is a solid player) enough of the time to make a river raise profitable. He lead all 3 streets and I think could easly fold to a reraise on the river with his hand.
,000 in 14 days - Commerce, CA Quote
07-18-2010 , 01:57 PM
Rum, dyou have a limit on how many BI's youre down before you quit?

I lost 6k the other day for first time and left and was thinking maybe i should have a limit from now on.

Also i think in typical live 1k games i dont iso in MP, people call too much preflop, youll prob get away stealing very little hands on flops.
But i think being card dead does that to you.

Oh and whats your bankroll for these games if u dont mind sharing.

I probably play day 2 hands the same but i do think the AA hand is a fold on flop (but id never actually fold it). AQ is rarely limped there no?
And i think he veeeeeery rarely raises KQ and QJ on flop. And hes close to never bluffing

Last edited by savatage; 07-18-2010 at 02:05 PM.
,000 in 14 days - Commerce, CA Quote
07-18-2010 , 02:54 PM
Hey guys,

Really appreciate all the support, and it's been fun so far making this thread. Sorry to keep you hanging, but there's going to be a brief pause as I am grinding Sunday MTTs today! Felt like I could probably use a break from live after last night so this seems like a good solution.

Tomorrow when I wake up, I'll respond to some questions in this thread and talk about the dreadful Day 3. Day 4 will begin tomorrow as well.

,000 in 14 days - Commerce, CA Quote
07-18-2010 , 02:59 PM
just started reading, love your posts rumnchess.
,000 in 14 days - Commerce, CA Quote
07-18-2010 , 04:59 PM
ugh ---- its ok rum, good luck rum ---- you'll get 'em in next few sessions
,000 in 14 days - Commerce, CA Quote
07-18-2010 , 07:22 PM
I'm a little late to the draw for my comment regarding Hand 4 of session 1; I like a raise on the river. You lose to QQ and JJ, although I think he rarely has JJ as you're holding one, and if he does then it's a nasty cooler. Given how he played his KK, I think you can assume he will pay you off with 99, T9, and perhaps AK. You also mention that you aim to cultivate an aggressive image, and if you've done that successfully I think he can pay you off with enough worse hands to make it profitable.
,000 in 14 days - Commerce, CA Quote
07-18-2010 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by rumnchess
Forgot to mention Hours played as a vital stat. Was 7 hours for session one. Heading to session 2 right now, will post results tmrw morning.

Savatage & Nicecatch - thanks for the input.

Hand 4 I think you can make a strong argument for raising the flop and betting the turn. I do however think that even this player might fold if I take that line. I was consdering raising some turns (but not the Q) vs this player, which I actually think he might perceive as bluffier vs. me, though this is definitely up for debate. Raising the flop could be slightly better in retrospect; I think it's quite close. Also I don't think he's going to b/3bet the flop with his air - he'll run moves but not usually this deep, with total air.
In this spot when the board comes out paired in a 3bet pot and you get lead into, what better way to look weak than to put in a flop raise? You said that by just calling it keeps in his air, but if he does have air he is unlikely to pay you off in later streets (maybe a second barrel on the turn but that's about it). However if he does hold AA/KK you can basically get it in on this flop as he is never folding. By raising the flop and bombing the turn it keeps flop floats in your range and since he knows you are capable of such a move a big overpair in this spot for him is essentially the nuts as your only value range in this spot is 10x and 99.
,000 in 14 days - Commerce, CA Quote
07-19-2010 , 09:51 AM
Just wanna say , good luck today sir, hope you crush!
,000 in 14 days - Commerce, CA Quote
07-19-2010 , 12:24 PM
With our trusty English-Austrian voice translation machine on hand, we managed to surmise that they had been trying to take me to the intersection of San Vicente Blvd. and Santa Monica Blvd., and not to San Vicente Blvd. in the town of Santa Monica as I had requested.
As someone who has lived in Los Angeles my entire life, I can tell you that San Vicente is easily the most f***d up street in the city. It runs from the beach all the way past downtown, mostly East-West, sometimes North-South. And it actually disappears completely for several miles from Beverly Hills to West LA.

That being said, I enjoy your posts. Keep em up and good luck.
,000 in 14 days - Commerce, CA Quote
07-19-2010 , 12:45 PM
wow very good thread, really enjoy it. Good luck OP hope you achieve your goal!
,000 in 14 days - Commerce, CA Quote
07-19-2010 , 06:29 PM
Sunday Wrap-Up

Michael Vick recently won a humanitarian award. 2Pac is still alive. Rumnchess had a winning Sunday.

