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1/3 Grinding and Bankroll 1/3 Grinding and Bankroll

06-12-2019 , 01:04 PM
I like the AA hand; unlucky.

Nice QQ hand too, at least you held on that one!

Also cool with the fold on the KQ hand until you have better reads (though not a fan of the preflop result).

1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
06-13-2019 , 02:10 AM
I woke up today just not feeling myself. A little down, lethargic, not sure why exactly. Went halfheartedly to MGM to grind out a session, but to be honest really could have used a day off. Headache started when I arrived. Checked out the Advil at the kiosk by the escalators only to find out it costs $7.41 for 10 tablets. No comps accepted? No thank you.

Thankfully the session otherwise went well. Opened AJo (eww...but 6-handed MP1 gimme a break!), got value from worse Jx over two streets on J-5-3-Q-K. River bet, even when checked to, would have been too thin IMO. 3! same player IP with AKo $80, he calls, flop AK8cc, he x/c $70, turn Tc, he x/f to my jam. Table to my right looks much better after a couple recs bust, so I get permission to switch. Limp 33, rec BB $25, two calls, flop A-4-3r. BB $60, I $200, BB calls, turn T. X/c $235 AI, MHIG. Gave a little back calling raises with 99 and 3! KQcc and whiffing but ended up $515 in a couple hours before calling it, grabbing some shake shack (had missed the chick'n shack!), and meeting some friends in nearby Crystal City.

I'm on good terms with many of the pros in the poker room now that I am a known commodity, which is nice. It's also nice to see that most of them play like I do, so their ranges and betting patterns are pretty face up. It's almost like playing myself! I have areas to improve obviously but I can tell I am getting better when I know almost exactly what someone is holding a lot of the time given how they played the hand.

Took some motrin for my headache when I got home, cuddled the dogs, and now to watch some WSOP event on pokergo then sleep. Yawn.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
06-14-2019 , 05:29 AM
Lost $350 in 8 hours this time. Got JJ EP, got 3!, folded. Opened TT UTG, got 3! yet again (different table), folded. Really hard as a short stack to do anything else with these hands. Can't setmine, will be in trouble on a lot of flops. Either jam or fold. I had no reason to think Vs were getting out of line either time.

Got AK, V rivered his double-gutter and I bet-folded to his river jam. Limped TT EP, called $45 raise (straddled pot), missed. Got AK/AQ a couple times and missed too. Lost a couple $25 bomb pots. That's pretty much it. Last table was fun and upbeat until I started to doze off. It was 4:00 a.m. after all.

Last edited by DumbosTrunk; 06-14-2019 at 05:54 AM.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
06-14-2019 , 02:03 PM
I think when you raise and as a short stacked you will get 3-bet with a wider range against most villains. Then you would if you were deep... .. Just something to consider IMO..
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
06-14-2019 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by bruce@lfb
I think when you raise and as a short stacked you will get 3-bet with a wider range against most villains. Then you would if you were deep... .. Just something to consider IMO..
Why? Seems suicidal to me to 3! a ss without the goods. Maybe they think I'm clueless myself when I open to $25 UTG+1 over one limper? (That's the hand I got 3! with JJ.)
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
06-14-2019 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
Why? Seems suicidal to me to 3! a ss without the goods. Maybe they think I'm clueless myself when I open to $25 UTG+1 over one limper? (That's the hand I got 3! with JJ.)
I mean I think you're probably reg enough in your room by now that if you're getting 3! by someone you've seen for more than a few hours, you have to consider the possibility that they perceive you as weak-tight and willing to fold.

I'm not necessarily saying to change what you're doing (both JJ and TT seem borderline spots to me for 60bbs) but I think considering to buy fuller so that you could play them postflop for sets or overpairs might be worth doing. The other thing is if you think somebody is 3-betting you light you may need to just stick it in with 99-JJ, which isn't great, and part of why I might say to just buy deeper.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
06-14-2019 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by BlindingLaser
I mean I think you're probably reg enough in your room by now that if you're getting 3! by someone you've seen for more than a few hours, you have to consider the possibility that they perceive you as weak-tight and willing to fold.

