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10,000th Post: SNE 2012, Jdawg91 Style (+ more!) 10,000th Post: SNE 2012, Jdawg91 Style (+ more!)

12-26-2011 , 02:25 AM
We were 30 bbs deep each (about even stacked at T150, 4500-4500), cejakas is pretty aggro HU, 300 > 800 > pile

As I said, super std spot
12-26-2011 , 02:48 AM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
ftr, 90% of regs suck
If you really believe this, why are you playing $30 hypers?
12-26-2011 , 02:50 AM
I'm quite new to this, so I'm pretty much parroting stuff from the ST HU great players here. 30bb is a little deep for me to be certain what I'm saying, ST HU is 25bb as I'm sure you're aware. I'll certainly just openjam 22-55 at 30bb though.

For 30bb, the 4bet jam is pretty much standard once you get 3bet. minr/folding and flat calling for 30% of stacks are both horrific obv. But seriously consider just openjam, it likely has the greatest expectation. seeing a flop is pretty much a disaster, 2x / calling is worse than openjam (presuming he'll jam wider than call an openjam, pretty safe assumption). Mersenneary has some good vids out on this topic.
12-26-2011 , 02:52 AM
Originally Posted by ssletten10
If you really believe this, why are you playing $30 hypers?
do you see higher stake hypers being offered atm?

when there are...ill be in them

lol, nice try at taking a jab at me tho!
12-26-2011 , 02:53 AM
Originally Posted by _dave_
I'm quite new to this, so I'm pretty much parroting stuff from the ST HU great players here. 30bb is a little deep for me to be certain what I'm saying, ST HU is 25bb as I'm sure you're aware. I'll certainly just openjam 22-55 at 30bb though.

For 30bb, the 4bet jam is pretty much standard once you get 3bet. minr/folding and flat calling for 30% of stacks are both horrific obv. But seriously consider just openjam, it likely has the greatest expectation. seeing a flop is pretty much a disaster, 2x / calling is worse than openjam (presuming he'll jam wider than call an openjam, pretty safe assumption). Mersenneary has some good vids out on this topic.
Thx for the info, definitely makes sense. I'll have to keep that in mind
12-26-2011 , 03:08 AM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
do you see higher stake hypers being offered atm?

when there are...ill be in them

lol, nice try at taking a jab at me tho!

I was not "taking a jab" at you, just asking a question.

In the post I quoted you from you were talking about 500s, 1ks and 2ks (turbo stts I assume) and you were saying that 90 % of regs suck. If they do, I was just wondering why you arent playing those games on a daily basis. With 90 % of the regs sucking it would make more sense for you to play them instead of $ 30 hypers, no?

Note: still not "taking a jab" at you, just asking a question.
12-26-2011 , 03:16 AM
Originally Posted by ssletten10
I was not "taking a jab" at you, just asking a question.

In the post I quoted you from you were talking about 500s, 1ks and 2ks (turbo stts I assume) and you were saying that 90 % of regs suck. If they do, I was just wondering why you arent playing those games on a daily basis. With 90 % of the regs sucking it would make more sense for you to play them instead of $ 30 hypers, no?

Note: still not "taking a jab" at you, just asking a question.
Yea my bad for attacking you, as soon as I posted it, I said to a friend on skype "**** i just made a super dickish remark in my pg&c".

The games are usually not this soft, not this soft by any means. Usually $100+ stt's are regfested to death, but this weekend is super soft with a lot of grinders back in the US celebrating the holidays. The 2k was 100% the softest of all 4 high stake games I played (2 500s/1 1k/1 2k), I had a few guys watching and they couldn't believe what was going on. A really good HS reg got KO'd right away and then it left me and Nationstation on 2p2 with 3 huge fish; unfortunately I lost a key flip for 1/4 but hey, **** happens!.

The softness of the games will not be sustained though + I would never get in enough volume just game selecting $60+ sng's if I were to do it long term; it was just something that was super +EV to do this weekend and probably will continue to be the rest of this week with a lot of grinders back home. I will definitely make more money in 2012 mass tabling and hitting elite, even if I were to lose on the tables pre RB.

I shouldn't have said "90% of regs suck" but should have instead said that 90% of regs are playing a certain number of tables that makes their play static and not hard to adjust to/defend. When I'm sitting here 2-6 tabling, I feel like I'm playing amazingly. Today, I ran a 26/21/9% 3b and a 16/12/5% 3b at T20, I felt like I was playing awesome. Now, when I'm sitting there mass tabling hypers, I turn into one of the 90% of regs that have pretty damn static ranges, miss spots, dont play postflop poker well, etc etc.