These three scenarios all seem about equally unlikely, but I did in fact conjure up a winning Sunday of MTTs. Part of my online downswing the last few months has been maintaining around even from Monday-Saturday (without rakeaback) and then promptly losing 3-5k every Sunday, from MTTs and the ensuing tilt they create.

Happy to report that I made two final tables last night, coming 8th of 1200 or so in the $75 rush for $1,700 and winning the 30rebuy for $8,300. Overall up about $6,500 on the day.

Before I get to Day 3, I'll answer a few questions.

@Those that want to raise the river in Day 1, Hand 4...I'm really not a fan. I think even this opponent can talk himself into folding a King here. I could be wrong but I think at least 50% of the time or so, he bet/folds a king when I jam. It's possible he would've bet bigger on the river with a FH, but QQ still seems like one of his most likely hands based on how the entire hand was played. His value range on the river is just so narrow and I'm not convinced that JT is sufficiently ahead of it, or at least ahead of the range that calls my shove enough of the time.

@Hagbard celine - I thought you played well at Mirage. There were a couple goofy thins you did with sizing, like when you made that giant 4bet vs. me preflop, though I suppose if you want to avoid variance that sizing is OK as it assures you will never get flatted. I thought the way you played the JJ vs me as fine / optimal. Personally, I'd probably open just a few more pots, but as you could probably tell I play pretty hyperlag in live cash. Was good to meet you too, and hope to see you around again at the tables!

@Savatage - I'm being stake at the moment so "bankroll" is not a concern per se. I've never had a stoploss though generally if I'm getting killed, there's a point where "I can't take it anymore." I might've pushed the envelope a bit on Saturday.

@csstevens - Def think a flop raise is fine and could be best. Have heard some pretty decent arguments on both sides of that, but lets just say at the end of the day I'm fine with my decision to flat (and likely raise a lot of turns or rivers; even though I didn't raise riv when I boated up :P)

OK...deep breaths...

Day 3

Daily Profit: ($6,380)
Total Profit: $($4,740)
Hours Played: 9
Total Hours Played: 22
Total Hourly: ($215)
Daily $SIT: $19 (probably $11 of this is tips to the chip runners)
Total $SIT: $63
Self Grade: B-

[I]OK. Where to begin? Ironically this session was not marked so much by a series of enormous coolers or bad beats, but rather by a period of nine hours where I can't recall even once getting two streets of value out of a hand let alone three. Multiple times I was forced to bet/fold flops, rivers or turns. I stone cold whiffed an extraordinary amount of flops and either c-bet/shutdown, or just shutdown.

I give myself a B-, factoring in a bit how I would expect my play to deteriorate under the circumstances. I definitely played badly, but I thought I kept my composure to some extent at the end. I took a few breaks to take deep breaths, eat hot dogs (rum, you fool), and do pushups (that's more like it).

Crucial, Interesting, or Entertaining Hands

Hand 1:

Preflop: I open AQo to $35 UTG+1 and get called only by a loose-passive Asian who has amassed a stack of $5,500 by dispatching of the table whale, and by routinely rivering strong holdings after calling down with little chance to improve.

Flop ($85): Q86 rainbow. I bet $45 and he calls me fairly quickly. Poor choice of bet sizing here - I think we can all agree something in the $50-65 range is better vs. this player as he's never folding any piece to a bet like that. $55 is probably optimal to ensure he calls with a gutshot or a 6.

Turn ($175): Q86 9. I fire out $100 and he snap calls me. At this point I'm feeling thrilled with my hand as he's the type to raise any two pair or straight here, but flat all his one pair hands. Again sizing is a bit small, especially on that card which might give him extra equity.

River ($375) Q86 9 8. Not the best card as I think 8x makes up a decent portion of his range. Nonetheless, I think it's a pretty clear bet/fold. Before I reveal the results here, I'd like to see what people like with sizing. Does anybody not bet/fold? Who check/decides? (I think check/fold would be awful if he bets small and check/call would be pretty bad if he bombs it). Does anyone bet/call?

Hand 2:

There is a couple that often plays at the Commerce who a friend of mine dubbed "the pornstars." They do in fact look like they might work in the porn industry. I've played with both quite a bit and they are an interesting twosome. The female pornstar, who posesses quite possibly the largest breasts I've ever seen in my life, is a very friendly woman who is pretty quiet at the table and somewhat erratic as a poker player. The male pornstar is somewhat arrogant and hates to be bluffed or owned in a hand.

