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05-21-2011 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by River1Time
poker is against every positive instinct of human nature
Pretty ridiculous sweeping statement to make without any real justification.
05-21-2011 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by Masq
Good for you, it's a pretty unhealthy way of life and can be very consuming. gl with your other endeavours and you are in a fortunate position many people your age would love to find themselves in.

Originally Posted by EasyMoney92
Yea Ridiculous how degen I am!

Our first year counts 10% also, which absolutely sucks, and I am also close to failing , but pretty sure I won't. **** online poker is a bitch. Literally not sure what to do now, but pretty sure I'm not gunna quit online pokerz
that sucks ur first year counts. mine counted for nothing but 2nd year is 25% and im pretty sure i'll be failing some parts of it at least lol. some obvious advice - make sure at the start of ur 2nd year you go for it and get involved. i made the mistake of putting in no effort at all so basically in a whole year at uni i've learnt nothing and just blagged it all to get by. now i look back i really regret not making the most of it just because i was too lazy. once you start of the year bad its so hard to get back into the swing of it.

Originally Posted by veeRtje
Thanks for the update tom, I love the way you can write down your thoughts and and everything. You seem to see things kinda black or white though.
thanks, im not very good at writing i just type what comes into my head
05-21-2011 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by EasyMoney92
Haha. Really interesting insightful post mate. I feel the same way on alot of levels, in terms of poker taking over my life. I don't play as high (I play NL100-200 with about $8k), but it has taken alot of work and time to get there, and I really feel it's not been worth it. My studies have suffered; I used to be a straight A student, and got into Warwick to do Maths and Physics, which is a pretty prestigious degree at a great Uni, yet I'm likely to achieve like a 2:2 this year (my first year), and that's just not good enough. I love my friends and life at uni, but I like you, make excuses to be alone and grind, and I rarely think about anything else, and I'm so lazy with all other aspects of my life because of this. It's very inspiring to me how you can just drop online poker like you're doing, after having so much success (you have £70k at your age is amazing).

I'm really not sure what my plan is for the future. I would like to say, I'll cash out my money, and be happy with what I've made; I'm pretty sure I'd live a fuller and more healthy life without it, but it's such a hard thing to just drop it completely, when it's become such a big part of my life and daily routine. I'm pretty sure I'll continue to grind a bit this summer (not as much as at uni, as my parents don't know I play so will have to be discrete), but then I may well take a long break, as I can just feel my life slipping out of control gradually, and it's just not cool.

I also at one point had alot more money (about $14k, but I've gradually lost it back, swung horribly up and down (biggest losing day of $5k was devastating for me)), and that kind of annoys me. It's like I need to get back to my highpoint before I call it time for a break. I know this is degenerate loss-chasing thinking, but that's what poker does to me.

Anyway, as I say great post, and excellent thread. Wish you the best of luck with whatever you do in the future, and keep us posting if anything exciting happens! Cheers,
E&M is a bitch, make sure you revise for that pretty hard.

Nice thread sleepingtom.
05-21-2011 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by Acetylcholine
Pretty ridiculous sweeping statement to make without any real justification.
Yup. Im just talking about my own experience from poker. Won lots of money but mentally I was broke, depressed and ****ed up because of poker. Now I have studied a lot tilt control and mental part of game and feel ready again to play.
05-21-2011 , 12:12 PM
Good luck, interesting to hear your thoughts, can definitly relate to a chunk of it
05-21-2011 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by Revi
woah that was a hard post to swollow. I'm pretty young myself and I've just started my poker journey. I always looked at this thread as an inspiration, but from your recent post, the view from the top isn't what I'd thought it would be. If someone can make £100k playing online poker (most of our end-goals) and still be unhappy, I'm not sure how I should take that. Should I cut my losses now and learn from your mistakes, or ignore your post and hope to make £100k like you did by 19/20 y/o?
I'm not unhappy. I'd say i was fairly happy but have had some seriously dark times in my life up to this point. They have been poker related and non poker related. I'd say keep going, Poker is an amazing game with no end to what you can figure out. It teaches you things like nothing else does in some ways and I think a lot of them are almost indescribable. You gotta do what you want and feel is right so i;m not going to tell you to not play anymore. You should realise yourself what true potential you have and make sure you do everything in your power to get there. This is something I never did because im too unstable in my head. GL anyway.

