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<img -k by May 24th <img -k by May 24th

03-07-2020 , 03:31 AM
THE GOAL: Turn $0 into $50k by May 24 (11 weeks).

THE PLAN: I'm lucky enough to have a commission job that can yield $3000-$3600/week for 20-25 hours per week. So i should earn somewhere between 30k-40k from the job and the rest will come from poker.

REASONS FOR THIS THREAD: To keep myself motivated and accountable. I have quite a few bad habits and life balance issues that i'll be addressing and conquering throughout this pgc. I've reached a point in life where i'm fed up with my actions and decisions. I have the ability and the talent, but i lack core fundamentals which will for ever prevent me from reaching any levels of sustainable success in poker. I will use this thread and your feedback as fuel to be a better man, and maybe even help/inspire others who have traveled a similar path as myself.

BACKGROUND INFO: 30 year old male, been living in atlantic city for a few years for a contracting job that pays well. Grew up in south florida so i was able to start playing poker at the casino a 18 years old (started out around 16 online). I've had some relative success with live/online MTTs accumulating $500k+ recorded scores. I've never kept good records, but over a few thousand hours of live 1/2-2/5 NL and up to 5/5 PLO, im somewhere in the $38/hour range. For the challenge, i'll be starting a fresh poker income log.

My pitfalls for the majority of my poker career has been lack of time management, undefined goals, lack of life/poker balance, and unfortunately, as of a few years ago, i also developed a pretty nasty machine/pit habit which has pretty much halted all progression/growth as a poker player. Part of this challenge will entail me defeating multiple bad habits and creating new healthy ones.


1: Since 02-28-2020, i've quit smoking ciggs cold turkey, and also quit the machines/pits. These two addictions are closely correlated with each other, so its a no brainer to knock them out simultaneously.

2: I also would like to start going to the gym again at least 3 days/week. I've never been overweight because of my life-long high metabolism up to this point, but my posture is poor and my body has aches from lack of exercise. I'll get my cardio from my day job 5 days a week but i want to do some weight training as well.

OK thats it for now. Just wanted to get this thread started after much debate. Feel free to ask me any questions!
<img -k by May 24th Quote