Once again, sorry for the dick reply last time, I misread the tone of your post and overreacted
12-26-2011 , 03:24 AM
No problem, easy to misunderstand people online. Ty for answering and gl with getting SNE in 2012.
12-26-2011 , 03:43 AM
lykD is the best in that game

8superpoker is a very big fish tho, probably makes it atleast 0% for the rest of the game on its own
12-26-2011 , 10:02 AM
the games were not that soft

8superpoker and monk were the only actual fish.

they were def way tougher than the 30hypers, which are unreal soft imo (i prob only played 100 hypers) i would go as far to say that even with small edges achievable in the hyper structure, I would still have around the same edge (roi wise 3%?) in a 30 hyper as any of these 1-2k's we played.

even chokitin is not rly a huge weak spot

chokitin 854 -$5.4 $288 0% -$4,608 Tilt N/A PokerStars E6-6 Spd=T SNG Only x
chokitin 6,582 -$1.03 $147 2% -$6,754 Tilt 74 PokerStars SNG Only x

although i dno wtf he had when he called 2 big barrels vs me in lv1 after i iso him and bet on t9ccxx board... dno if you remember that hand.

Last edited by nationstation; 12-26-2011 at 10:04 AM. Reason: also, all the regs are def bad (not due to multitbling imo , they play very few tables) including me.
12-26-2011 , 10:26 AM
yea i mean eitherway i think you made a mistake of just labelling everyone a fish lol
there def were some super soft 6m sngs today but don't think the 1k u posted is a good example at all. agree a lot of the regs aren't very good.
12-26-2011 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by ssletten10
No problem, easy to misunderstand people online. Ty for answering and gl with getting SNE in 2012.
Yep nps, sorry again!

Originally Posted by nationstation
the games were not that soft

8superpoker and monk were the only actual fish.

they were def way tougher than the 30hypers, which are unreal soft imo (i prob only played 100 hypers) i would go as far to say that even with small edges achievable in the hyper structure, I would still have around the same edge (roi wise 3%?) in a 30 hyper as any of these 1-2k's we played.

even chokitin is not rly a huge weak spot

chokitin 854 -$5.4 $288 0% -$4,608 Tilt N/A PokerStars E6-6 Spd=T SNG Only x
chokitin 6,582 -$1.03 $147 2% -$6,754 Tilt 74 PokerStars SNG Only x

although i dno wtf he had when he called 2 big barrels vs me in lv1 after i iso him and bet on t9ccxx board... dno if you remember that hand.
I would have to respectfully disagree with you on your post. I played 1 of the 500s with chokitin that I don't think you were in, and he made a couple wtf calldowns, I think I had him running like a 26/15 or something stupid (in terms of vpip/pfr gap) overall and thought he was pretty awful, but certainly not as big of a fish as monk or 8superpoker.

Also, once again, not to be a dickhead but its going to sound like I'm being one, you u pretty Fing tight (not going to post your actual stats since that would be out of line but your overall vpip/pfr/3b% was tighter than my 5-9 handed play in a 9man...maybe you were just carddead, idk) throughout the games and when I'm sitting there 2-6 tabling, definitely don't mind you at the table because as I was saying last night, it's not hard to rlly adjust to 90% of regs play.

Originally Posted by OMGClayDol
yea i mean eitherway i think you made a mistake of just labelling everyone a fish lol
there def were some super soft 6m sngs today but don't think the 1k u posted is a good example at all. agree a lot of the regs aren't very good.
Yea the 1k was probably the toughest of the 4 games I played imo.
12-26-2011 , 04:08 PM
i was card-dead

i 3bet you with k3o so not that tight!

also i was on tiny laptop w no hud, so harder to adjust

Last edited by nationstation; 12-26-2011 at 04:09 PM. Reason: didnt know you were backed and assumed you were scared money
12-26-2011 , 04:10 PM
K3o probably a value hand against my range if it was bvb or button on blind

Oh and even if it was my own money, I'm not ever going to be scared money. I'm both a strip club degen and a poker degen :P. I've lost almost every penny I've had when I was younger doing stupid **** with my money like playing Icevenom at 1k/2k HUsngs
12-26-2011 , 04:25 PM
12-26-2011 , 06:30 PM
no but srsly, when i say best, i mean dont reg when he is regging

12-26-2011 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
K3o probably a value hand against my range if it was bvb or button on blind
12-27-2011 , 08:02 AM
chokitin is def a fish in that game imo

game is def worth it, but the other 3 regs are prob better than you, although i havent played much with jackziyang

Last edited by haagel; 12-27-2011 at 08:07 AM.
12-27-2011 , 09:49 AM
I'm smelling some spite calls in the near future..
12-27-2011 , 06:46 PM
FT bubbled the $3 6m but shipped the $5^4 to make this a profitable MTT sesh!

And today got even better cuz its turbo night!
12-27-2011 , 06:56 PM
cliffs on challenge?

assuming you have reached SNE?
12-27-2011 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by usernameslol
cliffs on challenge?

assuming you have reached SNE?
he is going for SNE next year.

he has supernova this year having been on lock for a while...
12-28-2011 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by hotwings18
he is going for SNE next year.

he has supernova this year having been on lock for a while...
thanks + good luck for 2012 OP
12-28-2011 , 07:36 AM
looks like JDs doing better on mtts
why still RB hunting?
12-28-2011 , 12:39 PM
^to all reading this thread! do it!@
