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Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Winrates, bankrolls, and finances
View Poll Results: What is your Win Rate in terms of BB per Housr
Less than 0 (losing)
6 6.74%
0 0%
6 6.74%
8 8.99%
15 16.85%
32 35.96%
Not enough sample size/I don't know
22 24.72%

02-17-2013 , 05:58 PM
Isn't 16k kinda small BR for 2/5? Not trolling you just curious because I have similar roll was going to give a 6k shot at it and drop to 1/2 if I hit 10k.
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02-17-2013 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by gosbgosbgo
Isn't 16k kinda small BR for 2/5? Not trolling you just curious because I have similar roll was going to give a 6k shot at it and drop to 1/2 if I hit 10k.
What kind of 2/5 structure?
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02-17-2013 , 06:57 PM
500 max at Borgata
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02-17-2013 , 07:01 PM
16k is over rolled for 500max game. Stop being br.nits. How do you expect your bankroll to get to 25k/50k?

Not grinding out 500$ cap games. Might take you years to achieve that. I'm not just talking about 50k profits. I mean 50k cash after you have adjusted to making more money.
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02-17-2013 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by iLikeCaliDonks
16k is over rolled for 500max game. Stop being br.nits. How do you expect your bankroll to get to 25k/50k?

Not grinding out 500$ cap games. Might take you years to achieve that. I'm not just talking about 50k profits. I mean 50k cash after you have adjusted to making more money.
I guess I should of mentioned 16k is life roll also. My overhead per month though is only like 1k. Does that change anything.
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02-17-2013 , 07:08 PM
You're way over-rolled if you're beating the game for over 5bb/hr.
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02-17-2013 , 07:10 PM
It changes a lot, keep grinding till you get things separate. I would even start an emergency savings as well. So that's 3 different areas.

It doesn't hurt to ss aggressive 5/10 games. Like when your having a good week.

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02-17-2013 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by iLikeCaliDonks
It changes a lot, keep grinding till you get things separate. I would even start an emergency savings as well. So that's 3 different areas.

It doesn't hurt to ss aggressive 5/10 games. Like when your having a good week.

Not really when his overhead is 1k.
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02-17-2013 , 07:17 PM
I know sounds like he live in the middle of nowhere or with his parents.

I would be playing the best game. But I would ss 5/10, something like 750$ would sound perfect.
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02-17-2013 , 08:14 PM
I would take like a few buyin shots at that, it's not awful advice, but drop back to 2/5 if I'm down to, say 10-12k.
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02-17-2013 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by Sol Reader
I would take like a few buyin shots at that, it's not awful advice, but drop back to 2/5 if I'm down to, say 10-12k.
If you don't have a second source of income then this advice seems pretty aggressive. I think having 6-12 months living expenses is a must, and then a 20-30 buy in bankroll in addition is mandatory for someone doing it as a sole source of income.

My worse downswing at $2-5 was roughly $12k, but lasted 3-4 months. Fortunately I was prepared and wasn't forced to move down because it felt more like $20k.

It's a terrible feeling when nothing you do works, and trust me, if you play enough, you will inevitably go on a similar downswing.

Always take a more conservative approach if you don't have another source if income.
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02-17-2013 , 09:42 PM
12k? I can't imagine 12k swing in live 2/5...
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02-17-2013 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
ya ya ya....1hr 15min of sleep last night so you'll have to suffer thru my horrendous typing.
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02-17-2013 , 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by Richard Parker
12k? I can't imagine 12k swing in live 2/5...
It's an uncapped game, so plays fairly big.
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02-17-2013 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by cbayly12
It's an uncapped game, so plays fairly big.
Not really 2/5 in the conventional sense in such case.

In a conventional $500 cap game, $10k is more than enough.
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02-17-2013 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by Richard Parker
Not really 2/5 in the conventional sense in such case.

In a conventional $500 cap game, $10k is more than enough.
I mean possibly, but I'm sure if you only had 10k and lost half of it, which will happen, you'd be a little concerned. It also wouldn't be good for you mentally.
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02-18-2013 , 01:14 AM
I am planning a 5 day trip to Vegas and plan on playing 2-5 NL for about 10 hours a day. What would be a good BR to take on the trip? I have jobs so I don't have a set BR, but am just wondering a ballpark for a realistic amount to take. I know 20 buyins is the general guideline for career BR, but is trip BR different? Or does trip BR even exist for poker?
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02-18-2013 , 01:18 AM
Couple questions for live players At the end of 2012 I was winning quite often at my 1-2 100bbcap game that I bought the app pokerjournal to start 2013, since then I have played 58 hours over 9 sessions for an hourly rate of 31.15$ net, say I had won about 600$ over 50 hours in 2012, is it possible to develop a confidence interval or with what certainty can I assume I am a winning player?

p.s:I think I am(if not) already breaking through the marginal wins to actually beating the game)
p.p.s: I am also on a heater and know some of my big leaks I need to work on where am I missing a lot of value...

