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View Poll Results: What is your Win Rate in terms of BB per Housr
Less than 0 (losing)
6 6.32%
0 0%
7 7.37%
8 8.42%
16 16.84%
35 36.84%
Not enough sample size/I don't know
23 24.21%

04-16-2013 , 12:09 PM
Not true, because you are a lot more likely to play 30 sessions in your A game over 6 months than 30 sessions in a month.

Plus there aren't 30 weekends in a month.
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04-16-2013 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by Richard Parker
Not true, because you are a lot more likely to play 30 sessions in your A game over 6 months than 30 sessions in a month.

Plus there aren't 30 weekends in a month.
If someone was playing full time, they could probably put in that volume. I mean, not every single month (I imagine it would be too draining), but definitely easier to put in that volume when you're running good.

And while it would be difficult to play A game all the time, I kinda get the feeling some games (such as mine) could be crushed playing a C+ game.

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04-16-2013 , 12:14 PM
Maybe dhcg could make that his next challenge.
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04-16-2013 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
On my current 27-3 streak at 1/3 NL I'm pretty close to this (just under $15K). Course I'm only playing once a week so it's taken me 6 months to play these 30 sessions; but someone very easily could have played these 30 sessions in one month.

Gconvincedithasbeendone,justextemelyunlikelyyoukno wthemG
I've played Monday through Sunday, and during the week on non pay weeks, and not on the weekend there are better players where my win rate goes down. So it may be possible, but not easy. But, I love the weekends!
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04-16-2013 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by squid face
mpethy our pal QQ-Q U A D S-QQ won 30k at the wynn 2/5 1500 cap in 2 weeks last year. this was in fact verified. For those that dont know he was the top lsnlfr player on line pre bf. If you are a crusher and the structure is right I can totally see this happenin
If somebody told me that Quads had won $16k in a 1/2 game in a month, I'd lean toward believing it. His style plus his skill equal a small probability that he'd do it. But no way some random pulled that off.
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04-17-2013 , 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
On my current 27-3 streak at 1/3 NL I'm pretty close to this (just under $15K). Course I'm only playing once a week so it's taken me 6 months to play these 30 sessions; but someone very easily could have played these 30 sessions in one month.

Gconvincedithasbeendone,justextemelyunlikelyyoukno wthemG

I am so jealous of this! I am stoked if I link like 4 winning sessions in a row! A streak would be 7-8 for me. I can not imaging going 27-3. I usually in a session for 3-4 buy ins, and have a little loss or little win, and every 4-5 game's bust a nice 4-5 buy in game. I think my session win rate is like 57%

I sometimes wonder if my sessions win rate could drop below 50% and still have the good hourly rate I have ay the same time.
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04-17-2013 , 01:57 AM
Do any of you make excel spreadsheets? I've made one, but I wish that it could do more than it does. Currently it just has my session stats: date, day, location, hours, net. On down the line, and at the end of the month I have the total hrs and total net off to the side, which then get totaled up and gives me an average per hour.

What I would LIKE to have is a spreadsheet that does all of that, but also keeps track of the totals for each individual location, so that I can keep track of exactly how I'm doing at each place I play.

So on friday I watched some of the LATB, and then fell asleep because I was super-tired, and felt kind of bad for missing the Friday night action.

But then I logged 677 on Saturday, my biggest win ever! I was absolutely owning the table. Called down a huge bluff because I had a better hand than I was supposed to, value-bet strongly with winners, and when I clearly had a winning image, started taking down pots with light semibluffs.

Grandma to my right kept giving me dirty looks and muttering to herself, and even talking openly to me about "giving them a chance to win some back" during a period where I was card dead. ...And "that's not how we play here". And how "you'd never play that way against the big boys" (I know her primarily from a different club where, she's probably right, I wouldn't...but then everyone there thinks of me as very tight-weak). But my good amount of sleep, my knowledge of how the players play, and my run-good had me playing an almost perfect game.

Then on Monday I ended up losing 282 including that all in shove I mentioned in the chat thread (A9 in the straddle heads up vs a blind raise to 15). Kind of a kick in the balls after Saturday's win, but I'm okay.
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04-17-2013 , 04:38 AM
Use pivot tables in excel. They r awesome
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04-17-2013 , 06:17 AM
Thank you for the suggestion! However, I found the SUMIF function which turns out to be sufficient. I now have the stats for all my locations! Of course, lolsamplesize for each of them.

Over the last 3 months, I've played 155 hours, made 1404 profit, and have a winrate of 4.5bb/hr. Again, lolsamplesize. I need to put a lot more time and effort in. I have so much improving to do...
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04-17-2013 , 09:41 AM
I'll be putting in 120-150hrs of 1/2 a month for three months over the summer, so i'll let everyone know if 16k is possible
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04-17-2013 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by corlath
Do any of you make excel spreadsheets?

I use to use excel but my computer crashed so I switched to android apps. I track using to apps and they back themselves up. I have found occasional misstates between the apps, then I go back and try to find where I went wrong and correct it. Its the only way to be 100% accurate I have found.

