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Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Winrates, bankrolls, and finances
View Poll Results: What is your Win Rate in terms of BB per Housr
Less than 0 (losing)
6 6.32%
0 0%
7 7.37%
8 8.42%
16 16.84%
35 36.84%
Not enough sample size/I don't know
23 24.21%

05-28-2016 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by hellofaplaya44
Big Gip if this was 1978 or 88 for that matter i would easily heed to your advice. At that time i was living at home payed little in rent and had little if any responsibilities. Unfortunate that even the mention of Poker back then was either Vegas or 7 card stud home games amongst friends for small stakes AC was in its infant stages in 78. I guess i was born in the wrong era. Wasted way too many yrs working the 9-5 grind in civil service making what gambling world would not only slow money but blood money and boring money. I will be eligible to retire in less than 2yrs but i am so burnt out from the grind , that they can take their sh-- pension of 2k a month and shove it up their you know what. After the $300 they take out for health insurance along with food rent car insurance and other odds and ends i am left with no money for poker or any other recreational stuff i enjoy. Hope the path that you decided to embark on turns out to be a profitable one. Do what you enjoy . I did not and what do i have to show for it? Zilch
Bruh I too am a civil servant. 14 years to go.
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05-28-2016 , 07:49 PM
This Tom thumb sounds like a real jack the lad.
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05-29-2016 , 05:33 AM
i love how whenever someone comes in and asks questions about winrates/bankroll/etc. every dumbazz chimes in with, "brah... there's a thread for that".. what a joke

and then, 90% of the "real" posts itt get the absolutely asinine response of, "why you post that brah... sample size"
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05-29-2016 , 07:12 AM
Originally Posted by bwslim69
Sick maths brah

Originally Posted by TeamKB
isn't all this talk about #hours needed for WR to be relevant.. isn't it all arbitrary? don't we need a standard deviation along with the observed WR and the volume/time in order to come up with a confidence interval?

i see all these posts comparing live to online as far as "relevant" number of hands.. ("dude.. 500 hours is only 15,000 hands.. that's a slow week for online, brah").. but WR:STD is a lot higher for live, isnt' it? and so, the volume to be "relevant" will be much less for live than online, right?

Originally Posted by TeamKB
i love how whenever someone comes in and asks questions about winrates/bankroll/etc. every dumbazz chimes in with, "brah... there's a thread for that".. what a joke

and then, 90% of the "real" posts itt get the absolutely asinine response of, "why you post that brah... sample size"
I'm guessing that you and bwslim69 are the only posters from Hawaii, given that noone else had used the term "brah" in this thread before.
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05-29-2016 , 04:22 PM
Yesterday I bought two meals at applebees so I'd have food for the whole day while my lazy ass stayed inside, plus some food leftover for the day after.

The total came out to $30

Thoughts on obvious degenerate splurging? Will I make it past 2016 without going bust?
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
05-29-2016 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by YGOchamp
Yesterday I bought two meals at applebees?

Obv question is why?
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
05-29-2016 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by bwslim69
Obv question is why?
Originally Posted by YGOchamp
so I'd have food for the whole day while my lazy ass stayed inside, plus some food leftover for the day after
I'm usually pretty forgiving when it comes to missing crucial content within a post, but you literally just read the first few words and then replied.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
05-29-2016 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by YGOchamp
I'm usually pretty forgiving when it comes to missing crucial content within a post, but you literally just read the first few words and then replied.
I think he means why the ****hole that is Applebees?
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
05-29-2016 , 05:46 PM
You must hate yourself to eat at Applebee's. It's like hate food.
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05-29-2016 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by YGOchamp
I'm usually pretty forgiving when it comes to missing crucial content within a post, but you literally just read the first few words and then replied.

Originally Posted by Richard Parker
You must hate yourself to eat at Applebee's. It's like hate food.

