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1/3 Grinding and Bankroll 1/3 Grinding and Bankroll

05-17-2024 , 12:06 AM
Late start today, needed the extra zzz's after a few lame sessions I guess, feeling sorta crappy when I woke up and popped a tylenol for a mild headache, feeling a little better even if a bit nauseous watching some poker vlogs and phil helmuth blow ups. Even small changes to my sleep schedule can mess with my body. Been having more chest spasms too, like heart skipping a beat lately. colluder husband has bee deliberately seat changing next to me lately after the petition was sent, I was worried he had a device to send radiation or other bad brain waves in his jacket pocket lol.

Doing really well anyway this month, no reason to complain and many reasons to be thankful.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-17-2024 , 05:05 AM
Another meh start today, lost TT in a 3! pot at 5/10/25 before plo where I lost AATT to colluder wifeÂ’s KK all in pre, lost with set to straight and I had back door nut flush draw, lost Ks full to quads as well. The game quality has not been great the past few days either. Also lost KK876ds in 3! pot on 589r to JTT35, 53 runout. And just lost an AA to AKQ53ds all in pre for $675 lol

Last edited by DumbosTrunk; 05-17-2024 at 05:20 AM.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-18-2024 , 12:42 AM
Game broke and I played 10/25, lost stand up game once, beat it once jamming A9o over some limps, was very card dead the whole time and very frustrating. Railbird came by and made a snarky comment about how short everyone was sitting in the game and not in the greatest mood by now I told him to put up or shut up (more or less) and asked him to stop railing the game and he left.

Plo opened up again a few hours later and I made a little rebound before the action player self-transferred off our game and the game broke and I left for the day stuck again, but not as much as I was an hour before. Got ATT93ds all in pre against action and flopped quads, some other smaller pots too.

Colluder husband often says mean things like did you take your medicine and “he’s not connected to reality, he’s psychotic.” Obviously very hurtful to me in particular. Last night he accused a player of going south he had lost a pot to, even though the player had lost a lot to someone else in the meantime. I chimed in “he’s seeing things, he’s not connected to reality,” and he got upset and called the floor who said players are allowed to talk to their neighbors. I was laughing so hard I could not contain myself. He has no power over me.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-18-2024 , 09:50 AM
Booked a good win at 10/10, AAKQ9ds held five ways pre all in, then bled down card dead for a while and called it a session when I got tired. Also won at 1/2 5 card chipping up here and there. Pretty nice rungood day, needed it!
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-18-2024 , 08:29 PM
Good start to the day, lattes, laundry music, getting flamed by strangers online...the usual, lol. (Two plus two can be such a supportive community sometimes!)

Glad I booked the nice win last night, it was starting to get a little depressing there for a minute and on the verge of turning into a downswing.

People ask what good is professional poker and is it ethical. I've had my moral qualms about the game myself. Then I reflect on how much the game has given to me over the years, from friends and acquaintances and travels, and of course the money and financial security. Not to mention a way to earn a living for someone who didn't quite fit in to the regular 9 to 5 routine due more or less to disability. For me these things have been a real blessing that have kept me going all these years. So for all the costs associated with problem/pathological gambling, there are a lot of societal benefits for a lot of people like me too which are nothing to sneeze at. I could be much worse off right now but instead I am doing something I enjoy and am good at, giving me self-fulfillment and a purpose in life. I tell people all the time who ask if I travel that I have no need to travel because I am happy here, which is true.

So people who think poker is evil and a net negative, remember there are a lot of people out there who derive a huge benefit from the game, making their lives much better off. Keeping someone like me occupied and mentally well counts for a lot when the alternatives are often so dreary and dire.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-19-2024 , 03:40 AM
Just 3! AAT82ss and folded to a 4! and a cold 5! jam for $11,000 and would have been scooped by action player’s KK. Running hot!!
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-19-2024 , 06:10 AM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk

“he’s not connected to reality, he’s psychotic.” Obviously very hurtful to me in particular....

... He has no power over me.
The contradiction is pretty obv here

Why do you value some random idiots opinion at all?

"Who insults me, is my decision" (freely translated from german)
Thats an old citation from Klaus Kinski, and that approach would not only suit you very well, too.

Last edited by Parasense; 05-19-2024 at 06:24 AM.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-19-2024 , 06:19 AM
^^I meant by giving him a taste of his own medicine I felt empowered. Obviously his comments were hurtful at first.