I'm not necessarily saying to change what you're doing (both JJ and TT seem borderline spots to me for 60bbs) but I think considering to buy fuller so that you could play them postflop for sets or overpairs might be worth doing. The other thing is if you think somebody is 3-betting you light you may need to just stick it in with 99-JJ, which isn't great, and part of why I might say to just buy deeper.
True, after last night I was contemplating buying in deeper for the reasons you said. Also, I am starting to get stack envy of others who are doing really well with the max buy in lately. Might give it a whirl tonight, will see.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
06-14-2019 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
Why? Seems suicidal to me to 3! a ss without the goods. Maybe they think I'm clueless myself when I open to $25 UTG+1 over one limper? (That's the hand I got 3! with JJ.)
I think- Most thinking players realize 3 betting more than just AA, KK and QQ is a good winning strategy.. If you have 1,500 in your stack and 3 bet a short stack that has like $300... You don't have to worry about playing for stacks. It isn't like you are going to be able to put him in some gross spot for his stack.

I am just saying it is something to consider. I only play 1/3 but, I have noticed that I get 3 bet a lot less when I am deep...
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
06-14-2019 , 06:48 PM
Before getting ready and heading out for POKER ON A FRIDAY NIGHT!!!! I wanted to make a little gratitude post.

It's important to always be thankful for the people in my life who have helped me. My psych team has been so helpful to me over the past couple years. Sadly, my time with them is coming to an end soon. (It's a short-term program.) I'll have other avenues of support moving forward, but it will be sad to say goodbye. I started with them at one of my - if not my absolute - lowest point in life and now I am happy, healthy, and generally in good spirits with friends and family surrounding me all the time. I know I deserve a lot of credit for how far I've come, but I also know I could not have recovered without their instrumental assistance.

I ordered a plant for them. A peace lily. Bought a nice pot to boot. I didn't really think about it at the time, but the whole gift is pretty symbolic of my recovery. For those of you artistically inclined, you know that blue is the saddest color. Thus, the pot represents where I started when I first walked into their doors. Depression. Isolation. Despair. As you move up, you find the green leaves and stems: life and rebirth. And finally, at the top, the white flower. A symbol of inner peace. Peace lilies are renown for their ability to purify the environment.


I'll always be thankful for the people around me who have touched my life for the better.

Last edited by DumbosTrunk; 06-14-2019 at 07:11 PM.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
06-15-2019 , 08:06 AM
As Jaman Burton would say, time for a mid-session update.

2/5 black AA got cracked by I’m pretty sure 99 on 995ccQcQd runout when tight V jammed river for $500.

Played 5/10, got oversetted with 77 on K74r-K-J runout in 3! pot. I almost just called river OOP but went for the c/r and he jammed I called for $275 more and was felted by quad kings.

Made $300 back at 1/3 but lost that at 2/5 again getting rivered by draws (not paying off) and missing. Stuck $1k.

Almost went home but then decided to stay for promos running this morning. Gonna be a long session!
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
06-15-2019 , 02:39 PM
End of session update: ran it up at 2/5 near the end, so down just around $150 or so overall - 16 hours. Feels like a win. Exhausted.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
06-15-2019 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
16 hours. Feels like a win. Exhausted.
Do you mainly play at night because your a night owl that enjoys being up at night? Or, is it because you think the games are more lose at night which makes the overnight games softer and easier to make more money?
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
06-15-2019 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
End of session update: ran it up at 2/5 near the end, so down just around $150 or so overall - 16 hours. Feels like a win. Exhausted.
Win any promos?
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
06-15-2019 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by bruce@lfb
Do you mainly play at night because your a night owl that enjoys being up at night? Or, is it because you think the games are more lose at night which makes the overnight games softer and easier to make more money?
It's no secret that wherever you play, the games are generally better at night. Many of the biggest donors tend to play in the evening/overnight hours.

Promo hours are also usually pretty good since the promos attract a broad swath of player types. I wouldn't call myself a night owl anymore, although I used to be one. I actually prefer playing earlier sessions to maintain a normal sleep schedule and be up during daylight hours.

My overall experience playing during the day/afternoon has been mixed. I'd say the games are tougher overall.

Last edited by DumbosTrunk; 06-16-2019 at 12:04 AM.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
06-15-2019 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by BlindingLaser
Win any promos?
Nah, not this time. Would have been completely unstuck if I did though.

Quote of the night (along with condescending eye roll): “You know there were other boats out there, right?”

- 5/10 player at 2/5 table after game broke (commenting on river c/r 77 v. KK hand)

Now that my schedule is completely backwards (hopefully this will be remedied over next day or two), I guess I'll be heading back tonight for a late session, probably 1/3 since I am a little burned out.