Lullz was more of a global question like why would you willingly chose to get the swill that they put out. Basically what RP said
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
05-29-2016 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by bwslim69
Obv question is why?
degenerate splurging, read the post.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
05-29-2016 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by Richard Parker
Same condition, I'd say 10k.

Would have a lot more fun with bigger roll, but at minimum, 10k is sufficient.
I think this is really low for 2/5. I'm assuming you are just counting bankroll only, and there is a separate liferoll. Two things though. First, I've had a 10K downswing at 2/5, don't believe I was playing poorly, and even with that included my long-term winrate is quite good. Secondly, I think people should look more at where they need to move down and in reality a 10K roll for 2/5 is going to force you to move down after a relatively modest downswing. Now, if poker is not your sole source of income, you should be shot-taking 2/5 in that 10K ballpark for sure, but it's not what I'd consider a bulletproof 2/5 roll by any stretch.

Originally Posted by squid face
volume king:

Here is the deal. Vegas (i believe that is where u currently are) is designed to separate people from their $$$. You my man have fallen into that trap

when you are playing poker you are WORKING.
if u had an office job would your boss be ok with you getting rubbed? NO FUKKEN WAY...especially at 2 $ per minute

not going to explain everything here but the following are unacceptable
expensive meals
pit games
sports betting
playing bigger

no offense but you are a classic example of a young pro trying to make it and going busto in vegas. Zero awareness of your life leaks and how they negatively impact your roll
I agree with most of this and it's a great post and many poker pros would be wise to pay a lot of attention to it. I see lots of people with huge spending leaks. Now, in my casino massages are only $1/minute, and I still RARELY get them (once or twice a year), but I actually think I should get them more often. My neck/back get pretty stiff if I'm putting in a lot of hours, and a 15 minute massage for $20 w/ tip is: a) cheaper than a full massage outside the casino b) may prevent me from needing that full massage as often and c) I keep earning some money during the massage.

But yeah, all of the other things you listed are just demolishing bankrolls. The number of people who are dusting off money sports betting, in the pit when they tilt (like it's not OK to tilt at the table, but it's OK to go play 100bb/hand blackjack or 100bb/spin roulette? Yeah, ok...), or on strippers when they win... I don't even like spending comps on expensive meals since I view them as a good way to cut down my food costs in the casino if I use them wisely.

Originally Posted by Duke0424
me first, heres what i got over the last 5 weeks

Alcohol: $160.00
Amazon: $138.20
Car Insurance: $285.51
Dates w/ Jen: $705.50
Food: $223.00
Furniture: $65.00
Gambling: (-$746.00)
Gas: $127.50
Gifts: $208.50
Grocery: $387.00
Headphones: $54.00
Laundry: $7.00
Netflix/Hulu/XM: $48.00
Poker Coaching: $318.98
Rent: $1,593.00
Shoes: $21.00
Shopping: $308.00
Snoopy Stuff: $147.00
Student Debt: $100.00
Table Expenses: $114.00
Travel: $383.00
Weed: $250.00

totals just under $5k
Good job tracking all of this. I'm curious what table expenses are. Also, to make it a little easier for yourself in the future, you should have fewer categories. Rent, utilities, gas, car insurance, health insurance, food, entertainment, shopping, etc...

For example, Amazon ($138), furniture ($65), gifts ($208), headphones ($54), shoes ($21) and shopping ($308) could all really just be put down as shopping. Each one alone doesn't look too bad, but that's $794 on shopping in 5 weeks. Call it a 50 week year for simplicity, and that's 7.9K a year. You could definitely save some there, although if there were a lot of one-time expenses in that 5-week period, that's key and only you know for sure.

Also if that's -EV gambling (I'm assuming it is, sports?), you could save yourself a lot of money on that too. Assuming you ran a little bad and should have only lost like $500, that's still 5K a year.