IFS, thanks. will keep checking your thread as always to see your progress, gl.


Just went to the casino with £250 to play 1/2. Fold the first 4 hands then get A10o. Raise to £16 pre flop 3 callers (lol). Flop JQK rainbow. I bet 25 1 call everyone else folds. turn 6s so two spades. The guy shoves I snap river 8s he has J7ss and wins,

Next hand I raise to £16 with JQo. Flop JQ3 it gets all in 3 ways and i lose to 910 and K10 A on turn 8 on river.

Waste of time but i reckon i'll start going there pretty much everyday buy in for the max £500 and rape everyones soul untill i'm the only person left who plays there because no ONE CAN HANDLE THE HEAT BRO.
05-21-2011 , 03:24 PM
Thanks for the reply. I'll take a few days to re-evaluate how I'm going to spend the next few years I'm at an age where I can start studying whatever area NOW and I'll have a good advantage over those who only start thinking about making money when they move out. I'm 17 now, so I could put a few years into poker and by the time I'm 20 I'll have a solid 3 year advantage. Or I can cut poker and focus on something else, to get an advantage elsewhere (stockmarket/investing/watever).

Will still be following the thread. It'll be interesting to see what you turn this into.
05-21-2011 , 04:08 PM
we get it your 17, christ.

gl in the future tom shame you're ending it, this thread was one of many procrastinating sources I've been using to put of revising.

did you ever coach or get coached? any thoughts on that if not?
05-21-2011 , 05:18 PM
Yeah you have made a good decision. Whilst the poker community and twoplustwo in particular think that winning loads of monies online gambling is the be all and end all, 'real' people tend to think that playing online poker all day is a bit sad.......Good luck in whatever you do.
05-22-2011 , 09:41 AM
You're just at that level where you've hit a downswing that's made you stop and think and at this point in time all you can think about is losing £41,000. Therefore, all the dark times and how you (now) despise High Stakes players etc is a judgement based on your loss.

If you were at £120,000 right now and hadn't suffered the downswing this thread would still be in full throttle and you would be playing just as much.

Poker is about overcoming and accepting downswings which is something that takes a lot of mind control/will power to achieve and is more difficult for someone who has won so much so rapidly.

This thread is definitely one of the better ones in this section and was well worth reading.

gl in the future. I'm sure you will be playing online again at some point.
05-22-2011 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by sleepingtom

that sucks ur first year counts. mine counted for nothing but 2nd year is 25% and im pretty sure i'll be failing some parts of it at least lol. some obvious advice - make sure at the start of ur 2nd year you go for it and get involved. i made the mistake of putting in no effort at all so basically in a whole year at uni i've learnt nothing and just blagged it all to get by. now i look back i really regret not making the most of it just because i was too lazy. once you start of the year bad its so hard to get back into the swing of it.
this x1000, i *****ed around alot in my 2nd year and now this year ive had to get 7 high 1sts out of 8 modules to scrape a 1st in my degree. in your final year u will look back and wish you had worked harder because the work is way less intense in 2nd year. still managed to play a ***** tonne of poker tho.

work hard play hard IMO
05-22-2011 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by cowboygaybets
we get it your 17, christ.

gl in the future tom shame you're ending it, this thread was one of many procrastinating sources I've been using to put of revising.

did you ever coach or get coached? any thoughts on that if not?
thanks/. yea i had like 1 proper session. tbh if you are gunna get coaching i think the most important part is how dedicated you are to it yourself. i wasn't able to put in the work needed to make it work. i also find talking to complete randoms on the internet extremely weird especially an awquard 1 to 1 session.

