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<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 <img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13

08-20-2014 , 02:14 PM
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
08-20-2014 , 04:02 PM
Teach me god, i want to secure myself and my family with a decent house. GZ!
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
08-20-2014 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by johnstumper
Wickedchoppa do us all a favor and stfu. Your attempt at humor is making me lose my will to live.
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
08-20-2014 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by TouchOfEVil
Teach me god, i want to secure myself and my family with a decent house. GZ!
Can't teach feel bro
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
08-21-2014 , 12:30 AM
Where can I read more about Annette Obrestad and komodo dragon tendancies? Can't find anything on Google
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
08-21-2014 , 01:05 PM
[x] we tend to keep it on the hush
[x] We have a secret farm in Western Mass where we house anette and I am taking care of her while Dan is collecting the poker wagering discs.

You better Believe Anette is coming back stronger than ever since Dan chopped w LIVB part of the chop agreement was that LIVB would freeroll dans new komodo nutritionist and he did.

We got a docotor from south florida who ran anettes cocaine elixir thru a GCMS and found out the purity was low.

[x] **** you jose you 30% cutting scum

we got this jewish doctor to get us 90% uncut. Anette is about to rock the ****ing house.

Shes currently digesting a hoe that owed. Dan was not sympathetic that day. He asked the hoe if she had any final words before he killed her and she said " how come you dont play HU cash how come its mostly SNGS"

He pushed both thumbs into her sockets and ripped her eyeballs out and shoved them down her throat and ducktaped it shut. While she choked and screamed horrible sounds I begged dan to end her life because the sounds were horrible and we were factiming with negranu and felt it was rude to handle hoe bidness w dnegs on the line... anyway.... He slit the hoe's throat with a butterfly knife and asked her Why doesn't she play HU cash. Then and she was on her knees clutching her neck choking for air Dan kicked her down and jumped on her head american history X style....... One Might say Dan was on Full Tilt.

Of course he tilts hes a poker player who fights komodo dragons it comes with the terriority and anyone tilts when a Hoe Owes! DUH!

[x] haters **** off
[x] interviewers **** off
[x] komodo dragon enthusiasts may contact me here or via PM ***** NOT green*** regarding fighting schedules, attending training sessions, and even dealing with hoes that owe for a nominal fee
[x] Hoes that Owe better Square Up! Colmans coming!
[x] Anettte will be at FW with Dan probably fighting in a secret suite in FW pending hellmeuth doesnt pussy out again ( HI PHIL!) and his dragon makes weight!

Last edited by WickedChippa; 08-21-2014 at 01:28 PM.
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
08-21-2014 , 07:43 PM
Wicked Chippa is pretty entertaining. Haters gon ha-get fed to komodo dragons.
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
08-21-2014 , 08:51 PM
Colman on the heater of all heaters wonder when the luck will turn, kid plays good though but man talk about a lucky sonofabitch
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
08-22-2014 , 01:27 AM
atta boy colman, getter done
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
08-22-2014 , 04:02 AM
thread dead, OP too rich to care gg
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
08-22-2014 , 04:21 AM
pls stop playing live donkaments and sit jungleman at the 5ks
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
08-22-2014 , 09:36 AM
What happened to the original nutritionist who provided the elixir with the low purity?
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
08-22-2014 , 12:59 PM
Jose is Mexican, and works w the cartels. Althogh the purity was low the price was right and aligned with our KDF (Komodo dragon fighting) BR. Now that dan has had recent success in poker we don't need Joses stuff .

You would probaly assume we deal with him like we deal w a hoe that owes and feed him to Annette. We are businessmen though. We don't simply kill contacts on a whim unless they owe big and aren't responsive or they are uncompliant. Aside from the low Purity and over repping the quality, Jose is a great guy and we wish him luck in his endeavors. Dan plays 100k husngs live vs Jose's supplier in South America so just killing Jose isn't really an option and would hurt dans he action in SA.

He got us thru a lot of fights and helped us out many times . Laughed as hoes that owed died infront of us and poured drinks and smoked weed with us. He was even at our pre Christmas KDF party in Brazil and we exchanged small trinkets . Dan gave him the toe of a hoe that owed on a necklace and he gave dan a really nice gold butterfly knife ....

The butterfly knife would later be used to end hoes lives.

We are actually quite friendly w Jose on a personal level the 60% cut thing was more of a rib than a complaint and we expect to see him at this years Christmas party again . See you soon you dirty mecxican we'll be swapping gifts again .

I tell u what tho this new elixiir.... No ones beating Annette Phil helmeuth is ****ting his little Komodo drangon underwear right now cuz he knows he can't win . Talks of Ivey and Phil phua aka MalACEsia and Doyle training their own dragon to fight anettte are on the horizon. We are ready. The cocaine is mixed w the muslcemilk and avocado and anette is tired of eating vegetarian.

WsoKDF (World Series of Komodo dragon fighting) rings are on the horizon.
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
08-22-2014 , 06:02 PM
Let me know when the invitations for this year's xmas party go out
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
08-28-2014 , 10:05 PM
Looks like wickedchippa ruined this thread, well done
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
08-28-2014 , 10:33 PM
ya wickedchippa = tryhard = unsub
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
08-29-2014 , 11:20 PM
We have heaps of. cocaine muscle milk and protein. Annette is stronger than ever. 8balls on the hour ship it . Colman is establishing dominance in the KDF game and crushing poker. .

Annette has now digested 48 hoes that owed.

Ship the blow and well ship your Komodo dragons blood
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
09-02-2014 , 07:14 PM
OP now final tabling the SHRPO 10M$ gtd Main

Must be nice buddy, must be nice
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
09-04-2014 , 07:05 AM
To rich for thread confirmed after winning another $1.4mil
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
09-04-2014 , 07:58 AM
Originally Posted by 1.1.2013
Now u have roll for 1M One drop . Bet you would win that too.
Heh - awesome quote from 2013. What a year Mr. Green. Well played!
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
09-04-2014 , 08:40 AM
Congrats, just awesome!
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
09-04-2014 , 01:09 PM
Confirmed legend. Gg man, go have some fun.
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
09-04-2014 , 03:39 PM
I just don't believe
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
09-04-2014 , 03:43 PM
Hope this dude just accepts his poker ability, whether he likes it or not, and keeps playing. There's potential to be one of the greatest ever here. Push it to the limit bro.
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
09-05-2014 , 03:16 AM
Subbed for later read
<img ,250,000 profit /  5m VPPs -- mrGR33N13 Quote