Your entertainment is also pretty high: weed ($250), travel ($383), Netflix etc ($48), dates ($705), alcohol ($160), and probably some of the food falls under meals out which can be entertainment. I know the first two are probably pretty essential to your lifestyle and I'm not hating on Netflix, but the dates in particular are pretty expensive. $7K a year on dates is a ton, especially when you're already in a serious relationship.

All in all though, 50K/yr in spending isn't TERRIBLE, but you could definitely cut it down a bit.

Originally Posted by Duke0424
Never get into a mindset where youre walking into a casino and automatically playing the biggest game that your BR will allow you to play. If i could go back, id have stuck around 1/3 $500max games for a little longer than I did. Its just so much easier to play your Agame, not tilt, not worry about the swings/money, and just sit your ass in the ****ing chair and get hours in if you play over-rolled

90+% of players i play with play under rolled. Even i play under rolled like every day. But i know if i just dedicate myself to 1/3 deep games, id crush everyone and make $40/hr literally variance-free. Btw its really easy to beat the **** out of someone whos under rolled
This is great advice. There are many times where people should be taking their A+ game max hourly in a smaller game instead of their B hourly in a bigger game, based on bankroll, etc. Like in your example, if someone is going to make $40/hr crushing 1/3, but has to play a different style at $2/5 and only make $40-45/hr OR make $60/hr but have bigger swings that force them down, cause stress, etc, they may be better off when you look at the EV of like their next 300-500 hours of poker to print the 1/3 money longer.
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05-29-2016 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
degenerate splurging, read the post.

Tru balla IMO
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05-29-2016 , 06:33 PM
Doesn't matter how you categorize your rolls as a pro, when money is dwindling down, there is only one roll.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
05-29-2016 , 06:45 PM
Nice. Confirmed baller status.

Idk where you guys get your food, but I've been eating too much Chipotle and ran out of ideas. Please enlighten me (For finance related advice ofc incase your watching Garick)
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05-29-2016 , 06:56 PM
Post a list of restaurants and we shall give you thumb up or down, fiscally of course.
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05-29-2016 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by Richard Parker
Doesn't matter how you categorize your rolls as a pro, when money is dwindling down, there is only one roll.
Well a 10K liferoll for 2/5 as a pro is laughably low IMO. Even if you're living on 2K a month, a 2-month 2K downswing knocks your roll down to 4K... Throw in a lifeswing (car repairs, medical expenses, etc) and you're almost completely busto and would need massive 1/2 volume to get back on your feet.

Originally Posted by YGOchamp
Nice. Confirmed baller status.

Idk where you guys get your food, but I've been eating too much Chipotle and ran out of ideas. Please enlighten me (For finance related advice ofc incase your watching Garick)
"Cook" at home. Get frozen chicken, wraps (low carb if you're trying to be healthy), Mexican blend of shredded cheese, salsa, some onions/peppers (you may even find them frozen that you just microwave), chipotle pepper powder and the awesome key ingredient: Hidden Valley Southwest Chipotle dressing. Tastes awesome, reasonably healthy, way cheaper than eating out all the time. You can microwave all of this in like 3 mins. 1:30 on the chicken, another 1:00 after adding cheese, salsa, peppers/onions, etc, last :30 for the dressing.

Generally speaking, if you want to save money on food, cook & eat at home.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
05-29-2016 , 08:43 PM
Obviously you didn't catch the part where I was confirmed a baller? What part of being a "baller" includes cooking and saving $$$

serious note: I did find sauce that taste like subways southwest chipotle sauce, which is dank af
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
05-29-2016 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by YGOchamp
Obviously you didn't catch the part where I was confirmed a baller? What part of being a "baller" includes cooking and saving $$$

serious note: I did find sauce that taste like subways southwest chipotle sauce, which is dank af
I need links of this sauce please
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
05-29-2016 , 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by cuserounder

I agree with most of this and it's a great post and many poker pros would be wise to pay a lot of attention to it. I see lots of people with huge spending leaks. Now, in my casino massages are only $1/minute, and I still RARELY get them (once or twice a year), but I actually think I should get them more often. My neck/back get pretty stiff if I'm putting in a lot of hours, and a 15 minute massage for $20 w/ tip is: a) cheaper than a full massage outside the casino b) may prevent me from needing that full massage as often and c) I keep earning some money during the massage.

