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1/3 Grinding and Bankroll 1/3 Grinding and Bankroll

03-01-2024 , 02:37 AM
Trying to have fun while playing too lately, fun action guy plays long sessions, when he scoops a big one yells "swing the money!" and I told him I hoped he won a big one so I could hear him say it lol. He won one against me and said it. Lol.

Later backraise dsAA982 with nut clubs, three way all in, someone asks about clubs, I say "we're going clubbin'!" and flop is KJT one club. Second club ott, "we're goin' clubbin'!" I repeat over and over as the river rolls off: a third non-pairing club. Even the loser of the hand had to chuckle on himself. "John, did you ever go to a club anyway?" "I went to a lot back in the day." "Name one." "I went to so many I can't recall...."
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
03-01-2024 , 02:04 PM
Early morning session started well, winning two pair to fd plus wrap, but losing fd plus wrap of my own to top set and top set to wrap. Currently stuck a few hundo from being up $1,900. Very annoying but as my buddy said I’m doing really well anyway. He’s right.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
03-02-2024 , 11:17 AM
Ended up losing with a bluff towards the end, saw some places with friends, then dinner and much-needed rest. Woke up and watched some more training videos to brush up, super validating to see the concepts I already identified being relayed by the experts! (F the haters...monikrazy, you were just wrong on the hi low discussion you arrogant bag. The omaha subforum is worse off because of you and it's too bad I swore myself off from posting there anymore because you chose to attack my coaching abilities.) Also makes me wonder whether I need to be paying for something I figured out on my own lol.

Last edited by DumbosTrunk; 03-02-2024 at 11:24 AM.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
03-03-2024 , 12:46 AM
Made a hell of a come back at 25/25/50, from stuck $6k to even, then lost some back at 5/5 and game was bad so I left for 1/2. Feels like a win all things considered. Lost top two nfd in big 3! pot in the beginning then folded runner runner outs that got there twice in another big one.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
03-03-2024 , 02:47 AM
At end of the night lost yet another all in at 1/2 plo, this time bottom two sd plus fd to q-high fd op and got slowrolled on top of it...was a little stunned and took a few seconds to process the loss this time, dealer called the floor on me for not paying the bet fast enough..apparently while I was looking at his hand I unconsciously took back my chips and before even asking me for the bet the dealer just yelled "floor!" Omg! Like I on all people actually wasn't going to pay the damn bet. The dealer fake apologized for overreacting.

I don't think I've ever been this disrespected by a dealer since that dude said I didn't belong in the men's restroom. Fitting end of a horrid day of poker I guess? An annoying but manageable loss overall but still sucks to run bad after breaking even in the big game.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
03-03-2024 , 11:46 AM
My friend says he gets a lot out of the hands I post here, and he's a great guy, loaned me $3k last night when I was losing and low on ammo, gave me some bullets to keep firing and I started winning with the backup in my pocket!

Anyway, lost KKJJ3ds in 4! pot with top set to AAQQ+fd, lost AAT9hhhh on J82hh to J8, lost AJT95dd on T86dd versus T866 and a worse draw that went runner runner boat, and lost T9865ss on 9TJ spr 2 versus aggro bluffing QQ+fd and his fd got there. He said "I hope you don't have spades," so when the As hit I fastrolled the flush and he said "what does he have?" and turns over second nut spades...this was the hand the dealer insta called the floor on me for pulling my chips back, I was in shock losing yet another pot in quick succession and getting slowrolled on top of it. Yeesh! What made it even worse was my friend was sitting behind me watching so I was embarrassed on top of it all in front of her. :/
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
03-04-2024 , 02:45 AM
Lost an AA pre to a non-AA and chopped side pot with the other AA, lost OP bdnfd and gutter and paid to two pair in 3! pot spr tiny, lost another AA pre as well, even flopped the nfd that time. Left for mixed games where I ran a pat T8 into a 9 pre and lost a 1-card draw in deuce to a three card draw, broke my 87 and didn't get there versus his 76. Also lost AKT42 in 3! big o pot on QJ7 to AJ882, got 1/4 of that one somehow lol. Beginning of the month lull yet again. Wtf is it with the beginning of the last three months? Am I playing differently or something?
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
03-04-2024 , 10:34 AM
Ouch. March can only get better!
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
03-05-2024 , 05:34 PM
Session started well but finished poorly, winning wrap+fd against two pair at first, but then losing a ds KK to a rundown I had dominated, lost pair plus wrap to open ender +overs in 4! pot (55/45), lost a freeroll with straight v. straight, and lost a couple squeezes QJT96ds and JT965ds, first one lost to crappy AA, second lost on 834r my bdfds to AK665 (all pretty much flips or I was slightly ahead).

Last edited by DumbosTrunk; 03-05-2024 at 05:47 PM.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
03-06-2024 , 04:06 AM
Losing again, this time buying in short as I’m running bad lately. Was up $2k then…DsKK got a slowroll when I had top set, loser said “I lose” and tabled a wheel after I showed. Lost AQT75ds to A8833 from maniac, and KK89T to 99356 most in pre rest on flop and he hit his wrap. Grinding it out….probably stuck close to $9k already this month.