This hand involves the male pornstar.

Pre: I open A2dd to $45 over 1 limp. The male pornstar, sitting $700 deep, 3bets me to $130 in position. He has a history of 3betting me quite wide, though I've often just folded to his 3bets. I'm already a bit on tilt and decide to call. Before people berate me on how bad of a call this is (shove or fold, rum, and just're 70 bbs deep for god sakes!), I understand that this is a theoretically incorrect call but I'm often willing to take some spots that are slightly -EV for the purposes of long term metagame. I'm also on tilt and have two cards that can make a straight flush with just three more to come! I call.

Flop: ($295) K52 rainbow with a diamond. Not an awful flop for me given that I believe his 3betting range to include a lot of hands like AT-AK, KQ-KT, QJ-QT, and maybe some speculative suited connectors, as well as some pairs. Obviously not a great flop, but I check, he bets $140, and I call.

Turn: ($575) K526. I check, he bets $410, and after about 15 seconds of thought, I call. I've learned over time to trust my poker instincts. I've made a lot of big "hero calls" playing live, and I've been right more than I've been wrong. In fact, I think my instincts about people are far and away the strongest part of my game. The tilt I induce when I own people in this fashion is also very +EV, and I feel little to no shame when I'm wrong, so there is no inverse -EV associated. In fact, I'm usually very happy to confidently roll my four high bluff when called, as I enjoy seeing the looks of confusion on people's faces as they're trying to figure out what kind of straight a 43s makes on 976K2.

But even if we dismiss these supposed "instincts" as rubbish, lets analyze the hand from an academic standpoint. What sorts of hands is he really shoving here? Certainly JJ or QQ are almost certainly checking back, perhaps with the intentions of picking up bluffs on the river, or perhaps with the intentions of making a tough river decision if I lead. He could be turning a smaller pair into a bluff, certainly, but I don't believe this player is 3betting small pocket pairs, so he'd have to have something like 54s or A5o, but I think even these hands are often either checking the flop or checking the turn.

Anyhow, I called, and the river was an offsuit 9 and he said "one pair" and looked reluctant to roll his hand. I waited for him to roll his hand, as the rules state that in an all in situation the all in player should roll first. In any event, a third player stated that he wanted to see both hands so I rolled my hand and he rolled A9o.

Would I have posted this hand if he had AK instead? Absolutely. I want to try to post the most interesting hands I play, period. If he had shown AK, I still would not have regretted calling, because I know a lot about the psychology of this player. He hates to get owned, and he is willing and capable to run bluffs so that he will "not get pushed around". He hates to give up on a pot when he's already invested a lot of money into it.

In fact, I recall a hand a month or two ago where I raised JJ and we saw a four-way pot. It came AQ3 and we all checked to the male pornstar, who bet 100 into 150 and it folded back to me. I probably should have folded right there, but I called. The board ran out bricks, and I called down, including a large bet on the river, and he showed AK. While my flop call is extremely marginal (read: bad), I think my calldown was correct vs. this player as he absolutely cannot stand giving up when he has the initiative.

In any event, this 3outer rattled me probably more than it should have, and, coupled with an extraordinary amount of-strong starting hands whiffing flops, led to some poor play. By the way "ownage EV" usually only works when you win the pot, so even though I technically did own the male pornstar, he was definitely less likely to tilt after this pot than I was. Humans are inherently results oriented!

Hand 3:

Pre: I wake up to JJ in the HJ and raise to $65 over two limps. The female pornstar calls, as do both limpers.

Flop: ($275). 922dd. One of the limpers leads out for $85. He's an older guy and he's likely leading a lot of hands like 66-88 to "see where he's at", as well as some 9x and some FDs. I flat. The female pornstar now surprises me by raising to $285. She sometimes makes moves when checked to (earlier in the session I c/c two streets after raising pre on AKT6 with KJ and ended up chopping with her J9s on a Q river), but rarely makes moves in multiway pots. That said, I can say confidently that she doesn't have any 2x in her range, other than maaaaybe A2s, and that she doesn't play nines full this way. The leader folds and I call.

Turn: ($930) 922dd 3x. I check, she bets $500 leaving herself $500 behind. I hmmm and hawww and finally decide to jam. She humms and hawws and eventually calls. What do we think she has here? How do we feel about my play in the hand? I'll include the results later in the thread.

