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Weekly Freebie: Improving Turn Play: Part 1 + 2 by Verneer Weekly Freebie: Improving Turn Play: Part 1 + 2 by Verneer

07-10-2012 , 06:54 AM
Verneer conducted a survey on the forums and the community voted on the hardest street to play in No Limit Hold'em. The conclusion was the turn, so he has produced an article series on how to improve your turn play.

Abstract from Part 1:

  • Profitable Preflop Play
  • Preflop Hands Charts
  • Stealing Blinds

I recently asked PokerStrategy members what street they believed was the most difficult for the average microstakes player. Over 140 members voted and around 60% of them chose the turn. The next closest choice, the river, got only around 20% of the votes. This series of articles will focus on improving turn play.

It’s impossible to play a turn without playing preflop and on the flop. This seemingly obvious observation will guide the discussion. A key fundamental concept to understand is that mistakes on early streets compound on later ones. This can be illustrated by the following picture:

As you address some preflop and flop leaks, the possibility and impact of turn and river mistakes shrinks:

Thus, if you want to get better at playing the turn, you need to go back one step to focus on your flop play. Before you can do that, you need to take one more step back and address preflop play. You need to work backwards to get to the root of the problem.

Only once you address some preflop and flop issues can you start thinking about improving your turn play. It’s important to build a solid foundation from the start. That is the reason the series of articles will have the following structure:

It all starts with your preflop play.

To read the full part 1 click here:
Improving Turn Play: Part 1

Part 2 is also available for free:
Improving Turn Play: Part 2
07-16-2012 , 03:42 PM
Sadly, those article do not focus on maximazing EV even a bit. Instead they just say: you can steal the blind? RAISE IT UP!
What is the point in those teaching? Why is stealing a blind considered the most +EV action by default?
07-17-2012 , 08:02 AM
Originally Posted by egoismforever
Sadly, those article do not focus on maximazing EV even a bit. Instead they just say: you can steal the blind? RAISE IT UP!
What is the point in those teaching? Why is stealing a blind considered the most +EV action by default?
The concept of a +EV action is complicated. Due to the length of the articles, the concepts are presented in sequence and are not finished yet. For example, the first article includes this flowchart:

In order to profitably play the turn, you should be making this sort of mental calculation in each preflop situation (as all postflop play begins preflop). The purpose is to understand that different hands play well in different situations.

For example - what kind of hands are most likely to play well in Range A, B, C, and D?
07-17-2012 , 10:57 AM
The "concept of +EV action" is something that has been teached for years. Well, maybe not on PokerStrategy.

You teach your players SHC poker and tell them to CB whenever.....and then you are all surprised when your players experience problems on further streets.

Once again, pokerstrategy, does pick up on something just so they can tell "we act accordingly to the wishes of the community". You talk about ranges A, B, C and D when in no article you tell them how they create a range or put someone on a range.

Well. It might be good for some laughs.
07-19-2012 , 08:54 AM

imo the question after the question "is an open +ev with ATC?" should be how often do I get called/3b preflop and how much equity can I realise if I get called/can I continue against a 3b(how often a flop is multiway isn`t that important.)