Played 10/10, as soon as I sat down action player said he was sitting out, so I was probably going to quit soon. I get it in twice in the meantime with QQTT9ds and AKJ92ds and break even. I say "see, I've been all in twice already without AA!" Then he asks if I'll do a flip for $3,000 and I counter for $1,500 and we agree. We break even in flips and we keep playing, so it seems like the flips turned him around on me. One hand the blind $300 is on and I open to $1,700 with AJ985ds and get it in against a set with a double gutter and mid pair and lose the main pot but chop the side. Also witnessed a $40,000 pot get scooped by action player's AJJ98, and I folded so-so AA pre to him once and it saved me my entire stack. I go on to win with top set a couple times and lose a couple AAs and call it a good night again.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-19-2024 , 06:28 AM
Now that you explain it...

I should have understood that when reading it, am just in bad mood, sry.

Hope you at least like the citation, and keep doing well.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-19-2024 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by Parasense
Now that you explain it...

I should have understood that when reading it, am just in bad mood, sry.

Hope you at least like the citation, and keep doing well.
Yep, I like the citation, thanks for the good reminder.

Earlier than usual start today, which is fine because I prefer to start my day earlier anyway if possible. I feel like I crossed another weird milestone last night with the $1,500 flips and side bets on the $100 waterfall for time, giving more action to appease the action players and stay in the game's good graces. It's hard enough to get a seat as it is, you don't want the action player hating you on top of it for being too tight. Flips are neutral EV and I guess I am ok with them within reason, as long as there is no risk of ruin.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-19-2024 , 11:40 PM
Slow start today, ran bad after a good start and then pushed some dead money around but the dead money was more alive than I expected and I got it in marginally. Then lost a multi-way all in shove fest with a ds T high rundown but won AKQQ9ds on A75r. Currently down a few hundo.

Edit: just got pretty lucky with KJJT9 on K63hh, iso’d dude I thought had the nfd and ran into a slowplayed middle set…river J..!
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-20-2024 , 05:31 AM
Wound up booking a good win at 1/2 5 before a seat finally opened up at 10/10, and literally my first hand I am dealt a monstrous AAQJTds and get in in four ways and scoop with top two on each board. Win another AA all in pre, chop another one, then lose flopped second nut flush on A-high flop to nut flush against a blind hand (lol) and called it a night up a tidy profit. For just 7 hours of sleep I am pretty impressed with myself!
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-20-2024 , 09:04 PM
Got solid sleep, exercise and music to start the day, stretched, used my back roller (the best…!), then hit the tables. Needed the extra snooze to make up for the other night and recoup from a few draining high stakes sessions in a row. They take way more energy out of me than the lower stakes games. More concentration and focus needed and more money on the line, and not nearly as much room for error. I’m not playing perfectly but well enough. Also game selecting and trying to get into the better of the two big games. Working out well. It’s already turning out to be a break out year.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-21-2024 , 02:13 AM
Pretty slow session but honestly a nice respite from the crazy big gambling lately. Lost a couple AAs all in pre multi-way then won set over set and lost a little back. Up a little right now just coasting.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-21-2024 , 04:13 AM
Been folding a lot and had a revelation that rather than being upset at being card dead I can be happy that I am not in a high stress situation where I have to wager chips and enjoy the break. Playing poker hands is stressful, but folding is not.

Also just taking a second to recognize myself for my cool accomplishments getting to this level of poker in a relatively short span of time. I can really say it was worth it!
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-21-2024 , 07:28 PM
A little runbad last night - literally and figuratively. I was not able to transfer to the juicy deep game because our table became short-handed and it was going to be a while before our game filled up anyway, so I just quit so get some sleep and not completely ruin my sleep schedule. Booked a small loss losing AA +flopped nut flush plus straight flush gutter to top set in 3! pot to table fish, also a couple bluffs called. Between that and the AAs all in pre it wasn't going to be my night, so I just racked up rather than play in a much lower-quality game where I would probably lose to the nits hoping for a seat in the good game.