Originally Posted by AntonioCassano
Yeah you have made a good decision. Whilst the poker community and twoplustwo in particular think that winning loads of monies online gambling is the be all and end all, 'real' people tend to think that playing online poker all day is a bit sad.......Good luck in whatever you do.
thanks. i agree with what you say.

Originally Posted by Vexed?
You're just at that level where you've hit a downswing that's made you stop and think and at this point in time all you can think about is losing £41,000. Therefore, all the dark times and how you (now) despise High Stakes players etc is a judgement based on your loss.

If you were at £120,000 right now and hadn't suffered the downswing this thread would still be in full throttle and you would be playing just as much.

Poker is about overcoming and accepting downswings which is something that takes a lot of mind control/will power to achieve and is more difficult for someone who has won so much so rapidly.

This thread is definitely one of the better ones in this section and was well worth reading.

gl in the future. I'm sure you will be playing online again at some point.
i agree and disagree with this. yes i agree if i had £120k i would still be playing and carrying on. i honestly doubt it would have been for that long though. i really was getting sick and tired of being on my computer surrounded by the lifestyle online poker forces you into. i disagree that my negative feelings towards high stakes are as a result of my results recently. every single time i open a poker lobby i feel sick with what i see. i can hardly even get over some of things that happen. thanks for the support, im sure i will play online at some point again but i doubt i'll be playing any $70k pots anytime soon lol.

went back to the casino tonight. sat at 1/1 with £250. lose £50 raising and cbetting with air. game gets put up to 1/2. win quite a few hands and get back up to nearly £400. Fold for about an hour then i say to myself last hand cus im UTG then im peacing out. OBV get AA. Raise to £15 like i have been doing every time and get 3 calls. Guy in BB shoves for £70 more i call. Everyone else folds one other person calls. Pot is about £200. Flop 345 i bet £75 other guy shoves i snap call have him covered by £80. he has 67 for the flopped nut nut and i lose a ****ing gain 5 - 600£ pot. people say online is rigged im pretty sure live is a lot worse I'm gunna keep going there everyday and bring on the rape so bad. havn't seen even 1 remotely good player yet.
05-23-2011 , 06:51 AM
that the g in manchester your playing at tom?
05-24-2011 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by sleepingtom
thanks/. yea i had like 1 proper session. tbh if you are gunna get coaching i think the most important part is how dedicated you are to it yourself. i wasn't able to put in the work needed to make it work. i also find talking to complete randoms on the internet extremely weird especially an awquard 1 to 1 session.

thanks. i agree with what you say.

i agree and disagree with this. yes i agree if i had £120k i would still be playing and carrying on. i honestly doubt it would have been for that long though. i really was getting sick and tired of being on my computer surrounded by the lifestyle online poker forces you into. i disagree that my negative feelings towards high stakes are as a result of my results recently. every single time i open a poker lobby i feel sick with what i see. i can hardly even get over some of things that happen. thanks for the support, im sure i will play online at some point again but i doubt i'll be playing any $70k pots anytime soon lol.

went back to the casino tonight. sat at 1/1 with £250. lose £50 raising and cbetting with air. game gets put up to 1/2. win quite a few hands and get back up to nearly £400. Fold for about an hour then i say to myself last hand cus im UTG then im peacing out. OBV get AA. Raise to £15 like i have been doing every time and get 3 calls. Guy in BB shoves for £70 more i call. Everyone else folds one other person calls. Pot is about £200. Flop 345 i bet £75 other guy shoves i snap call have him covered by £80. he has 67 for the flopped nut nut and i lose a ****ing gain 5 - 600£ pot. people say online is rigged im pretty sure live is a lot worse I'm gunna keep going there everyday and bring on the rape so bad. havn't seen even 1 remotely good player yet.
What are some of these things that you see that are turning your stomach in the mere lobbies of the sites? genuinely intrigued mate.
P.S Well done on making a sizeable profit so far out of poker, sounds to me like you could really do with that euro trip with your friends, but then again everyone is different, maybe you are done, who knows better than yourself.
Anyway, would love to hear some of these things you are so disgusted with on how these sites are being ran, PM?

