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1/3 Grinding and Bankroll 1/3 Grinding and Bankroll

05-26-2022 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by BobbyPeru
Dayummmnnn! Sounds like shawty was throwing out some bait hoping you'd tug on the line. You gotta be more aware of your surroundings my guy.
He might be joining for a bday home game tonight, maybe I will try to give him a good luck pat! At least he now knows I'm into guys; he told our friend he thought I was straight after she said I was not. Which reminds me that back in college one of my romances said he initially thought I was too good looking to be gay. What a cluster fk. Lulz.

Last edited by DumbosTrunk; 05-26-2022 at 05:56 PM.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-26-2022 , 06:41 PM
Does anyone else have dreams like these?

I'm at home with mom. I see bright red and gold light far in the distance behind the trees and it quickly gets more intense, and soon it dawns upon me that what I am witnessing is a burning inferno of molten lava quickly making its way to us. The dread consumes me, and moments later when the torrent is practically upon us, I panic and start running, I feel the ash touch the side of my face, and then I suddenly wake up.

What a cluster fk.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-27-2022 , 04:58 AM
What a cluster fk. Ai pre for $270 at 1/3 with straddle on AKo v. l/rr shipped A3s (lulz...karma), he rivers nut flush. Then nothing goes my way at plo5, ship top set KKK against top two/oesd and third V's gutter+nfd and they chop it up, 4! jam AAQJ4ds pure to ace, lose to two Kxxxx on KK2. Call a couple 3! that I did not have to, lose with wrap+good flush draw against top two and you've got a $1k loss. Didn't help that I misread my hand once and forgot I rivered a boat - even after double-checking my hole cards! Oh, and folded bottom set and second nut flush draw against an EP iso pre, pot post, and a call, on AJ6dd, explo folded (standard), and would have turned quads AND saw two AJs chop it up at showdown...fml.

Last edited by DumbosTrunk; 05-27-2022 at 05:08 AM.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-28-2022 , 02:22 AM
Lost KJ v. AT on A4TQ ai ott at 2/5, A otr, then lost TT884ds ai pre against two AA at 5/5 (I was the only one who did not make a mistake preflop as I suspected they both had AA, with 41% equity versus their 30/29.) Now just bleeding down card dead. Actually, just 3/4 someone so only down $500 at 5/5.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-28-2022 , 05:56 PM
5/5 broke and ended quite uneventfully for me, with lots of folding. Played 1/2 5-card for a while and got nothing really going, ran JJs full into bottom quads on J44 for a small pot, then got it in with AA678ss and scooped three ways to book a small profit, but still losing overall on the day due to 2/5 and 5/5 sessions. With the market tanking recently I think a lot of casual players have tightened up and are either not playing or playing much tighter, which makes for significantly worse games. The 5/5 was very mediocre yesterday, to put it mildly.

At least I got laid.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-28-2022 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
Does anyone else have dreams like these?

I'm at home with mom. I see bright red and gold light far in the distance behind the trees and it quickly gets more intense, and soon it dawns upon me that what I am witnessing is a burning inferno of molten lava quickly making its way to us. The dread consumes me, and moments later when the torrent is practically upon us, I panic and start running, I feel the ash touch the side of my face, and then I suddenly wake up.

What a cluster fk.
the glowing lights are aliens coming to abduct you. Your subconscious is trying to warn you. When they break out the probe it's going to mean more than a pat on the butt.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-28-2022 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by jcorb
the glowing lights are aliens coming to abduct you. Your subconscious is trying to warn you. When they break out the probe it's going to mean more than a pat on the butt.
Not an appropriate post (your first) in a thread written by someone open about their mental disability and sexual orientation. Obviously plays into both issues and not in a good-natured way. I've asked the mods to ban you from the thread.

Last edited by DumbosTrunk; 05-28-2022 at 06:23 PM.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-28-2022 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
Not an appropriate post (your first) in a thread written by someone open about their mental disability and sexual orientation. Obviously plays into both issues and not in a good-natured way. I've asked the mods to ban you from the thread.
you left out can't take a joke
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-29-2022 , 02:06 AM
Played well and ran well at 5/5, finally beat this action V who has been crushing me in 4! pots for several months now, gii dsAA pre and rivered his K-high rundown, A otr when he flopped Ts full. Dinner with friend at Italian joint (photos later), now 1/2 PLO5 as I am tired and don’t want to be playing a big game in that state of mind. Played a little 1/3 while waiting for plo and got AA, got 3! and multiple cold callers and I 4! small, everyone called and I stacked a shorty on a K-high flop.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-29-2022 , 05:26 PM
Finished strong, gii QQs full against KK6xx on Q-J-6-6 for an $800 profit at 1-2 plo5, for a sizeable $3,200 profit on the night! Just what I needed at this point in the month, it's been a doozy.