I know this is a lot, but this forum is missing a lot about tipping the dealers! I am tipping for small pots and split pots (some guy gave me a look after I tipped for a split pot), also what about the size? I tip 1$ for small to normal pots or 2$ for 400$+ pots

aaaaaaaand thats it
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02-18-2013 , 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by RC3
I am planning a 5 day trip to Vegas and plan on playing 2-5 NL for about 10 hours a day. What would be a good BR to take on the trip? I have jobs so I don't have a set BR, but am just wondering a ballpark for a realistic amount to take. I know 20 buyins is the general guideline for career BR, but is trip BR different? Or does trip BR even exist for poker?
Just bring what you're comfortable losing.
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02-18-2013 , 01:30 AM

If over 108hrs of play you haven't picked up on tipping norms, look up the tipping containment thread in the brick and morder forum. Also, I suggest researching sample size as well, 108hrs+ is nothing. There are winning players on here that have gone on a ~300hr downswing and still cranked out 70 g's profit after the year was over. Good luck out there.
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02-18-2013 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by cbayly12
Just bring what you're comfortable losing.
That doesn't help much.... I have seen people post downswings of 10-12k over the course of 3 months, but how bad can a swing be in only 5 days? I am a competent player so I think your response is a little brash maybe because the question led you to believe so.
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02-18-2013 , 01:41 AM
Question for all those bankroll experts....

Does having 5k to 20k credit card limits count as life roll money?

People who want to devote all their cold hard cash to poker bankroll should make sure to build a good credit profile for life emergencies if they need all cash devoted to the roll.

Also, I know a sports gambling degen, through paying his best friend via paypal for services via credit card, he turned all his credit card limits into straight cash.

You can max ccs out paying for services, you just do it via paypal then have your degen friend give you the funds once they hit his bank account.
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02-18-2013 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by NickTheNit
Couple questions for live players At the end of 2012 I was winning quite often at my 1-2 100bbcap game that I bought the app pokerjournal to start 2013, since then I have played 58 hours over 9 sessions for an hourly rate of 31.15$ net, say I had won about 600$ over 50 hours in 2012, is it possible to develop a confidence interval or with what certainty can I assume I am a winning player?
No. 58 hours isn't enough to determine with any confidence you are a winning player. Imo, the absolute minimum time required to say, "yes I'm a winning player" is about 500 hours...

The test of whether you are a winning player isn't when you are a winning... Any rec-fish or donk can win.


The test of whether or not you are a winning player is how you handle your downswing.

How does your game/play change when you've had 3 consecutive sessions of grinding for 8 hrs and working your $200 buy-in up to $900+ and then you flop trip Aces on a rainbow dry board against the biggest drooler on the table that has you covered. You get all the money in on the turn and the drooler hits his gut shot on the river and you lose everything.

And so, in 3 sessions you undergo a $3.5k negative swing losing two buy-ins per session PLUS the $900+ stack you built up.

It is how you play the 4th session that will determine if you are a winning player. Will you sit down at the table and immediately launch into your bad beat stories? Will you start over raising with AA because you don't want to get cracked anymore? Will you start seeing Monsters Under the Bed and stop value betting? Will you start tilting and overshoving weak draws feeling that since everyone else hits bs against you its your turn to get lucky????

Imo, you can't know for certain if you are a bonafide winning player until you face down a horrendous downswing. And it is coming, it will happen, it is inevitable.

Thus, you need more data. Within 500 hrs you will have that downswing and it is how you handle that downswing and your resulting game after the runbad that will determine your true winrate and if you are a winning player...
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02-18-2013 , 01:48 AM
Lot grinder that is some bad degen logic. No form of debt is part of your life roll or bankroll. Your roll is your money which you can access without paying interest or without having to pay someone else back.

That entire post is ahow to guide for how to destroy your credit and your life roll so you end up permanently busto. Thats well beyond just losing your poker roll. Don't even think about it
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02-18-2013 , 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by LotGrinder
Question for all those bankroll experts....

Does having 5k to 20k credit card limits count as life roll money?

People who want to devote all their cold hard cash to poker bankroll should make sure to build a good credit profile for life emergencies if they need all cash devoted to the roll.

Also, I know a sports gambling degen, through paying his best friend via paypal for services via credit card, he turned all his credit card limits into straight cash.

You can max ccs out paying for services, you just do it via paypal then have your degen friend give you the funds once they hit his bank account.
using a degen friend to launder your money is a great way to lose said money when your degen friend gambles it away...

"Dude, I know you sent me that $4k via paypal, and I was at the bank getting your money and I was at the window of a cashier named Candy. She was wearing a horse pendant and there is a horse racing today name Cashier Candy. So, its a lock right. So, I took the $4k and put it all on Cashier Candy and the horse was going to win but then the Jockey fell off right at the final turn..."

yeah, good luck with that...
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