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1/3 Grinding and Bankroll 1/3 Grinding and Bankroll

02-15-2023 , 12:56 PM
Played a good session after Valentine's Day dinner, up $1,600 or so overall, triple barrel did not get through, V said he had a live read (...!), left for 10/25 where did not get many playable hands, went back to plo a couple hours later when game looked much better, won over $2k and called it a night so I could be up rested for my morning team meeting. Biggest hand was AAK backdoor spades on AQJdds against two all ins, boated on the turn versus naked KT and KQdTd. Someone commented I was "fearless." Also 3! a J-high rundown against two short stacks a and lost to a pair of 4s against a T-high rundown lol. Felt very much in my element.

Had a weird dream I was playing a different game with poker reg/pro in our plo pool and a fun player and I won at showdown against the fun player but lost to the pro, I had an elephant as my kicker or something, lol.

1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
02-15-2023 , 03:23 PM
That persons comment isn’t that you are amazing and respect inspiring they are just saying something to say something
You seem to criticize losing hands of opponents for slim reasons like “No redraw” for a player getting it AI with nuts for <200bb or whatever it was. You don’t seem to have a clear understanding of where your edge is and seek validation in gambling ups and downs “won 2000” tonight
It seems like you catch some fishy punts from time to time or Bi correct stack depth to be making some money. But you aren’t winning with this lifestyle and sense of self and should take some time to do something else with your life it could be just traveling or it could be trying a new job for a while but you need to build self-validation and grow imo this coming from someone who knows all these things well, just take an honest look at your lifestyle and how people drove off without you etc
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
02-15-2023 , 09:04 PM
I’m not going to engage with the above…maybe other people would like to though.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
02-15-2023 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by ABCforME
....... just take an honest look at your lifestyle and how people drove off without you etc
Don't know you (Dumbo) personally of course but this comment seems to carry some weight.

When I read your initial story of this I was like WTF!!!?? Frankly this just doesn't happen with normal people. I think 100% it's true that your friends gave you this explanation but I just can't believe the story they told you was really what happened....
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
02-16-2023 , 12:02 AM
If you been following this thread it would be no surprise why a mate would dump his ass in the middle of nowhere. I have never seen someone with so many enemies in the poker room and no it’s not cuz he’s a good player I know many good players and they are liked by everyone. Did Dumbo once have beef with the junkie or the other mate or some of there associates?

I bet the heroine fiend did it for a prop bet and got a bunch of high fives. Surely the heroine fiend or the other mate would of noticed there passenger is missing. The reason why so many people got a kick out of the story is because this kinda **** pretty much never happens by accident
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
02-16-2023 , 12:26 AM
Hmmm...I initially skipped over the tl;dr but after taking a second look and reading it fully the math ain't adding up on this one Dumbo. They probably had a lick in mind but you got the FBI on the case in a NY minute and they thought better of it. Sorry you had to go through that. I would cut those bums out of your life if I were you.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
02-16-2023 , 12:59 AM
It’s weird the cop asked if we had any bad blood between us friends and we didn’t. By my account the trip was really fun and as one said “it’s about the friends you make along the way.” We shared hand histories and talked strat the whole time. One gave me a bunch of chips for cash when I ran out of money too. One offered me his vision account.

Well maybe I used to have very little animosity with the one who was sleeping - he used to give me a hard time for being too tight - (we’re friendly now though), but not really the driver. I dunno. I am inclined to believe them because one was asleep and the other is sorta spacey..he made us wait three hours on the drive down because he overslept. Plus we’ve hung out and chatted a lot since then…they might want to keep a lower profile if something was up. The driver bought me dinner the other night and gave up my share of the airbnb and gas money. He dropped off all my stuff the next morning even thought he didn’t sleep a lot because I needed it for work. He said he was really anxious over what happened too. Would someone really guilty do all that?

It would be pretty sad if it turned out they did it on purpose. So much for friends. I really look up to these guys too.

