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 to 10k playing SnG jackpot  to 10k playing SnG jackpot

08-07-2014 , 09:51 AM

I’ve been playing poker for more than 5 years now. I would say I’ve had quite a bit of success for low-mid stakes over that time period. I’ve played various forms of poker and have success to variating degrees in all of them. I’ve done 180s man, 9 handed sng, 6 handed sngs, HU sng, live cash games, mtts.

Over the years, my biggest issue has been bankroll management. Recently I bought a house and renovated. On top of that I went to Vegas and got back last Monday. I didn’t plan my things well and had some extras for the renovations. I have quite a bit of money now on my credit card, which I should be fine to pay in time as I do work full time. Having said that, I have mortgage payments and car payments. So I cannot afford to make any more deposits online right now.

I love mtts, but to be honest, right now I can’t handle the variance. Nothing makes me tilt more than playing mtts without a proper bankroll. When I came back from vegas I only had 10$ online and told myself I could not deposit. After quite a bit of thinking, I decide to take a run at the Jack pot SnG on full tilt. The main reason for this is I’ve had Heads-up training with one of the top SnG hyper turbo heads-up players (BernardC) not too long ago. I’ve always had a strong feel for the heads-up game as well. Having played this jackpot sng, I noticed they were extremely soft even up to the $10. I obviously haven’t had the chance to play $50. They are most likely more reggie but because of the format, I have a feeling they still have a decent quantity of fish.

The other thing I love about these is that they don’t take forever to play and its generally pretty easy to get a game started regardless of the time I play it. I hate the fact that MTTs pretty much needs you to have a full day in front of you.

Bankroll building strategy (SnG Jackpot)

0 to $215: $2 SnG Jackpot

$215 to $830 : $5 SnG Jackpot. As long as I don’t go under $500, I will allow myself to play $50 worth of mtts on Sunday.

$830 to $4500: $10 SnG Jackpot. As long as I don’t go under 1k, I will allow myself to play $100 worth of mtts on Sunday.

$4500 + : $50 SnG Jacpot. As long as I don’t go under 5K, I will allow myself to play $200 worth of Mtt. When I get over 10k in bankroll, I will be allowed to play up to $500 on Sundays.

*Note: About a month ago I qualified for the Montreal Open. I will be playing this at the end of the month. Might be selling some action. I haven’t decided yet. I will be swapping some with a buddy of mine though.


Since last Tuesday (August 5) I’ve been only focusing on SnG Jackpot. My goal is to play at least 1 hour a day with an hour a day of work on my game with ICMizer which I have been doing so far.

Since then, I’ve managed to build up my bankroll from $10 to $150 playing only $2 SnG jackpots. I’ve looked at the charts for the ratios of getting the multipliers on the Full Tilt website and I’ve been getting a higher than normal amount of $4 prize pool and have not been running very well. Average at best.

Overall Strategy

Never play more than 3 games at a time. The reason for this, is I take a lot of notes. Because you get the same opponents regularly, this gives me a huge edge. Especially in the early stages of the game when the stacks are 20~25bb 3 way.

I’m extremely aggro as you might have guessed but will adjust pretty quickly. If I notice I’m getting reshoved a lot, I will employ a limping strategy a little more. I love playing postflop in these formats. If villain and I have more than 15bb effective stacks, I have a lot of ease to put him on hand and am not afraid to put pressure if I think he’ll fold.

I’ve only seen a few decent players. So I tend not to employ a very loose shoving strategy. Although I know the math behind it and am very familiar with what is profitable in shoving/calling ranges and adjusting to my opponents, I have a bigger edge in playing postflop even when the stacks are shallow. Against some opponents, I will event go as far as limping when villain has as low as 7bb. I may get blasted for this, but vs. a villain that never shoves when you limp and releases an extremely high % of the time to a min bet on the flop, I don’t see any reason to lower my edge vs. him with shoving even when the stacks are quite shallow.

I will try to post on a daily basis. Worst case I will post at least once a week
 to 10k playing SnG jackpot Quote
08-07-2014 , 09:58 AM
Best of luck! Subbed.
 to 10k playing SnG jackpot Quote
08-11-2014 , 11:17 PM
Bankroll is up to $285. Been playing the 5$ for a little bit now.

Games are extremely soft. Haven't seen much a difference in the game. Been making some more charts for different player types.

Haven't been running well in the 20x multipliers. Got 5 this week and stacked off as a 75% favorite in every single one of them :P
 to 10k playing SnG jackpot Quote
08-12-2014 , 02:59 PM
Forgot to add. I work on my game during my lunch breaks.I've been pretty consistent at putting about 1 hour a day.

Made some more charts. One of them is thatI wanted to check the reshoving range for a looser raiser that also calls light with 20bb. Pretty much what I expected.

I'm up to 20$ in rakeback for the week already
 to 10k playing SnG jackpot Quote
08-14-2014 , 10:03 AM
Bankroll at $285

Broke even yesterday. Although i must admit I wasn't feeling super sharp. For that reason I was only 2 tabling instead my usual 3-4.

Lost a flip in a 100$ one. AQ < JJ
 to 10k playing SnG jackpot Quote
09-23-2014 , 12:37 AM
Let's see some graphs

Good luck btw!
 to 10k playing SnG jackpot Quote
09-23-2014 , 01:14 AM
Looking forward to this challenge, gogo 2000x!
 to 10k playing SnG jackpot Quote
