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<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 <img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13

03-02-2013 , 03:24 PM
i love your chat antics, don't stop!
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
03-02-2013 , 03:47 PM
Since starting this thread...

<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
03-02-2013 , 03:50 PM
if you wanted to, you could have gotten first to SNE.

why didnt you go for this? 2x vpp day would be pretty huge for you (if you could get some action at the 5ks set up for a whole day)
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
03-02-2013 , 03:53 PM
The lot of GL wishes payed out

btw do you know any cheat codes which are working on stars? I tried IDDQD, but that only works in Doom

Or any ritual that helps breaking the badrun-doomswitch: ON periods? (animal sacrifise, raindance, anything)
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
03-02-2013 , 04:27 PM
sick graphs...

How do you rate the best husngs player compared to cash game beast like sauce/ike/ben? Do they use different line or are they games pretty similar below 75bbd?
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
03-02-2013 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by KelvinKe
Subbed... as corny/awkward as this sounds - guys like yourself, skai, fisfarfar, serkules are an inspiration. Not because how much money you guys have made, but rather I admire how much hard work it took to get to where you are now. So defo looking forward to more updates from the thread. Few Qs

1) What's your process of improving/studying the game aside from actual play? How often do you study given you already put in more volume than most hs husng grinders?

2) Top 5 (most important) tips/advice for someone currently playing 60s hypers looking to break into 200s+ (tips/advice you wish you had known when you were moving up the stakes)?

3) If it is not sensitive to share on 2p2 - what do you think you do so well/different to your typical 300s/500s regs that allows you to beat 1ks for 2% roi?

4) Lastly a simple one - how many games/hr do you get at 1ks on average when you play mostly vs. fish?

Cheers and gl!
Friendly bump! Cheers
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
03-02-2013 , 04:49 PM
lol your EV/graphs are so absurd, I'm officially jelly
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
03-02-2013 , 06:29 PM
Welcome to 2p2. Nice thread. Keep beating those other clowns and bringing me their money
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
03-02-2013 , 06:39 PM
Seems like a good thread to use my first post on! GL sir, you're a sicko
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
03-02-2013 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by ynkgg
I don't think you should stop chatting, as long as it doesn't affect your performance in anyway. I literally lol'd in a 5k turbo session you had with Sauce, chat was hilarious. This part was awesome:

Ahahah, glad someone appreciated that.

Originally Posted by dansiek
Make history happen
Gl op top player
hahah, thanks

Originally Posted by yay
i love your chat antics, don't stop!
Heh seems some people love them, some people hate them =/

Originally Posted by Zima421
if you wanted to, you could have gotten first to SNE.

why didnt you go for this? 2x vpp day would be pretty huge for you (if you could get some action at the 5ks set up for a whole day)
I considered it, but that would involve me having to constantly find 5k action. Only person willing to do 4+ table sessions of them on a regular basis is Ike, and that is not something I always wake up in the morning with a passion to do.

Originally Posted by Polarized Bear
The lot of GL wishes payed out

btw do you know any cheat codes which are working on stars? I tried IDDQD, but that only works in Doom

Or any ritual that helps breaking the badrun-doomswitch: ON periods? (animal sacrifise, raindance, anything)
Hahah, I sweat cards certain way when I am behind then I do when I am ahead. Every allin when I have 4 tables or less going, I put my hand over the screen to sweat it one card by one, where u peel from bottom right corner up so you can see if it is between a A-3, 4 or 5, 6 or 7, 8-T, or paint.
When I am ahead preflop, I sweat the 3rd card on the flop first, then the turn, then the river, then go back to peeling the 2nd card on flop, then the first card which I like to call my 2nd river. When behind I peel one by one on flop, from 3rd card to 1st, then quickly move to turn and river. I cant help it, its too much fun sweating cards.

Originally Posted by seboutchhh
sick graphs...

How do you rate the best husngs player compared to cash game beast like sauce/ike/ben? Do they use different line or are they games pretty similar below 75bbd?
I dont really want to comment on anyones game specifically, but yes they make mistakes below 75bb, and especially mistakes below 30. Some more then others.

Originally Posted by PrimordialAA
lol your EV/graphs are so absurd, I'm officially jelly

Originally Posted by ike
Welcome to 2p2. Nice thread. Keep beating those other clowns and bringing me their money
Not cool bro.
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
03-02-2013 , 06:49 PM
great thread..good to see you back at the and keep up the Chat...
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
03-02-2013 , 08:43 PM
I'm assuming Livb isn't backing you anymore? Biggest HU cash game pot lost?
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
03-02-2013 , 08:49 PM
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
03-02-2013 , 09:48 PM
only just found this, subbed & gl op.

Do you ever get really tilted and go spew of money at the mid-stakes for fun?

Is this a PG&C thread or a well?

+1 for posting some hands, but I guess you don't want to give your game away.
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
03-02-2013 , 09:59 PM
How wild is it going from the hourly of working in a kitchen as a dishwasher to what youre making now? Does it feel real?
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
03-02-2013 , 10:16 PM
Thanks so much for doing this thread! Any general recommendations for a 100 hyper reg trying to figure what it takes to get up to the 200s, 300s. As you were climbing the stakes, what are some of your biggest aha moments when improving your game? Best of luck with your 2013 goals.
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
03-03-2013 , 12:16 AM
awesome thread, did you get lots of the gypsymagi820 action while it lasted? If so, how did you do against him, heard he ran rediculously above EV
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
03-03-2013 , 05:37 AM
Awesome thread, always inspiring. Gl with your goals and keep taking the joy from it.

What was your biggest downswing (in terms of bis/cash lost) and how did you deal with it? What would you advice to others in such case?
It feels like you don't have problems with losing motivation or anything while running bad but maybe somewhere in the past it was harder?
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
03-03-2013 , 06:23 AM
Good luck with your goals mate. Pretty inspiring stuff! Whats the best advice you could give for person starting hypers looking to get to high stakes?

Many thanks again
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
03-03-2013 , 07:04 AM
Good luck with your goal....awsome thread!
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
03-03-2013 , 08:31 AM
Great thread dude, i always look up at the high stakes and see you waiting in the $1K hypers.. watched quite a few of your games. 1 day hopefully ill have the roll to play you, in fact.. thats my new poker goal It may take some time...
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
03-03-2013 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by ValuetownJL
How wild is it going from the hourly of working in a kitchen as a dishwasher to what youre making now? Does it feel real?
+1..... Love to hear your response on this... Going from making minimum wage to $80K plus in a week... What do your parents think?
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
03-03-2013 , 02:00 PM
great thread...if u were to advise someone on how to improve what would be like 5 things u would tell him to do?
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
03-04-2013 , 05:28 PM
whats your SD and nonSD winnings? (in case you dont know in HEM1 you can go to Reports, choose Overall and add W$atSD and W$woSD at the left column)
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
03-04-2013 , 06:23 PM
cool 3d, gl!
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