Last edited by DumbosTrunk; 02-16-2023 at 01:24 AM.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
02-16-2023 , 01:18 AM
I dont think they left you on purpose. Maybe if you won big and bragged and they decided to be beeyatches, but you lost. Plus, they would have ditched you before the trip back. Randomly ditching you half way through the ride back is senseless.

If they did ditch you like that, that's their problem not yours.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
02-16-2023 , 07:44 AM
Ok I will take your word for it and consider it an honest mistake but I would keep a closer eye on those two from now on. Took them 2 hours to notice you were not in the car? Where you in the 4th row of an Escalade or something?
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
02-16-2023 , 08:15 AM
Originally Posted by ABCforME
That persons comment isn’t that you are amazing and respect inspiring they are just saying something to say something
You seem to criticize losing hands of opponents for slim reasons like “No redraw” for a player getting it AI with nuts for <200bb or whatever it was. You don’t seem to have a clear understanding of where your edge is and seek validation in gambling ups and downs “won 2000” tonight
It seems like you catch some fishy punts from time to time or Bi correct stack depth to be making some money. But you aren’t winning with this lifestyle and sense of self and should take some time to do something else with your life it could be just traveling or it could be trying a new job for a while but you need to build self-validation and grow imo this coming from someone who knows all these things well, just take an honest look at your lifestyle and how people drove off without you etc
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
I’m not going to engage with the above…maybe other people would like to though.
I'll take this one.


OP works full time as a successful attorney. He still made more money last year grinding part time than several pros I know personally. He's definitely not just catching punts. For example a mainstream pro, Landon Tice, a pro and "coach" lol... just had his first 100k year. This was after several years of being a professional and OP did that last year while maintaining a full time job.

I see you have posts about online sites being rigged and claiming superusers. Those statements say enough about you. Seems your comment is self reflecting on OP due to frustrations from your lack of success. I hope you tighten up and figure things out. Good luck ABC.

Last edited by discipulus9; 02-16-2023 at 08:17 AM. Reason: typo
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
02-16-2023 , 12:59 PM
Dumbo, FWIW, I have very few posters on my ignore list. ABC happens to be one of them. I honestly don't remember what prompted that, just sayin'.

1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
02-16-2023 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by BobbyPeru
Ok I will take your word for it and consider it an honest mistake but I would keep a closer eye on those two from now on. Took them 2 hours to notice you were not in the car? Where you in the 4th row of an Escalade or something?
Lol, no, it was a sedan. There was stuff in the back seat and I had my jacket covering me during the trip, so I think the driver thought I was still under my jacket or something. I had been very quiet the whole trip too. It's not totally implausible to me that he just never noticed I was gone, we never crossed paths in the gas station store or walking out of the car either.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
02-16-2023 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
Dumbo, FWIW, I have very few posters on my ignore list. ABC happens to be one of them. I honestly don't remember what prompted that, just sayin'.

Thanks, good to know.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
02-16-2023 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by discipulus9
I'll take this one.


OP works full time as a successful attorney. He still made more money last year grinding part time than several pros I know personally. He's definitely not just catching punts. For example a mainstream pro, Landon Tice, a pro and "coach" lol... just had his first 100k year. This was after several years of being a professional and OP did that last year while maintaining a full time job.

I see you have posts about online sites being rigged and claiming superusers. Those statements say enough about you. Seems your comment is self reflecting on OP due to frustrations from your lack of success. I hope you tighten up and figure things out. Good luck ABC.
Thanks discipulus, only thing I will add is I was playing a bunch of hours in addition to the job, not quite "part time" as you say.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
02-16-2023 , 03:32 PM
What am I reading? OP’s story is completely credible…if they left him on purpose, how did they know he didn’t have his phone on him? If he did have his phone on him he would have called either one and they would have turned around

He also mentioned that they were all to split $700 each for the airbnb’s where the driver was like nah we got it

I just get the feeling that DT’s regular room is filled with shitregs that just hate on his results…he’s been putting a lot of volume at the table in the past few years…so his numbers are deserved
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
02-16-2023 , 03:34 PM
BTW…i wouldn’t accept a free coaching session from Landon Tice lol
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
02-16-2023 , 04:24 PM
Appreciate the kindness from so many of you, the internet can be full of people who are mean because they don't have to say it to anyone's face. Kinda cowardly tbh. Nice to know I have support from you all! Thank you.