Keep studying and being aggressive. Pay attention to your image at the same time.
You should have that to 10bb in no time.
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04-17-2013 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by kdready
I am so jealous of this! I am stoked if I link like 4 winning sessions in a row! A streak would be 7-8 for me. I can not imaging going 27-3. I usually in a session for 3-4 buy ins, and have a little loss or little win, and every 4-5 game's bust a nice 4-5 buy in game. I think my session win rate is like 57%

I sometimes wonder if my sessions win rate could drop below 50% and still have the good hourly rate I have ay the same time.
Prior to this streak, my record for winning sessions in a row was 8; within this 27-3 streak, I've got streaks of 7, 10 and currently sitting on another 10. Keep in mind my average session length is well over 7 hours (and my guess is that during this streak it's probably closer to 10 hours), so much better chance of booking a winning session, imo (i.e. due to being able to recover from a runbad over a random hour or two, plus better chance at building a stack and hopefully getting into the occasional deepstack hand against a horrible player). Prior to this streak I think my session winning percentage was somewhere just below 70% whereas now it has ballooned to low 70s.

In the end, I'm sure this run good streak is simply throwing off all my results way outta wack and it will probably take many hours to recover to normal and have them settle where they should be.

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04-17-2013 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek

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04-18-2013 , 04:15 PM
Hey guys. I was wondering if I could get some opinions on my future poker plans. I'm seriously thinking of moving to Vegas in a few months and giving poker another shot. Thing is, I will prolly have life roll of 4-5k so definitely can see the risk of a bad downswing and having to get a job within a few months. Normally, I'd say this is a dumb move, but I've been a pro online player (mostly stars 24 tabling $100nl) for 7 years up until black friday .So I feel I should always be the best player at the table especially since I will play prime time hours and table select.

I've heard 20$ hour at 1/2nl is doable so I'm assuming I have the skill to earn that amount. So the goal is to get to 10k as soon as possible and make my way to 2/5nl till I get a big bankroll for 5/10 in LA maybe. Guess my main question is if Vegas low stakes nl is juicy enough to go for a living for a few months. I had prop job at small casino in LA and basically broke even at the tables over 600hours at 1/2 because of california rake and tight games so I'm assuming Vegas should be much better and cheaper living as well. Any input would be great.

Also, which Casinos generally are the most profitable. I would assume the biggest ones would be best to stick to since they have no jackpots.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
04-18-2013 , 04:21 PM
get a different job, stay in cali, move up to like a 2/3 or 5/5 game there.

moving to vegas with 5k in your pocket to crush 1/2 is pretty -lifeEV.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
04-18-2013 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by 11t
get a different job, stay in cali, move up to like a 2/3 or 5/5 game there.

moving to vegas with 5k in your pocket to crush 1/2 is pretty -lifeEV.

Well, I would hopefully only play 1/2nl for a couple months at most then take shots at 2/5. I just need to make a few grand at it which seems doable if I put in a lot of hours
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04-18-2013 , 04:51 PM
Everything seems easy on paper, but poker is not as simple as putting in the hours, especially for someone with very little roll and zero backup.
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04-18-2013 , 05:06 PM
It is your life but on a scale of 1 to 10 I give your plan like a 2.5
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04-18-2013 , 05:24 PM
1.5 for me.
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04-18-2013 , 05:25 PM
Ok, fair enough. I guess in my head I'm thinking I'm awesome compared to 1/2nl live players and really don't wanna keep working a 12$/hr job for another year to save up 10k to go play. I figured as long as I'm able to put in the hours, the risk of me going broke is not that high and if I do go broke I basically have the same low paying job waiting for me in LA whenever I want to return. Guess it's how much of a risk I'm willing to take. But I do agree it's easier said on paper then actually getting it done.
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04-18-2013 , 05:26 PM
I think getting a part time job, like a serving job would offset most runbad, alleviate some of the "scared money" tendencies that are inherent in a shallow life roll, it's a cash business so no waiting for paychecks, as well as an easy job to quit.

Good luck

Sent from my SGH-T769 using 2+2 Forums
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04-18-2013 , 05:31 PM

My gut reaction is to tell you to get a real job.

If you insist on being reckless, then you should just get friends/family to back you 5k for half your poker action at 3/5-5/5 NL in the LA area. 50% of your winrate at 3/5 NL (or 5/5 NL) in LA should be the same or more than your 1/2 NL win-rate in Vegas.

This way you get to stay close to friends and family in LA while you look for a real job.
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04-18-2013 , 05:37 PM
Ya...get your friends and family into your mess is a good idea.
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04-18-2013 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by weewees
Hey guys. I was wondering if I could get some opinions on my future poker plans. I'm seriously thinking of moving to Vegas in a few months and giving poker another shot. Thing is, I will prolly have life roll of 4-5k so definitely can see the risk of a bad downswing and having to get a job within a few months. Normally, I'd say this is a dumb move, but I've been a pro online player (mostly stars 24 tabling $100nl) for 7 years up until black friday .So I feel I should always be the best player at the table especially since I will play prime time hours and table select.

I've heard 20$ hour at 1/2nl is doable so I'm assuming I have the skill to earn that amount. So the goal is to get to 10k as soon as possible and make my way to 2/5nl till I get a big bankroll for 5/10 in LA maybe. Guess my main question is if Vegas low stakes nl is juicy enough to go for a living for a few months. I had prop job at small casino in LA and basically broke even at the tables over 600hours at 1/2 because of california rake and tight games so I'm assuming Vegas should be much better and cheaper living as well. Any input would be great.

Also, which Casinos generally are the most profitable. I would assume the biggest ones would be best to stick to since they have no jackpots.
Why would any LA player want to move to vegas. The games are pretty bad during the week in vegas. Don't do it imo.
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04-18-2013 , 05:53 PM
I actually am in Austin right now and just moved out of LA a few months ago. From my experience, LA seems to have the most action in all games, but their rake/buy in structures are stupid bad at low stakes so Vegas seemed like a good place to grind for 6 months or so at 1/2nl then hopefully move back to LA once I have a decent roll
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