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10,000th Post: SNE 2012, Jdawg91 Style (+ more!) 10,000th Post: SNE 2012, Jdawg91 Style (+ more!)

09-06-2012 , 03:16 AM
Didnt grind much more, pretty tired after a couple hard days of drinking. Going to bed soon and getting in a big grind tomorrow

Dont forget to buy action of me in the wcoop me and this weekend's NLHE wcoop events, would be sickkk to play the ME, would gladly use my 1 time with investors for 80%

Sick vid that one of the Costa Rica grinders made....they had a 7.9 earthquake hit earlier today and had to go to higher ground....then most ended up continuing to grind and Francis 'The Lag Rat' Anderson ended up getting 2nd in the 1k wcoop event, gg Franny! Huss Huss!

edit: Franny is pictured in the vid at 6:50 when the 3 other grinders show up, the big guy is ImdaNuts/GettinDaize, franny is the 3rd and didnt recognize the first guy offhand but mighta been telks (munchenHB/CuteIsWhatIAim4)

Last edited by slayerv1fan; 09-06-2012 at 03:42 AM.
09-06-2012 , 03:46 AM
09-06-2012 , 09:17 AM
i like you and its gonna sound very dic*ish but here we go:

why the hell do you sell your action with MU, i know you are +ev mtt player (as well as any 7$+ sng reg becasue of lol_level_of_mtts), but you dont have results to back it up, your down like 50k lifetime in mtts on stars, and down in mtts overall, so why the hell this MU and to make it worse as high as 1.25 -1.3 in some of them?!? rly
/di*kmode off
gl nevertheless
09-06-2012 , 09:46 AM
You said it... he's +ev... plus, if people are going to pay for that much markup..why wouldn't he charge that much.
09-06-2012 , 09:55 AM
buyer beware imo.
09-06-2012 , 10:34 AM
you also pay for the sweat and for the entertainment provided in the thread(s)
09-06-2012 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
Welp, been failing it up the last few days but gonna try to put in a big grind tonight. Been pretty uncomfortable grinding the last few days, moved my setup to the living room to hopefully be more comfortable....most of the time couch grinding sucks but these leather couches + 4 pillows to support the back=the nuts. Think I'm gonna like my setup here and I'll be able to grind to DVD's/TV all day (sun).

Anyway, been failing it up, bout time to get dem vpps!
I don't know how you guys do it with these model/pornstar wallpapers, if I even see a god damn maybelline commercial I'm jackin' it 12 seconds later.
09-06-2012 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by luckproof
I don't know how you guys do it with these model/pornstar wallpapers, if I even see a god damn maybelline commercial I'm jackin' it 12 seconds later.
+1 esp with some latex-clad hottie on the screen
09-06-2012 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by dybboss
i like you and its gonna sound very dic*ish but here we go:

why the hell do you sell your action with MU, i know you are +ev mtt player (as well as any 7$+ sng reg becasue of lol_level_of_mtts), but you dont have results to back it up, your down like 50k lifetime in mtts on stars, and down in mtts overall, so why the hell this MU and to make it worse as high as 1.25 -1.3 in some of them?!? rly
/di*kmode off
gl nevertheless

Okay, so you realize my MTT sample is pretty insignificant and I for the most part play huge field, PS mtts right? That means there's insane variance that takes a longgggg time to even out.

MTT's are very soft (in terms of the competition you play on avg) compared to my normal games, and if I'm at least b/e pre RB in them while playing a ton of tables, I'm hugely +EV in most tourneys at midstakes levels and clearly +EV in any SCOOP/WCOOP etc. I'm not trying to say I'm one of the best mtters out there because I'm clearly not, but in these ridic big WCOOP fields with tons of droolers, my long term ROI is going to be 50% at the minimum

No need to defend myself though, it's an open market and I'll sell at whatever I want to, nobody's forced to buy
09-06-2012 , 11:38 AM
I think Josh prob sets his markup so the tournament is worth his time playing if he sells out. Whether thats too high or not is up to he buyers but you cant expect him to set it low and lose money by playing the tourney over his normal games.
09-06-2012 , 12:38 PM
How's it going dude ?

Can I get a VPP count ,skype/pm if you don't want to post it here

Thank you
09-06-2012 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by Zima421
was so mad at the other post itt I forgot to congratulate you, congratssss! huss husssssss

Originally Posted by luckproof
I don't know how you guys do it with these model/pornstar wallpapers, if I even see a god damn maybelline commercial I'm jackin' it 12 seconds later.
Originally Posted by Matt Crocker
+1 esp with some latex-clad hottie on the screen
hahaha legit lol'd at this

Originally Posted by demetri1978
How's it going dude ?