Beautiful weather we're having lately. Not much better feelings than gradually waking up with a few lattes in a sunny room!
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-21-2024 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
Been folding a lot and had a revelation that rather than being upset at being card dead I can be happy that I am not in a high stress situation where I have to wager chips and enjoy the break. Playing poker hands is stressful, but folding is not.
I do the same - wow, two hours of easy decisions without a difficult spot!
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-22-2024 , 03:58 AM
Not the best day, won a little at the smaller game until called for 10/10 and lost KKQJ8ds all in pre to A66 and dsAA against another AA and non-AA and AKQ86ds with my nut flush draw on KT2 to TT at a low spr. Got a double with AA654ds against other 64 on A352, 5 otr. Game broke. Back at the small game trying to grind some of the losses back now.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-22-2024 , 09:19 PM
Bad dream I was stuck piles in a hold 'em game and getting upset at this nit rec who flopped a set in a big pot against my top top...! Truly a nightmare.

Woke up super late for some reason, I usually sleep in after a losing session actually. Must be depression related to the loss.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-23-2024 , 03:35 AM
Lost an AQQJds multi-way all in pre with the best hand preflop and my opponents with bleh low hands for the side pot blocking each other, pretty slow and uneventful session otherwise, just enjoying the mental break derived from folding a lot. Waiting for the game to come to me and the next upswing….

Given all the personal attacks that come with making yourself vulnerable by posting on this site and the sometimes spotty moderation in the other forums, moving forward I will be limiting my 2+2 contributions to this thread. I’ll be posting the interesting things that happen at the tables as before but I won’t be soliciting the community’s input in the other forums anymore. (Anyone is welcome as usual to chime in here.)

This thread has been a positive force for me lately and a credit to my success. Thanks to everyone following along and contributing supportively.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-24-2024 , 01:13 AM
My couple bluffs didn't get through yesterday, I lost some in preflop all ins, lost AA862 on 579dd to a draw, lost OP+OESD to set, won one all in multiway QQ987ds, won a dsAA, won a top set against two straight draws, so made a comeback from my worst and ended stuck much less by the end. Finished the session with this nit reg starting me down while he tanked in a small pot trying to get whatever read he wanted before potting...I am just never paying this guy off no matter how hard he looks at me!

Schedule is totally out of whack now as I played a longer session to get unstuck.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-24-2024 , 01:52 AM
Forgot to mention last night crotchety reg always bickering with players sits down and his rec neighbor is pissed at him for trying to get this woman at our table picked up for seating herself when it was open seating (reg had a transfer to our game but waited over an hour to speak up). They start arguing and the rec calls the floor and then kicks his chair hard, pushing him away, in front of the floor, lol. Floor politely asks him not to do that. Then other floor comes over and tells them both if they say one more word she's kicking them both out, the reg pipes up again "why should I get banned when he kicked me?", and she says they're out. Reg says he wants to file charges against the rec and security gets involved, it was quite the show. They both ended up getting the boot for at least the night. A lot of us regs at the table were hoping to free up some seats given who was on the list, lol.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-24-2024 , 09:04 AM
Stuck after being up pretty decent, sorta frustrating, lost top pair and overs to top two in 3! pot spr under 1 (45/55) and AQJ88 against mega whale’s QQ432 all in pre (he would also call with much worse). Currently stuck a few hundo again. Didn’t play 10/10 as I arrived late and game broke soon anyway, it would have been annoying to get stuck in that game and have to grind the small game.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-24-2024 , 05:58 PM
Ended up winning a few hundo after losing AJT83ds to 56889 on Q72dd my flush draw 4! Pot pre shipped flop he called and runner runner nut straight for him. Then lost to same player AQQJ2ds all in pre with dead money overlay to his KKQ32. Took a break to recharge and eat lunch, came back fresh and running good, making JJs full and getting paid. It’s turning out to be a long session but I’ll crash early tonight and wake up at a relatively normal time so I can be up during the day again. I hate waking up when it’s already dark and love sipping my lattes in the sun!
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-25-2024 , 06:57 AM
Lost top two double fd to set+fd, then a seat opened up at 10/10 and even though I had been playing all night and day I took a seat to try to make the long session worth it, and thankfully it worked out this time. Split AAnfd and wheel gutter to set multiway all in ott, won AQQ nfd multiway on J94hh, won nfd and pair to top set second nfd, to name a few. Ran good and played fine and made a tidy profit on the long 20-hour day! Woke up a bit earlier than I anticipated, but at least it's daylight out.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