Last edited by DumbosTrunk; 06-16-2019 at 12:17 AM.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
06-16-2019 , 01:13 PM
Good session. Up $1,002 in 9 hours. Biggest hand of the night was AKcc $15 EP, two callers, BTN 3! $105, I flat, HU. Flop: T94cc. I x/c $100. Turn: 2c. I lead, he jams, I snap, I cracked AA. Sweet. Best part was V was somewhat of a rival who always calls me out for being a nit. (Even though he's a peddler himself. But I consider it to be a friendly rivalry.) That's pretty much it. Now a nap before Father's Day lunch. Happy Father's Day!
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
06-16-2019 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
Good session. Up $1,002 in 9 hours. Biggest hand of the night was AKcc $15 EP, two callers, BTN 3! $105, I flat, HU. Flop: T94cc. I x/c $100. Turn: 2c. I lead, he jams, I snap, I cracked AA. Sweet. Best part was V was somewhat of a rival who always calls me out for being a nit. (Even though he's a peddler himself. But I consider it to be a friendly rivalry.) That's pretty much it. Now a nap before Father's Day lunch. Happy Father's Day!
I would of folded AA on that board on the turn. would of played AKcc the same way as you.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
06-16-2019 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
Good session. Up $1,002 in 9 hours. Biggest hand of the night was AKcc $15 EP, two callers, BTN 3! $105, I flat, HU. Flop: T94cc. I x/c $100. Turn: 2c. I lead, he jams, I snap, I cracked AA. Sweet. Best part was V was somewhat of a rival who always calls me out for being a nit. (Even though he's a peddler himself. But I consider it to be a friendly rivalry.) That's pretty much it. Now a nap before Father's Day lunch. Happy Father's Day!
Way to take em to value town. Given the action and likely perceptions, even with AA on the turn, V likely doesn't beat anything you x/c flop and lead here for value. Unless you are floating with Ac and turning it into a bluff. NH.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
06-16-2019 , 07:37 PM
Yeah. I needled him after the hand. "Nice jam on the turn!" I said. Heehee. (He had slow rolled me earlier with QQ v. AK 3! pre and checked down. I said "Ace high." "You're good," he replied. "Really?" "No.")

And he always says I'm the fish who should go back to 1/3.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
06-17-2019 , 07:26 AM
Up $32 today. Not getting big hands, missing, not a whole lot to report really. Got a double with AKs in 3! pot but that was all. Meh.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
06-19-2019 , 03:28 AM
Another meh session. Up $700 until clueless player 3! pro to $50 for second hand in a row (last time was with Q9hh AI for $200 and he made flush against AK), I 4! AKo $125, clueless calls, HU. Flop: 8-5-2r. X/x. Turn: A. I jam $275 effective, he calls with A5hh for 2p :/

Clueless player leaves, we are short-handed and this unknown suggests 5/10 for rake reasons, we agree. Short-handed 5/10 is not my specialty. I bow out within 30 minutes, but not before bleeding down over $150. I played way too tight for this game.

Play some 1/3, the only other game available, make a little, until 2/5 re-opens and I join that. L/rr KK, fish calls $105 (I have $200 behind), flop T-8-3, I jam, he calls with TT for top set and I get stacked. All my profits for the session are wiped out. Bleed down a little more before calling it, down $250. Thankfully I hit lucky table for $200, so only down $50.

Just woke up (3 AM). Hopefully today my schedule will be reset today.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
06-19-2019 , 04:29 AM
I forgot to mention last session 2/5 looked pretty meh early on so I played PLO. Cliffs: flopped sets, Vs turned or rivered straights. Lost $250. THIS GAME IS RIGGED!!

Couple milestones: my first orange chip and nearing my one-year anniversary since I started tracking my results in the Poker Income app:

I am really proud of my 2/5 results. Small sample size, but after 404 hours I'm right around 9.3 bb/hr. I've definitely made strides as a player.

Or . . . ?

Last edited by DumbosTrunk; 06-19-2019 at 04:37 AM.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
06-19-2019 , 12:10 PM
No DT, you've definitely made big strides.
And great thread also.
Keep it going!
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
06-19-2019 , 12:28 PM
Nice start to 2/5!

1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
06-19-2019 , 12:32 PM
Thanks guys! Grinding 1/3 now. 2/5 started kinda rough today so moved down.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