Photos of dinner with friend at ristorante Italiano:

1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-30-2022 , 05:58 PM
Played 1-2 plo5, really didn't get much going, got KK467ss in sb over btn limp with a blind $15 utg/blind $50 utg1 and just went with it $370 eff. (basically in the CO), blind $50 action player raiser woke up with bad AA. Lost a little in mixed games (got bored), playing razz dugi, I have A492 and got raised by tight player, just let it go. Won a little at 1/3, lost a little at 2/5 with KQs in 3! pot as 3!ttor on 884K3r versus 84s, gave 84s guy (reg?) a wink and a smile and a "standard call," he got very upset and said he didn't need lessons from me and he was getting 3:1. That's about it.

Last edited by DumbosTrunk; 05-30-2022 at 06:10 PM.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-31-2022 , 02:14 AM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
Played 1-2 plo5, really didn't get much going, got KK467ss in sb over btn limp with a blind $15 utg/blind $50 utg1 and just went with it $370 eff. (basically in the CO), blind $50 action player raiser woke up with bad AA. Lost a little in mixed games (got bored), playing razz dugi, I have A492 and got raised by tight player, just let it go. Won a little at 1/3, lost a little at 2/5 with KQs in 3! pot as 3!ttor on 884K3r versus 84s, gave 84s guy (reg?) a wink and a smile and a "standard call," he got very upset and said he didn't need lessons from me and he was getting 3:1. That's about it.
He probably didnt care for a twink winking at him.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-31-2022 , 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by DizzyG
He probably didnt care for a twink winking at him.
I’m probably more like an otter than a twink, certainly not a twink at my age. Please get your classifications correct. Other than that, welcome back to the thread!

Last edited by DumbosTrunk; 05-31-2022 at 02:30 AM.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-31-2022 , 09:26 AM
That dessert looks great.

What's a guy gotta do to get some chocolate mousse and a pat on the butt around here?
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-31-2022 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by BobbyPeru
That dessert looks great.

What's a guy gotta do to get some chocolate mousse and a pat on the butt around here?
Yeah, dinner was amazing. I really am loving the Italian place. It had been closed since the shutdown and just re-opened. I only got the chance to order from there once pre-covid (fetuccini alfredo) and never forgot how tasty it was. Couldn't wait to try it again when I heard it was back. The inside of the restaurant is really classy too, and you can see the kitchen staff cooking from the tables.

That's tiramisu you see, by the way. Next time I'll have to take photos of entrees too.

Update on "pat on the butt" guy: I was supposed to go to free poker to see him again the other night, but my ex has been asking for more time together lately so I spent the night with him instead. My friend told me pat-on-the-butt guy asked if I was coming and when she told him no, he looked quite disappointed. So there's definitely interest...! His mother just passed away so he needs more friends for sure.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
05-31-2022 , 05:07 PM
Last session was boring, somehow lost $120 at 1/2 with QJ running into flatted AA pre, a couple other unmentionable hands like 55 whiffing, won a few hundo at plo with dsAA a couple times holding multiway, for a little profit. Looking like it's going to be my worst month on record, but going to try the 5/5 and live tonight; maybe I will run good? Feeling in a good mood and focused.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
06-01-2022 , 03:42 PM
Won $1,200 at 2/2 plo5 at MDL, ran well, mainly from AA ai otf in 4! pot (someone else 4!) and flopped nfd and held, then ran poorly at 5/5/25 (sometimes blind $50), once with AJT98ds in spr with spr 0.5 multiway shipped wrap plus top pair and got two callers, lost to middle set, then lost KKQJTds on 678r-Kh bringing bdfd, bet called it off with top set plus nut gutter ott to slowplayed 45, had enough equity but in retrospect think could go with a check instead of bet. Lost a smallish pot with AA742 on 86225 against TT972 (V bet 1/4 pot otr which I ended up paying off after a good tank). Then missed a big bet multiway on QT72cc with AQT92ds (no clubs), short stack was all in and I failed to build a side pot with spr 1 against two players. I was worried the IP player who had me covered had a better made hand like bottom set or a big draw and was flipping so I did not go for it. Don't know if I would have won the side pot anyway because the short stack had QT wit the A-high flush draw and rivered the nut flush and no one else showed. After this hand I decided it was time to rack up because I was so focused on not getting stuck more at the end of the month that I probably played this hand suboptimally. Anyway, booked a $700 win overall to close things out in May. Glad June is here. Happy Pride!
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
06-02-2022 , 03:38 PM
Did well again last night, 2/5 overflushed someone with AJhh in 3! pot for stacks, was just making lots of hands, last hand open AQo co and btn is about to fold when SB, BB, and straddler all fold out of turn, then btn decides to call and beats me on A-6-3-J-2 with J6s. :/ At plo5, GII AAQT7ds pure to ace and held three ways to turn around how the 5-card session had started earlier in the night (took a break at 2/5). Maybe the tides are finally turning?