Last edited by DumbosTrunk; 03-06-2024 at 04:11 AM.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
03-07-2024 , 06:29 AM
Finally booked a win this month, took a whole week. A nice one at that too! KQJT6ds won, AA held, dsKK got there (or held?), T9876ds made a boat and a straight flush. Started rocky but made a big comeback!
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
03-08-2024 , 05:59 AM
Won pretty good again tonight at plo - 10/10 and 1/2. Someone bluffed into a dry side pot again and got me to fold half of the pot (these donks!), but won AJT75ds multi-way and an AA too. Turning around already, onwards and upwards! Almost even on the month.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
03-08-2024 , 11:00 PM
Wraps missing against sets, nfd missed against straight, gambled once with a bad rundown against two action players, top three lost to wrap…taking a little dinner break to reset and come back fresh. It’s a real grind tonight so far. Not really enjoying the game tonight tbh. Gonna play tight and try to run it up until I get a seat in the big game.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
03-09-2024 , 05:59 AM
Super frustrating night…25/25 folded winner in good pot versus 3!/4! pre, lost with dsKK versus a t-high rundown pre, lost an AA pre. Jammed 46679ds versus ep open mp 3! won nice side pot at least. Back at 1/2 very card dead and starting to lose my mind with all these trash hands I am seeing. Why?!

Edit: won 98766 on 567 just now for a little rebound.

Last edited by DumbosTrunk; 03-09-2024 at 06:11 AM.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
03-09-2024 , 01:04 PM
Hang in there, youll very soon run hot again.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
03-09-2024 , 02:54 PM
What's the deal with the 46679 hand
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
03-09-2024 , 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by Parasense
Hang in there, youll very soon run hot again.
Thanks, I've made a good comeback from earlier this month already. Yesterday was just a little frustrating setback.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
03-09-2024 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
What's the deal with the 46679 hand

Actually as I always suspected we are supposed to have some low/mid hands we play against EP open MP 3! (or against two+ tight Vs in a raising war in general). (I've been studying again.) "Going low" as I like to call it. Very likely EP/MP/tight ranges interfere with each other so we are pushing an equity advantage with our low/mid hand as the remaining cards in the stub favor our range.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
03-10-2024 , 04:35 AM
Started good but then went south with mid set second nut flush draw in 3! pot versus two Vs, top set and AA nfd. Lost top set myself in 4! pot against naked nfd too. Lost top two in 3! pot with AA to wrap as well.

Take awaysÂ…just need to tighten up and hope to run goodÂ…not down much yet but I was up an hour ago.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
03-11-2024 , 01:50 PM
Finished plo strong, but lost a dsAAKJ6 at the end to AAKT7ss before quitting for the mixed game where the line up looked really good. Won a 6-dugi 8-lo in baduecy, but then slowly lost it all to the blinds (100/200) not picking up any hands. Finally got AA in PLO5 and got stacked by the whale, this was going to be my last orbit so it was super frustrating, I added on for the last two hands of plo anyway and got KKJT6sss, called an open otb and flopped the nut flush on A-high flop, got it in against top set second nut flush and held on both runouts and got my a$$ out of there after playing for 17 hours and pretty exhausted stuck just a few hundo on the day.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
03-11-2024 , 11:21 PM
Lost KK versus AA in a no brainer squeeze spot with lots of dead money, flopped two pair and lost to his open ender. Lost straight plus redraw to set ott and played a little 20/40 mix and made a hundo there. Oh brotherÂ…the wait for the upswing is taking longer than usual it seems.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
03-12-2024 , 04:35 PM
Won nfd + set versus straight towards the end to about break even on the day (again). Doesn't help when you are dealt bottom 15% most of the time. At least the market reacted well to the latest inflation report so that was nice to wake up to.

I am happy with how I played overall which is the important part. I didn't go crazy being so card dead all day.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
03-13-2024 , 06:19 PM
Finally went on an upswing last night, booking a sizeable win, main hands were a couple dsAA that held multiway, lost nfd+nut gutter to naked straight which was a big one, and lost AQJT9 to a T-high dominated rundown pre for $900 too. Also played a little 1/3 + 1/2 plo 4 card mix, won with AA in hold 'em and KJT9ds in plo and QQ in hold' em in 3! pot on 998ss, he put me in on the flop and I snapped. A great comeback in the middle of the month.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
03-14-2024 , 06:00 AM
Another good upswing session, AKs held x2 at 5/T/25, a little winning at 2/5 and big win at plo with KKT64ds for the backraise squeeze got it in on the flop with an open-ender and got there, then won wrap+fd+pair blocker against mid set and got there with my freeroll against the same straight with two pair. A great night, I even bought the table a round of drinks. Finally winning on the month decently. Now let's make some real money.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
03-14-2024 , 11:07 AM
So for you March is in like a lamb, out like a lion!
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
