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Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Winrates, bankrolls, and finances
View Poll Results: What is your Win Rate in terms of BB per Housr
Less than 0 (losing)
6 6.32%
0 0%
7 7.37%
8 8.42%
16 16.84%
35 36.84%
Not enough sample size/I don't know
23 24.21%

03-24-2012 , 11:09 AM
Split the difference, buyin for 75bb. Imo that is an "ok" buyin amount. It should enable you to play better as you increase your implied odds but it will also pad your roll some.

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03-24-2012 , 01:16 PM
I actually like DGI advice a lot; I would buyin for 75bb because 50bb is just handicapping yourself. You are now growing a legitimate roll to protect, but yet its still pretty small. It sounds from your post that if you buy for 100bb you will become bothered and worried about the money value on the table. 50BB really handicaps you, so go for a middleground imo. GL!

Buyin for 100BB once you win a few more BI so that 100bb hit doesnt phase you much.
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03-24-2012 , 02:05 PM
Thanks. I'll take that advice and use it tonight. Wish me luck
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03-24-2012 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by pokergal72
Thanks. I'll take that advice and use it tonight. Wish me luck
I wish u play ur A game
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03-24-2012 , 05:43 PM
Do you guys include promos, food, gas, or breaks in your hourly calc? I'm factoring food and promos, but still run my session through breaks and don't calculate gas yet.
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03-24-2012 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by chongx04
Do you guys include promos, food, gas, or breaks in your hourly calc? I'm factoring food and promos, but still run my session through breaks and don't calculate gas yet.
my rule is to include everything from the minute i sit down to the minute i get up.

so gas used driving to casino wouldn't be included, but tips to dealers/waitresses as well as any promo profit does get included.
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03-24-2012 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
my rule is to include everything from the minute i sit down to the minute i get up.

so gas used driving to casino wouldn't be included, but tips to dealers/waitresses as well as any promo profit does get included.
how do you keep track of tips? i need to do a better job of that.
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03-24-2012 , 06:34 PM
I'm winning $49/hour at live poker over a 1355 hour sample. has my entire spreadsheet, along with a graph and a few metrics.

I just found this thread, and from it discovered that I had been calculating my hourly stddev incorrectly for months. It seems that my hourly stddev is actually twice as high as I had previously thought. Meaning that my data is half as meaningful as I had thought, sigh.
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03-24-2012 , 09:24 PM
Just play ABC poker.
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03-24-2012 , 09:52 PM
I'm young and stupid and therefore inclined to say buy in full since I assume you're better than the average opponent. But it's never good for bankroll considerations to influence your play, so I guess the best answer is to just buy in for whatever you're most comfortable playing with. I have a shorter "bankroll" than you, but I have a decent paying job and I spend a lot, but I always buy in for the max (300 at 1/2) for a few reasons: 1. I feel like I always have an edge and 2. Buying in short indicates a defeatist attitude before I even play a hand and 3. being shortstacked is on average going to diminish my skill advantage. Playing online for a few years has increased my loss tolerance though so if you're still thinking in "dollars" instead of "pieces of clay" then buy in for what's comfortable.

Last edited by wild will; 03-24-2012 at 10:00 PM.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
03-24-2012 , 09:56 PM
early on I would suggest buying in for 75bb only because it will allow you to learn from mistakes youll make at a cheaper price if you were more seasoned I would say 100. but 50 just isn't enough you will gain almost no post flop skill when you don't have to make decisions because almost all your money is in the pot after a c-bet.
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03-24-2012 , 10:05 PM
If it aint broke don't fix it. You have grown your bankroll to 2k. Now grow that to 4k then start buying in for 200$. Not a big difference between 75-50bbs you are still going to use the same strategy.

Now buying in for 200$ is totally different from a ss.
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03-24-2012 , 11:32 PM
In my opinion, 100BB deep is the worst position to be in at live poker. If I were you, I would play 50 BB deep until I were rolled well enough to be 150BB deep.