Hand IV AKA The Worst Played Hand in History:

I won't even include any commentary here because I think we can all see why this hand was played terribly by me. After this hand, I decided that I was clearly sufficiently rattled from losing 600 BBs in the session, and decided to pack it up.

Pre: I raise JTss over two limps to $50. Both players call (one is the LP Asian).

Flop: ($165) 663ss. Checks to me and I check back my FD.

Turn: ($165) 663ss Ax. The LP leads for $60 and I call.

River: ($286) 663ss Ax 2x. Both check. He rolls over QTo and scoops the pot.

I leave you humbly with this tragedy of a session. However, the last 24 hours have been good to me. I had a winning Sunday, and I just saw Inception, which was a phenomenal film. Ellen Page was my best friend from the age of 11-15, and she's become a truly incredible actress, and someone I can confidently say will never lose her humility or forget her roots. DiCaprio was fantastic as always. This movie had everything -- plot, character development, intellectual components, complexity, badass action sequences, and aesthetic appeal. The ultimate film really, and it's easily found it's place in my top 5 list.

Today I'll play Day 4 (I've decided to count days by Days that I play, and not calendar dates, though I anticipate only taking one more day off play). Don't think I've given up on the goal, and I expect to put in very high volume over the next few days.

,000 in 14 days - Commerce, CA Quote
07-19-2010 , 08:37 PM
I heard the max BI at NL500 is $200 at Commerce. Is the policy for NL1k+ just as bad?
,000 in 14 days - Commerce, CA Quote
07-19-2010 , 10:04 PM
nice day on the mtt scene, rum
,000 in 14 days - Commerce, CA Quote
07-20-2010 , 04:03 AM
Originally Posted by rumnchess
Day 2

Quite an uneventful day - not a lot of interesting hands. As my Daily $SIT figure reflects, I did not win a lot of pots (and $3 went to tipping my server). One of those days where I found myself very carddead and as such making a few too many marginal opens. Bled a lot of chips iso'ing limpers and either giving up or c-betting once and being forced to shut down. Was planning on playing a longer session but a good friend was in town so I met up with him for some drinks in Santa Monica

A brief aside: The drive from Commerce to Santa Monica is supposed to take 30-40 minutes. I knew I could be in trouble when the cab company guy (and his driver minion) seemed to neither know how to speak English nor where Santa Monica was. What emerged was a two and a half hour (to the minute; it almost seemed planned) journey with detours in East Hollywood, Beverly Hills, and Salt Lake City. The meter read $115. There was no way I was paying this and my friend, who was pretty tilted to have been waiting 150 minutes, produced a map to the cab driver and showed him how if he was trying to drive to Des Moines, Iowa, his route was probably pretty effective, but that it was a lousy $@#%ing way to go to get to Santa Monica. The cab driver replied something in Cantonese or Arabic and eventually we got on the phone with the cab company.

My friend is, at 23, already somewhat of a successful self-made businessman and I trust his negotiating powers over mine, so he handled the conversation with the company. With our trusty English-Austrian voice translation machine on hand, we managed to surmise that they had been trying to take me to the intersection of San Vicente Blvd. and Santa Monica Blvd., and not to San Vicente Blvd. in the town of Santa Monica as I had requested. Eventually both parties somewhat begrudgingly agreed on a $80 fare (which was still absurd), and I tipped the driver $20, only because from the conversations I'd heard him having in Turkish with this manager over the phone, it sounded like he was in for at least 20 lashings.

Vital Stats

Daily Profit: ($1,165) (this means I lost money)
Total Profit: $1,640
Hours Played: 6
Total Hours Played: 13
Total Hourly: $126
Daily $SIT: $13
Total $SIT: $44
Self Grade: C

Crucial, Interesting, or Entertaining Hands

We'll start with a hand from Day 1 that I didn't include for some reason

Hand 1A:

Pre: A couple of limps and I make a very loose iso in MP with K7o to $65. K7s would be a reasonably standard open for me here, though I would sometimes fold that hand too. K7o is probably too loose, but it, along with hands like 87o, A4s, Q8s and A8o falls into a range of hands I sometimes choose to iso depending on who is in the pot and whatnot. I end up getting 4 callers, one on the button, one in the SB, and one from a limper, who happens to be our good but somewhat FPSy friend from Day 1, Hand 4.