GLGL mate
05-24-2011 , 08:20 PM
Very Good Thread GG.
05-30-2011 , 05:49 AM
hey tig cool thread man. sick ride. why'd you delete me from facebook?
05-31-2011 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by cowboygaybets
that the g in manchester your playing at tom?
yeah thats the one

Originally Posted by Gambit90
What are some of these things that you see that are turning your stomach in the mere lobbies of the sites? genuinely intrigued mate.
P.S Well done on making a sizeable profit so far out of poker, sounds to me like you could really do with that euro trip with your friends, but then again everyone is different, maybe you are done, who knows better than yourself.
Anyway, would love to hear some of these things you are so disgusted with on how these sites are being ran, PM?

GLGL mate
a number of things. if you screen shot any poker sites lobby from 5/10 up hu and 6max or keep checking the tables its ridiculous what happens. what i think is more ridiculous is the sites seem to be run by complete idiots who offer no solutions. if i owned a site i would be on websites like this making changes straight away and being completely honest with players at all times. no shady business is necessary. if i was a total fish noob i would not play online poker.


Originally Posted by Pkr_Gambit
Very Good Thread GG.

Originally Posted by El P
hey tig cool thread man. sick ride. why'd you delete me from facebook?
hi thanks.did you used to stake me once upon a time on stars for 50nl and i lost? btw i didnt delete you from facebook i deleted my account because i hate facebook now lol

hows things going with you?
05-31-2011 , 03:35 PM

Almost busto......

Since last time i updated I haven't been back to the casino. Instead I deposited $5k to ongame 4 ****ing times and lost everyone. The worst is that on the final one i got back to even then lost it even still. Played 50 100 lost a 20k flip with 77 to AK then funnily enough i lost another $15k flip or something with my AK to his 77. **** i hate ongame.

Anyway So i now have £50,000 exactly in my savings account plus about £6k in my normal bank. My mum rang me today and she has a property which she rents out. She can't sell it for some legal reasons but the guy who lives underneath the property is the reason for this. He's just offered to sell it for £65k so i'm giving my mum £50,000 to buy it so she can finally sell the other one. Ivebeen in a bad mood for about 4 days and now feel good again for doing this. She seemed happy.

So I have £6k to my name and by June 19th 2012 I plan to have that back to £100k again. Plus i get the £50k back frommy mum next year too. My self exclusion on FTP ends june 26th. I'll be depositing £5k prolly and grinding 100nl like a coal miner untill i have $15 - $20k for 1/2. Then its on baby. Going to commit to this big style. will be updating the thread with graphs etc regularly.
05-31-2011 , 03:51 PM
cool. looking forward to following this again. and that was a nice gesture for your mum as well :P
05-31-2011 , 05:17 PM
... made it a week without playing... glad to see updates in this thread again.
05-31-2011 , 05:26 PM
in b4 busto...

jkes, in b4 epic!!!
06-01-2011 , 04:18 AM
Great thread and very nice gesture to your Mum. Good luck with the grind on the way back up, what you Ongame SN btw?

Last edited by Goooosey; 06-01-2011 at 04:25 AM.
06-01-2011 , 09:47 AM
Why not buy the half yourself and make some profits? then you can buy gifts for your mom.. Much more fun to know her son takes care of her now and will also when she's too old than just handing her money
06-01-2011 , 09:52 AM
Obviously you're a great player better than me, but honestly most your views are just bs you are trying to justify. You stopped playing because of all this stuff you see going on, then went to play live 1/2. That is sounding like an addiction if anything, especially given u seem to have u turned already.
Take a month off imo
06-01-2011 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by chilin_dude
Obviously you're a great player better than me, but honestly most your views are just bs you are trying to justify. You stopped playing because of all this stuff you see going on, then went to play live 1/2. That is sounding like an addiction if anything, especially given u seem to have u turned already.
Take a month off imo
shhh bro. the epic degeneracy itt is what makes it!