100BB is a tough spot, where the deepstacks have marginal implied odds against you so you cant do all the shortstacked gayness to them, but you arent deepstacked enough to take advantage of the deepstacked fish's huge mistakes.

Another reasno to stick with 50BB deep is that you are already used to the 50BB game, so there is no learning curve. I would stick with 50BB until you hit 3k, and then move up to 150BB.

Also, another thing to consider: Buy in for 50BB, and if you double up, then throw another 50BB on the table (effectively making your buyin "100 BB".)
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03-25-2012 , 08:08 AM
Noone is properly bankrolled for $1/$2. Buy-in full and play standard ABC, tight-aggressive poker. If you're worried about going broke, bring 1 buy-in and leave if you go broke. Yes I know that this could lead to some very short sessions but it will give you time to reflect on your decisions. Besides, most people's play deteriorates after having to rebuy.
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03-25-2012 , 12:22 PM
So I'm currently playing 1/2 to build my bankroll for 2/5 and was wondering whether it would be better to switch tables when your stack gets really deep so that variance doesn't screw you over.

I've recently lost a couple hands where I build my stack up to like $400-500 and get it in good (like AA vs KJo on a J 8 3r flop) and lost. In order to build my roll up I'm thinking this would have been better if I had moved to another table and bought in for $200 again, because my max loss is limited so you can protect your profits and slowly move up. Its frustrating because I was up like $1000 and am now back to even.

Anyone agree?
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03-25-2012 , 12:25 PM
Sounds like you're not properly rolled in the first place.
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03-25-2012 , 12:31 PM

Why lose the chance to win more, if you're properly rolled you should be salivating at the fact that ppl are putting their whole stacks in with KJ on a J hi flop. If you arent properly rolled then I can understand moving tables, but as you can see even though you'll lose less you won't win as much
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03-25-2012 , 12:32 PM
If you have and edge in the game then you want to be deep so you can capitalize on the mistakes of other players and win more in the process.

Also if losing 2 buy-ins at your current level maybe you are a little under rolled
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03-25-2012 , 12:42 PM
What's a good br for 1-2 with a $500 max buyin. Average stack is about $300.

Also this is my only source of income.

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03-25-2012 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by bubonicplay
What's a good br for 1-2 with a $500 max buyin. Average stack is about $300.

Also this is my only source of income.

Depend what u r buying in for. I have played a $500 max 1/2 game and bought in for $500/reloaded to $500 whenever I got below $350 for 500ish hours and my worst downswing was $1200. I think if u have a $2K BR, your risk of ruin is pretty low even if u buyin for $500 (assuming u r a decent/ good player).

Also, where r u playing at? $500 max 1/2 games are pretty rare.
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03-25-2012 , 01:40 PM
well i am wondering what the minimum bankroll should be, so i would just be buying in for 100bb's at first.

I had 10k saved up but blew it on BJ.

5k a good amount to get back into the game with a level head with no stress?
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
03-25-2012 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by bubonicplay
well i am wondering what the minimum bankroll should be, so i would just be buying in for 100bb's at first.

I had 10k saved up but blew it on BJ.

5k a good amount to get back into the game with a level head with no stress?
Playing 100bb deep with 5K at 1/2, your risk of ruin is pretty much 0.

and lol at blowing 10K playing BJ.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
03-25-2012 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by fun101
Playing 100bb deep with 5K at 1/2, your risk of ruin is pretty much 0.

and lol at blowing 10K playing BJ.
i think its an inexpensive lesson compared to some people.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
03-25-2012 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by bubonicplay
i think its an inexpensive lesson compared to some people.
10K is inexpensive. U must be pretty rich
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03-25-2012 , 02:07 PM
no i blew %90 of my roll though in a month of BJ.

10k, lesson learned hopfully, cheaper than some people in the long run.

i have about $1500 right now, but am planning on getting a job and rebuilding/ getting back into a good mindset.
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