Flop: ($280) 9s5s9x. Checks to me and I fire $165. Button and SB both make apparently agonizing folds (likely with AJ and 44), and MRFPS checkraises me to $500, leaving him about another $1350 behind and I cover him. I'm actually fairly certain that he was bluffing a pretty high % of the time and I'm really disappointed that I folded as quickly as I did (I even had the 7 of spades!).

The problem is that when we shove and he has a 9, we are virtually drawing dead so we're obviously relying entirely on fold equity. Flatting and hoping he shuts down is pretty awkward because he has a pretty convenient sized jam left on the turn. Clicking it back could be kind of sexy, except that he will certainly jam all his flush draws (which he miiiiiight fold to a shove sometimes) and it could induce a rebluff from a gutter or something (though I actually doubt it).

Most of you are probably thinking that I'm the one with the FPS for even considering anything but a fold, but I definitely got the impression that he was bluffing a reasonable % of the time (and of course his value range is only 9x and 55). In an event, a snapfold was certainly out of order and I wish I'd taken more time in game to analyze my options.

Hand 1:

Pre: Three limpers and I wake up to AA in the BB and raise it to $50. This is too small and was basically a live misclick - some food had just arrived and I was a bit distracted. Normally I make it about $70-80 with most of my range (occasionally $100 or 110 with something like A9o that I'm really happy to take down pre but also fine with seeing a flop HU) and $65 with AA or KK. Sometimes I'll also go $35 or $40 here with something like JTs. Exploitable live sizings FTW! Everyone comes along of course.

Flop: ($200) Q86 rainbow. I lead $125, one fold and a tight but not completely nitty Asian makes it $325, the other guy folds and I choose to call.

Turn: ($850) Q86 7. I check, he bets $600, I fold pretty quickly and he shocks me by rolling over

Discussion Points: Really just wondering if anyone folds the flop. I find sometimes these guys will raise KQ or AQ on the flop to "find out where they're at" or something and then shut down on the turn. But at the same time they're less likely to do it when I raise pre from the BB (which even they know is stronger). We're $1500 effective to start the hand FWIW. I'm pretty confident in my turn fold vs. this sort of player (and basically vs anyone actually).

Hand 2:

Pre: Semi-loose Asian opens to $40 in the HJ, one call from a loose button, I squeeze A9o to $165. The BB, an older Asian who has sat down recently but appears tight and solid, cold calls. The rest of the field folds and we take a pot HU. He has $750 behind

Flop: ($410). AJ6 rainbow. I check, which I think is far and away the best play. He pretty quickly throws in $200. I call.

Turn: (810). AJ6K putting up two hearts. I check, and he fairly shoves for $550. I tank for a bit and fold.

Discussion Points: Does anyone fold the flop (!!!??). Does anyone call the turn (!!??)

Hand 3:

This hand involves the same Asian and is mostly a hand for lols but don't let the reuslts in this hand affect your answers to hand 2 because this came much later in the session.

Pre: Our older Asian friend limps UTG, a weird Asian guy who has been minraising a lot and betting 1/5 pot on flops minraises, and I make it $100 in the BB with AKss. The older Asian comes along and the weirdo folds.

Flop: ($220) Ax87ss. Yummy. I check, and the older guy (who has loosened up a bit but is still reasonably solid) bets $300, leaving himself $1,050 back. I call.

Turn: ($820) Ax87ss4x. I check, he bets $700, I jam for $1,050 total and he folds getting 8:1.

Discussion points:
LOL @ the cab story, you're a good human being.

1A) I don't hate the snap fold, he prob has 9X or a draw he's not interested in folding. The times you're wrong hurt a lot more, are probably a lot more frequent, and don't compensate for the times you're right.

1) Fold flop if you're snap folding on the turn vs a player who prob isn't raising T9 otf. Described player doesn't seem like the type to find out where he's at, and I think it's optimistic in this situation. That being said, I probably never fold in real time otf, but I think I always know I should be considering it way more heavily than I am.

2) My only qualm with this hand is preflop, I like squeezing obviously vs two loose players, but hate this particular hand to do it with, esp when we're going to be OOP. Other than that, wp, and obv preflop can't be that bad.