Some music as of late (mostly Gaga):,,

Texted butt pat dude, started chatting about downswinging (he used to be a pro), was nice.

Last edited by DumbosTrunk; 06-02-2022 at 03:49 PM.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
06-03-2022 , 06:44 PM
Won a little, clawed my way out of a hole early on with top set losing to a turned straight but winning a wide pot and actually ended up +EV somehow even though I made a 3% EV mistake for the lalrger main pot was +80% EV for the smaller side pot. Also lost QhT9c8h7c sb versus BTN versus BB in 4! pot on T-7-3cc (AA called it off with just 17% and BB had JJ88cc).

Buffcaught a very bluffy player at 2/5 with AsAd on 9-6-4sss-9-2, bet flop, x/c turn and big river bet, thought I played it very well against her. Lost a little at 1/3 and 10/25 before making a big come back at plo5 again later at a great table with QQ996ds against AAJxxcc on Q-T-4cc AI otf in 3! pot, then gave some back to same player with AAJ76ss AI pre against his disconnected garbage J-high hand, and called it a night.

I was feeling a little crowded at plo and politely asked if the other side of the table could square up, then this dude next to me (who got stacked with JJ88 and was very upset about it and blamed me for 3! pre) said "you have the most space at the table, I don't want to sit next to you either." I told him he wasn't making any sense as the middle of the table was not squared up (it actually was to his benefit because we were in the 2 and 3 seats and he was squished between me and the 4 seat and he was definitely crowding me). Then he goes "they said Jesus didn't make any sense either" and I said "That's stupid, I would never compared myself to Jesus." "Why not? I am the son of God too!" he said. He then got very angry and called the floor and claimed I called him stupid (not true) and clearly wanted me kicked off the table or worse. The floor gave him the cold shoulder and he left for a different table himself. We all had a laugh at his expense afterwards because he was obviously a nutcase who got offended by my off-the-cuff remark. He even kept going on about it at the other table too. Oh brother.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
06-03-2022 , 06:45 PM
Won a little, clawed my way out of a hole early on with top set losing to a turned straight but winning a wide pot and actually ended up +EV somehow even though I made a 3% EV mistake for the lalrger main pot was +80% EV for the smaller side pot. Also lost QhT9c8h7c sb versus BTN versus BB in 4! pot on T-7-3cc (AA called it off with just 17% and BB had JJ88cc).

Buffcaught a very bluffy player at 2/5 with AsAd on 9-6-4sss-9-2, bet flop, x/c turn and big river bet, thought I played it very well against her. Lost a little at 1/3 and 10/25 before making a big come back at plo5 again later at a great table with QQ996ds against AAJxxcc on Q-T-4cc AI otf in 3! pot, then gave some back to same player with AAJ76ss AI pre against his disconnected garbage J-high hand, and called it a night.

I was feeling a little crowded at plo and politely asked if the middle of the table could square up, then this dude directly to my left (who got stacked with JJ88 and was very upset about it and blamed me for 3! pre) said "you have the most space at the table, I don't want to sit next to you either." I told him he wasn't making any sense as the middle of the table was not squared up (it actually was to his benefit because we were in the 2 and 3 seats and he was squished between me and the 4 seat and he was definitely crowding me). Then he goes "they said Jesus didn't make any sense either" and I said "That's stupid, I would never compare myself to Jesus." "Why not?" he replied, "I am the son of God too!" he shouted. He then got very angry and called the floor and claimed I called HIM stupid (definitely not true) and clearly wanted me kicked off the table or worse. The floor gave him the cold shoulder as soon as he started rambling about Jesus and he left for a different table himself. We all had a laugh at his expense afterwards because he was obviously just a nutcase who got offended by my off-the-cuff remark and probably shouldn't have been playing due to bankroll issues. He even kept going on about it at the other table too. Oh brother.