Can I get a VPP count ,skype/pm if you don't want to post it here

Thank you
431,879.93 right now. Have 28,186.48 on the month, have to be at 36,000 by the end of the night tonight to be back at my 'personal' pace for the month
09-06-2012 , 03:27 PM
I don't normally get involved in these type of things but I gotta add a little post re. dybboss' comment about selling action in WCOOP.

If a $7 sng reg is +ev in MTTs then a guy who grinds the $60 - $200 super turbos (along with many other great players) is surely massively +ev?

And being $50k down in MTTs isn't telling much of a story about the ability of the player without knowing the average buy in. Jorj95 lost loads in the WSOP this year - doesnt mean it wouldnt be sensible to take a piece of his action. If the average buy in is $1k and you lose $50k thats not even a significant blip in MTTs.

Dont mean to start up an argument or anything - just think the comment was a bit uncalled for and perhaps a little misleading (although the poster obv mentioned that despite his remarks this player is +ev).
09-06-2012 , 04:18 PM
didnt want to start sh*tstorm, just got annoyed by "Dont forget to buy action of me in the wcoop me "
it just sounded in my head like some salesmen in tv commercial "come on folks, this is special offer, dont forget to dial.." and then i clicked the links and saw MU of top tier 7 fig mtt reg.
But hey, best mtt players in the world can lose lifetime in those huge fields, amiright

as long as there is demand, go ahead, i am sure its a great investment with ton of value !
09-06-2012 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by dybboss
didnt want to start sh*tstorm, just got annoyed by "Dont forget to buy action of me in the wcoop me "
it just sounded in my head like some salesmen in tv commercial "come on folks, this is special offer, dont forget to dial.." and then i clicked the links and saw MU of top tier 7 fig mtt reg.
But hey, best mtt players in the world can lose lifetime in those huge fields, amiright

as long as there is demand, go ahead, i am sure its a great investment with ton of value !
lol you're a bigger ****ing idiot than I thought, theres plenty of guys selling at much higher MU's than me for all WCOOP events, especially the ME. Most guys are selling the ME at 1.2 or 1.25, some even a tad's not the MU of a 'top tier 7 fig mtt reg.'

you're also completely out of line for even bringing it up, its a free ****ing market

****** dolt
09-06-2012 , 05:54 PM
I feel so uncool/out-of-the loop with the terminology being used in this and other threads. Thank goodness for the Urban Dictionary.
09-06-2012 , 05:57 PM
you're an old man!

lol jk, <3 <3
09-06-2012 , 06:46 PM
dont worry jdawg, i suspect dyboss is young_jedi, would make sense imo
09-06-2012 , 07:22 PM
lol at someone bringing this **** up at all. If you had a problem with his MU either STFU about it and don't buy or PM him.

please ship it and laugh
09-06-2012 , 07:43 PM
i mean, people can question the mark-up if they want. not sure a blog thread is the right place at all though. this is supposed to be a thread where jdawg posts about his own grind/banging hookers/blow.

not gonna comment on the MU, as people can buy whatever they want (supply demand sweat factor etc).

Dont really think being a hyper reg has anything to do with mtts at all though. plenty of guys are good with 10bbs. and are terrible with like 30+.
09-06-2012 , 08:05 PM
This was posted in another PG&C thread, pretty motivating stuff

09-06-2012 , 08:12 PM
If you wanna be profitable in the sng stakes he plays you gotta have post flop skills, knowing how to play 10bb deep is not enough... And in big field tournaments like the ME a huge percentage dont know how to play at all, so if you are a winner at the 60's+ there is no chance you are not profitable in mtts like wcoop, sunday million, etc..

ship 500k and pwn the haters imo ;D
09-06-2012 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by TrankiNLVida
If you wanna be profitable in the sng stakes he plays you gotta have post flop skills, knowing how to play 10bb deep is not enough... And in big field tournaments like the ME a huge percentage dont know how to play at all, so if you are a winner at the 60's+ there is no chance you are not profitable in mtts like wcoop, sunday million, etc..

ship 500k and pwn the haters imo ;D

again, not saying jdawg is or isnt a good buy at what he is selling, just so many people have no idea about this stuff and are just spouting nonsense
09-06-2012 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by Zima421

again, not saying jdawg is or isnt a good buy at what he is selling, just so many people have no idea about this stuff and are just spouting nonsense
I'm not saying that if you are a hyper sng reg you can outplay mtt regs, but you dont need to 5bet bluff every spot against good players, etc to be +ev in big fields mtts. Maybe the wcoop ME is an exception, but if it is like a sunday major with a lot of satelite winners, knowing how to play 25bb deep gives you enough edge over the avg player to be profitable imo.

This discussion seems kinda offtopic anyway

I insist, ship ittttttt (plus I wont have you at the tables anymore ;P)
09-06-2012 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by TrankiNLVida
ship 500k and pwn the haters imo ;D
I approve of this