Chair massage at casino /= real massage, even if you do comparable time. You're getting, at best, a slightly below average deep tissue massage. At worst it's a complete waste of money.

Go find a real MT, and not one of the corporate places like Hand and Stone, those MTs are **** (they pay ****, so good MTs don't work there, it's all green MTs). Find a real massage therapist office, a reputable one - it will be licensed by the state most likely or sometimes they work in chiropractors offices. A lot of times you won't spend much more than what the casino MTs are charging and you'll get a way better one

Wife's an MT, so I feel compelled to talk about it if it comes up
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
05-30-2016 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by johnny_on_the_spot
Wife's an MT
You sir, have what I can only dream of.

If she has any single MT friends looking to get married tell them to hit me up, thanks.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
05-30-2016 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by YGOchamp
You sir, have what I can only dream of.

If she has any single MT friends looking to get married tell them to hit me up, thanks.
When I was in college I met this girl that was working toward her license and had to give X number of hours of massages as practice or whatever. They all finished with a happy ending. Couldn't think up a better way to start freshman year.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
05-30-2016 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by YGOchamp
You sir, have what I can only dream of.

If she has any single MT friends looking to get married tell them to hit me up, thanks.

You ever see the episode of Seinfeld when he dates the MT? That's basically my life...

If I get a knot in my back from lifting or golf or something, she's push on it and she actually knows what she's doing, which is nice, but getting her to do like 10 minutes of that is like pulling teeth. It probably doesn't help that I a fairly muscular and my wife is rail thin and I like extremely deep tissue work. Regardless, now that we have 2 young kids, it is virtually impossible to sit down for that long for both of us. Maybe in 10 years....

Originally Posted by johnnyBuz
When I was in college I met this girl that was working toward her license and had to give X number of hours of massages as practice or whatever. They all finished with a happy ending. Couldn't think up a better way to start freshman year.

Pretty sure the latter part wasn't part of the curriculum.

I've "helped" a few times when the place she worked at was doing training. The set up a bunch of tables in room and have a teacher and they work all on people. That's a sweet gig because it's usually a few hours and they'll rotate who works on who so they practice on different body types, which means I get a bunch of different MTs so I could see who I liked better

Last edited by johnny_on_the_spot; 05-30-2016 at 08:14 AM.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
05-30-2016 , 08:50 AM
Originally Posted by johnny_on_the_spot
You ever see the episode of Seinfeld when he dates the MT? That's basically my life...

If I get a knot in my back from lifting or golf or something, she's push on it and she actually knows what she's doing, which is nice, but getting her to do like 10 minutes of that is like pulling teeth. It probably doesn't help that I a fairly muscular and my wife is rail thin and I like extremely deep tissue work. Regardless, now that we have 2 young kids, it is virtually impossible to sit down for that long for both of us. Maybe in 10 years....

Pretty sure the latter part wasn't part of the curriculum.

I've "helped" a few times when the place she worked at was doing training. The set up a bunch of tables in room and have a teacher and they work all on people. That's a sweet gig because it's usually a few hours and they'll rotate who works on who so they practice on different body types, which means I get a bunch of different MTs so I could see who I liked better
I think that's called an orgy.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
05-30-2016 , 08:57 AM
I'm not an orgy guy. Don't you know what it means to become an orgy guy? It changes
everything. I'd have to dress different. I'd have to act different. I'd have to grow a mustache and get all kinds of robes and lotions and I'd need a new bedspread and new curtains I'd have to get thick carpeting and weirdo lighting. I'd have to get new friends. I'd have to get orgy friends... Naw, I'm not ready for it.
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