3) He just knows you have AA exactly and unfortunately doesn't have 56 or the right pot odds to call with a set. He could call with the flush draw but the flush card might pair the board, so prob better to just be safe here and fold in his spot. NH.
,000 in 14 days - Commerce, CA Quote
07-20-2010 , 05:37 AM
What are the poker tables like at the Crown in Melbourne and what is the BI rule there for 500nl or 1knl? Do they allow 100bb?
,000 in 14 days - Commerce, CA Quote
07-20-2010 , 05:47 AM
@ rnb - 500 minimum / 1500 max, tho they also spread a 400 game. $400 buyin only.
@ Elisavet - I was there during the millions so there was tons of action, but there should be 2/5 every day ($500 max) and I'd guess 5/10 on the weekends but maybe evenings as well (that game was $500-$2k iirc, and very often was with a mandatory straddle so it played big)
@ all - Stayed in Irvine for one more day of MTTs as backer wanted me to play 1k monday. Final tabled Turbo hundo so that was good, but I really need to get back to Commerce for the challenge. Going back tmrw morning for sure. Goal is 10-11 hrs per day for the next 4 days to get some hours in. Also need to get some exercise in
,000 in 14 days - Commerce, CA Quote
07-20-2010 , 06:42 AM
Ok rum on your Day 3 debacle. =-)

Hand 1. Id bet/fold $220. Your still geting called by worse Qx and some worse pairs.Obv a raise only reps an 8 but as an 8 is a big part of villians range I'm sure we can fold.

Hand 2. Pornstar refs are hilarious, things like this make your blog sooo interesting to read.
You have a book in you man .Seriously!!
I think calling the 3bet is absolutly questionable.but not terrible.
Your read on this guy makes it very +ev for you to play pots with him so your call down is actually very impressive.nh sir.

Hand 3. I'm sure you almost always have the best hand here although I wouldnt be at all surprised to see her roll over QQ+ in this spot.
Her flop raise vrs too playes is almost always for value but hardly ever a 2 (which i dont think she ever raises or 99 which I dont think she raises.
In fact she will prolly call A9 in this spot.

The range i giver her for raising the flop is TT+/AK/AQ .
I would call the flop, and if she fired again on the turn, it would be close , but id prolly make a nitty fold.

Good luck today sir.
,000 in 14 days - Commerce, CA Quote
07-20-2010 , 08:00 AM
**** the commerce, stupid ass $1/$2 games and my friend runs bad @ $10/$20 NLH
,000 in 14 days - Commerce, CA Quote
07-20-2010 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by rumnchess
Sunday Wrap-Up

Michael Vick recently won a humanitarian award. 2Pac is still alive. Rumnchess had a winning Sunday.

These three scenarios all seem about equally unlikely, but I did in fact conjure up a winning Sunday of MTTs. Part of my online downswing the last few months has been maintaining around even from Monday-Saturday (without rakeaback) and then promptly losing 3-5k every Sunday, from MTTs and the ensuing tilt they create.

Happy to report that I made two final tables last night, coming 8th of 1200 or so in the $75 rush for $1,700 and winning the 30rebuy for $8,300. Overall up about $6,500 on the day.

Before I get to Day 3, I'll answer a few questions.

@Those that want to raise the river in Day 1, Hand 4...I'm really not a fan. I think even this opponent can talk himself into folding a King here. I could be wrong but I think at least 50% of the time or so, he bet/folds a king when I jam. It's possible he would've bet bigger on the river with a FH, but QQ still seems like one of his most likely hands based on how the entire hand was played. His value range on the river is just so narrow and I'm not convinced that JT is sufficiently ahead of it, or at least ahead of the range that calls my shove enough of the time.

@Hagbard celine - I thought you played well at Mirage. There were a couple goofy thins you did with sizing, like when you made that giant 4bet vs. me preflop, though I suppose if you want to avoid variance that sizing is OK as it assures you will never get flatted. I thought the way you played the JJ vs me as fine / optimal. Personally, I'd probably open just a few more pots, but as you could probably tell I play pretty hyperlag in live cash. Was good to meet you too, and hope to see you around again at the tables!

@Savatage - I'm being stake at the moment so "bankroll" is not a concern per se. I've never had a stoploss though generally if I'm getting killed, there's a point where "I can't take it anymore." I might've pushed the envelope a bit on Saturday.

@csstevens - Def think a flop raise is fine and could be best. Have heard some pretty decent arguments on both sides of that, but lets just say at the end of the day I'm fine with my decision to flat (and likely raise a lot of turns or rivers; even though I didn't raise riv when I boated up :P)

OK...deep breaths...