Last edited by DumbosTrunk; 06-03-2022 at 07:10 PM.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
06-04-2022 , 07:29 PM
Had a difficult session, won at 5/5 in sub-average game due to AA but lost at 2/5 and 1/2 plo5 (AdQs<65o raised to $70 pre, cbet A-5-9hh, x/x 2h ott, called 1/2 pot bet on 5c river), lost all my AA at 1/2 plo5, two basically aii in pre (once to another AA and the other to an A-high rundown), lost top set + nfd blocking the nuts ott after raising flop on A-5-6d-7d with AA832dd to A698. Chatted with a doc in the game about what I do for work and felt really good about it at least, nice to have that when nothing is going well in poker. He is in public health, like my dad. He said we won't know the full effects of the pandemic for a few years (...!). He mentioned he spent too much time in casinos in his 30s and it was great when he was making money, "and then $1 million later...." :O

Someone at the table yesterday said he read the blog, first time anyone has mentioned that to me in game, I was taken aback. He seems like a nice guy who studies the game.

Some yahoo was spouting "covid hoax" nonsense and I reminded him that a lot of people died, including my grandmother; people and politicians should respect their memories and stop spreading misinformation.

I actually found myself complaining about plo5 for the first time . . . "why do I play this game?" after losing yet another time with AA, continuing a 2+ month downswing. Hmm....

Been playing even tighter lately, sometimes it seems too tight costing me potentially big pots...QQ22 otb, missed out on top set with significant action otf, KKQ87ss, same (there was an open ahead of me and a 3! squeeze out of the straddle, so maybe not such a bad fold after all...should not be results-oriented).

Last edited by DumbosTrunk; 06-04-2022 at 07:56 PM.
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
06-05-2022 , 06:53 PM
Had a good session, ran well at plo5, made a lot of top set /straights and got paid/held up for a change. 2/5 also went well, action player (korean savage call of duty youtuber) at my table was opening every had to $50 and I 3! 77 to $200 and jammed flop for 1/2 pot on K88, he called and we won on a 4-3 runout. Later flopped a set of 9s against top pair for a decent pot multiway too (V claimed he folded AQ on Qd-9c-6s-Ad when I c/r flop, jammed turn...nice fold).

2/5 broke so played 5/T/25 for a little where I got QQ once and 3!, called it off for $900 and was up against AQo. After running it twice (A otf the first runout...!) we chopped. Otherwise quite card dead and lost some whiffing with a small/med pocket pair or two for a few hundo loss, but still an over $2k profit on the day.

Been seeing an old friend around the poker room lately after a long hiatus, he's been working / getting paid well and so he has been playing much less. I told him about my work training and if he'd go even though it turned out it was in Rhode Island; he said "Turned out? Life moves on!" Which made me reflect on whether I am letting my disability hold me back from doing more, traveling, etc. "My biggest enemy is me...."
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
06-06-2022 , 01:55 PM
Ran super below EV at plo5 yesterday, should have had most of the money at the table in front of me but instead lost all my 60/40s or 65/35s, like bottom pair+nfd+gs in 4! pot against bare top two and wrap+nfd against bare top set, including one preflop all in with a KQJT7ds rundown against crappy jacks for a side pot (lost both larger side pot as a slight favorite and main to AA where I had close to the most equity pre). After losing the third buy-in I said "OK, I'm going to 5/T," which I proceeded to do. (The game looked good.)

I buy in for $2,035 (random) because I'm stuck about that much at this point and within a couple hands I get dealt KK in the CO and open to $65, get three callers and then the straddler suddenly declares all in - for $1,500! - and I tank a little and call board runs out no ace or queen, I table, and V mucks. Someone who folded pre after tanking a while said he had 33 for the flopped set on the first board. Phew.

Literally the next hand I am the $25 straddle and UTG1 opens to $75 and four people call, and I look down at AsAc! I make it $500 something and it folds to the BB who says f it let's gamble and jams for around $1k, I of course call and hold against his 88. (Felt bad, we are friends and I called him over to play because it looked like an action player was going to join us.) Unstuck and up some, I didn't get dealt a lot of hands after this one and left a couple downs later to give my buddy a chance to win it back.

Things so far are turning around this month.

Cutie with a booty:

1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
06-07-2022 , 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
"My biggest enemy is me...."
1/3 Grinding and Bankroll Quote