Last night's session was sorta uneventful, started by losing set plus flush draw against two straights on the turn at 1/2 5 plo (I am pretty sure I have the most equity), left for 5/5, started there by getting it in with KKJJ7ss versus loose iso and 3! and losing, then running bad in my freerolls or flopping nut straight and chopping versus two pair. Lost middle set versus top set, turned diamonds and was up against better diamonds too. 3!AAK54ds and flopped 887 with my flush draw and feel like on paired boards blocking nut diamonds and some straight draws shoves really aren't getting called except by trips or better so I checked three ways. Sadly a jam might have been better in this exact situation since I rivered the nut flush and action player flashed me the Kd, and no one had an 8. Not sure a shove was getting called regardless since both of them would have to fear I had an 8. Still wonder whether I lost value.

Was pretty card/flop dead the rest of the 5/5 session, game was slowing down so I left for 1/2/5 plo where I whiffed some more flops and got rivered by a backdoor nut flush draw. I think I lost around $1,700 on the day. Need more upward momentum!
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
02-16-2023 , 05:13 PM
If they left you like that, maybe they did other stuff. Like perhaps they waited till you fell asleep and touched you. You never know.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
02-16-2023 , 05:15 PM
Ughhh set over set is the absolute worst
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
02-16-2023 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by sevendeuce4evr
Ughhh set over set is the absolute worst
Often I can get away from these set ups but not this time, I was running bad and picking up diamonds on the turn didn't help matters, plus it checked to the button who was the one betting. Oh well.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
02-16-2023 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
Often I can get away from these set ups but not this time, I was running bad and picking up diamonds on the turn didn't help matters, plus it checked to the button who was the one betting. Oh well.
Worse is being touched in your no no zone while sleeping but that's me.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
02-16-2023 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by DrDownLow
If they left you like that, maybe they did other stuff. Like perhaps they waited till you fell asleep and touched you. You never know.
I would not be surprised, I'm irresistible. They all want this, it can't be denied. I got laid on Valentine's, it was divine. No one can resist the dumbo trunk.

Thanks for following!
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
02-17-2023 , 04:35 AM
Keep playing solid and realize that in plo equities run close so you are more likely to get it in good and lose than in NLHE. Means that a worst 10% run bad can be VERY painful. You know from your previous results you know what you are doing and have faith in your game and continue to work on getting better. Doubt you lost value on the 887 and not a pot you want to bloat. You bet flop and they pot what do you do? A lot safer in 4 card they missed than in 5 card.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
02-17-2023 , 05:51 AM
Originally Posted by Polarbear1955
Keep playing solid and realize that in plo equities run close so you are more likely to get it in good and lose than in NLHE. Means that a worst 10% run bad can be VERY painful. You know from your previous results you know what you are doing and have faith in your game and continue to work on getting better. Doubt you lost value on the 887 and not a pot you want to bloat. You bet flop and they pot what do you do? A lot safer in 4 card they missed than in 5 card.
Thanks mate. Took a nap after work and woke up late. Just played a short 5/5/25/50 session and won over $1,000 an hour before the game broke. No hard decisions and ran well when it mattered.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
02-17-2023 , 10:06 AM
Ran hot at 1/2 plo after 5/5 broke too!!! Almost unstuck for February!

Last edited by DumbosTrunk; 02-17-2023 at 10:30 AM.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