Day 3

Daily Profit: ($6,380)
Total Profit: $($4,740)
Hours Played: 9
Total Hours Played: 22
Total Hourly: ($215)
Daily $SIT: $19 (probably $11 of this is tips to the chip runners)
Total $SIT: $63
Self Grade: B-

[I]OK. Where to begin? Ironically this session was not marked so much by a series of enormous coolers or bad beats, but rather by a period of nine hours where I can't recall even once getting two streets of value out of a hand let alone three. Multiple times I was forced to bet/fold flops, rivers or turns. I stone cold whiffed an extraordinary amount of flops and either c-bet/shutdown, or just shutdown.

I give myself a B-, factoring in a bit how I would expect my play to deteriorate under the circumstances. I definitely played badly, but I thought I kept my composure to some extent at the end. I took a few breaks to take deep breaths, eat hot dogs (rum, you fool), and do pushups (that's more like it).

Crucial, Interesting, or Entertaining Hands

Hand 1:

Preflop: I open AQo to $35 UTG+1 and get called only by a loose-passive Asian who has amassed a stack of $5,500 by dispatching of the table whale, and by routinely rivering strong holdings after calling down with little chance to improve.

Flop ($85): Q86 rainbow. I bet $45 and he calls me fairly quickly. Poor choice of bet sizing here - I think we can all agree something in the $50-65 range is better vs. this player as he's never folding any piece to a bet like that. $55 is probably optimal to ensure he calls with a gutshot or a 6.

Turn ($175): Q86 9. I fire out $100 and he snap calls me. At this point I'm feeling thrilled with my hand as he's the type to raise any two pair or straight here, but flat all his one pair hands. Again sizing is a bit small, especially on that card which might give him extra equity.

River ($375) Q86 9 8. Not the best card as I think 8x makes up a decent portion of his range. Nonetheless, I think it's a pretty clear bet/fold. Before I reveal the results here, I'd like to see what people like with sizing. Does anybody not bet/fold? Who check/decides? (I think check/fold would be awful if he bets small and check/call would be pretty bad if he bombs it). Does anyone bet/call?

Hand 2:

There is a couple that often plays at the Commerce who a friend of mine dubbed "the pornstars." They do in fact look like they might work in the porn industry. I've played with both quite a bit and they are an interesting twosome. The female pornstar, who posesses quite possibly the largest breasts I've ever seen in my life, is a very friendly woman who is pretty quiet at the table and somewhat erratic as a poker player. The male pornstar is somewhat arrogant and hates to be bluffed or owned in a hand.

This hand involves the male pornstar.

Pre: I open A2dd to $45 over 1 limp. The male pornstar, sitting $700 deep, 3bets me to $130 in position. He has a history of 3betting me quite wide, though I've often just folded to his 3bets. I'm already a bit on tilt and decide to call. Before people berate me on how bad of a call this is (shove or fold, rum, and just're 70 bbs deep for god sakes!), I understand that this is a theoretically incorrect call but I'm often willing to take some spots that are slightly -EV for the purposes of long term metagame. I'm also on tilt and have two cards that can make a straight flush with just three more to come! I call.

Flop: ($295) K52 rainbow with a diamond. Not an awful flop for me given that I believe his 3betting range to include a lot of hands like AT-AK, KQ-KT, QJ-QT, and maybe some speculative suited connectors, as well as some pairs. Obviously not a great flop, but I check, he bets $140, and I call.

Turn: ($575) K526. I check, he bets $410, and after about 15 seconds of thought, I call. I've learned over time to trust my poker instincts. I've made a lot of big "hero calls" playing live, and I've been right more than I've been wrong. In fact, I think my instincts about people are far and away the strongest part of my game. The tilt I induce when I own people in this fashion is also very +EV, and I feel little to no shame when I'm wrong, so there is no inverse -EV associated. In fact, I'm usually very happy to confidently roll my four high bluff when called, as I enjoy seeing the looks of confusion on people's faces as they're trying to figure out what kind of straight a 43s makes on 976K2.

But even if we dismiss these supposed "instincts" as rubbish, lets analyze the hand from an academic standpoint. What sorts of hands is he really shoving here? Certainly JJ or QQ are almost certainly checking back, perhaps with the intentions of picking up bluffs on the river, or perhaps with the intentions of making a tough river decision if I lead. He could be turning a smaller pair into a bluff, certainly, but I don't believe this player is 3betting small pocket pairs, so he'd have to have something like 54s or A5o, but I think even these hands are often either checking the flop or checking the turn.

Anyhow, I called, and the river was an offsuit 9 and he said "one pair" and looked reluctant to roll his hand. I waited for him to roll his hand, as the rules state that in an all in situation the all in player should roll first. In any event, a third player stated that he wanted to see both hands so I rolled my hand and he rolled A9o.

Would I have posted this hand if he had AK instead? Absolutely. I want to try to post the most interesting hands I play, period. If he had shown AK, I still would not have regretted calling, because I know a lot about the psychology of this player. He hates to get owned, and he is willing and capable to run bluffs so that he will "not get pushed around". He hates to give up on a pot when he's already invested a lot of money into it.

In fact, I recall a hand a month or two ago where I raised JJ and we saw a four-way pot. It came AQ3 and we all checked to the male pornstar, who bet 100 into 150 and it folded back to me. I probably should have folded right there, but I called. The board ran out bricks, and I called down, including a large bet on the river, and he showed AK. While my flop call is extremely marginal (read: bad), I think my calldown was correct vs. this player as he absolutely cannot stand giving up when he has the initiative.

In any event, this 3outer rattled me probably more than it should have, and, coupled with an extraordinary amount of-strong starting hands whiffing flops, led to some poor play. By the way "ownage EV" usually only works when you win the pot, so even though I technically did own the male pornstar, he was definitely less likely to tilt after this pot than I was. Humans are inherently results oriented!

Hand 3:

Pre: I wake up to JJ in the HJ and raise to $65 over two limps. The female pornstar calls, as do both limpers.

Flop: ($275). 922dd. One of the limpers leads out for $85. He's an older guy and he's likely leading a lot of hands like 66-88 to "see where he's at", as well as some 9x and some FDs. I flat. The female pornstar now surprises me by raising to $285. She sometimes makes moves when checked to (earlier in the session I c/c two streets after raising pre on AKT6 with KJ and ended up chopping with her J9s on a Q river), but rarely makes moves in multiway pots. That said, I can say confidently that she doesn't have any 2x in her range, other than maaaaybe A2s, and that she doesn't play nines full this way. The leader folds and I call.

Turn: ($930) 922dd 3x. I check, she bets $500 leaving herself $500 behind. I hmmm and hawww and finally decide to jam. She humms and hawws and eventually calls. What do we think she has here? How do we feel about my play in the hand? I'll include the results later in the thread.

Hand IV AKA The Worst Played Hand in History:

I won't even include any commentary here because I think we can all see why this hand was played terribly by me. After this hand, I decided that I was clearly sufficiently rattled from losing 600 BBs in the session, and decided to pack it up.

Pre: I raise JTss over two limps to $50. Both players call (one is the LP Asian).

Flop: ($165) 663ss. Checks to me and I check back my FD.

Turn: ($165) 663ss Ax. The LP leads for $60 and I call.

River: ($286) 663ss Ax 2x. Both check. He rolls over QTo and scoops the pot.

I leave you humbly with this tragedy of a session. However, the last 24 hours have been good to me. I had a winning Sunday, and I just saw Inception, which was a phenomenal film. Ellen Page was my best friend from the age of 11-15, and she's become a truly incredible actress, and someone I can confidently say will never lose her humility or forget her roots. DiCaprio was fantastic as always. This movie had everything -- plot, character development, intellectual components, complexity, badass action sequences, and aesthetic appeal. The ultimate film really, and it's easily found it's place in my top 5 list.

Today I'll play Day 4 (I've decided to count days by Days that I play, and not calendar dates, though I anticipate only taking one more day off play). Don't think I've given up on the goal, and I expect to put in very high volume over the next few days.

1) $280 or $310. B/f is the way to go, IMO.

2) NH. I actually like this call a lot based on player description, and the fact that he's probably the type to bluff with A hi quite a bit in this spot, so we have a blocker as well. I'm often wrong more than I am right when I make hero plays. It's like I'll think about the hand, come to the correct conclusion, then look for an excuse in their body language to make the opposite play.

3) Seems perfect based on all your reads, I'm guessing she got tricky with Qs+ based on the story.

IV) Wow I thought that last hand was going to be so much worse, but yeah I see your point, you of all people who knows you don't need to do balance to avoid being exploited should just always bet flop here. Turn and river seem OK to me, you could raise turn, because your hand looks a lot like A hi OTF and you can likely have AK when he almost never can. Betting river is so blehhhh cuz you get snapped by an ace so often.
,000 in 14 days - Commerce, CA Quote
07-20-2010 , 02:54 PM
good luck rum, stay away from super turbos!
,000 in 14 days - Commerce, CA Quote
