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Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Winrates, bankrolls, and finances
View Poll Results: What is your Win Rate in terms of BB per Housr
Less than 0 (losing)
6 6.32%
0 0%
7 7.37%
8 8.42%
16 16.84%
35 36.84%
Not enough sample size/I don't know
23 24.21%

09-24-2012 , 02:36 PM
Why is the 1/2 rake higher than 2/5 in UK?
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09-24-2012 , 02:53 PM
10 cap at 2/5 is way too high. It's actually higher hourly at 5 cap because you cap it more often.
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09-24-2012 , 03:10 PM
It's up to $4, so in most cases, it doesn't matter.
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09-24-2012 , 03:13 PM
At 1/2 pots don't always reach 100, but it does more often at 5/5 so they charge more rake overall is what I mean. It's a pretty good rake structure actually relatively.

In other news, my winrate continues to increase. Somehow.

People have been saying that my winrate is unsustainable. You guys realize that even if I broke even for the next 1k hours I'd still have a 1.5k hour sample of >$37/hour right?

I guess I just run amazingly good. That wasn't sarcasm btw, I really do.
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09-24-2012 , 03:31 PM
Haha lucky you, I thought I was pulling out of my runbad then immediately booked 5 straight huge losing sessions in like triple A+ games, fml
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09-24-2012 , 05:42 PM
Yeah, I'd hate to run bad again, because I feel/play so much better overall when running good. In April/May I had manic-depressive episodes and considered seeing a therapist/psychiatrist or taking meds full time. Now I don't have a worry at all and just enjoying life. Managed to lose a 6k pot and still laugh it off etc etc.

Obviously, I do think that it's easier to not run really bad when you're good. You avoid a lot more "cooler" spots because there are like very slightly -EV stack off spots you recognize and avoid when you're playing really well, which means that your overall stack-off spots are fewer, and you are less to the whim of AIEV, even if those spots only change your EV slightly.

I'm not going to disagree that I've been running hot as hell though, overall. I don't mean not having downswings, but being able to get out of them. Booking a win after losing lots does amazing things to your mind, it's crazy to realize how much my emotions still are to the mercy of results. Hopefully I can work on that.
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09-24-2012 , 05:43 PM
It's very easy for good players to play good when running just neutral.
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09-24-2012 , 05:45 PM
Question: Given the following information, is it too risky to play live $1/2 with a $2500 bankroll?

Winning player over ~500 hours at ~$10.5/hour. For the second half of my sample, I educated myself much more on pokerstove, probability theory, and math. My winrate for the second half of my sample is ~$20/hour.

No job at the moment (searching), only have $2500 to my name.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
09-24-2012 , 06:06 PM
Yeah if you only have 2500 I'd focus on finding a new job and feeding myself
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09-24-2012 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by 11t
Yeah if you only have 2500 I'd focus on finding a new job and feeding myself
The problem is finding a job is hard. Really hard. Harder than I'd ever imagine. And I am trying but it's a slow process. In the meantime, I'd like for some money to come in and that's why I'm considering hitting the felt again.

Is there anyway to calculate a risk of ruin with my size of bankroll?
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09-24-2012 , 06:26 PM
Uh, the real question you need to ask your self is how much does it cost you to live month to month?
If you have 2 break even months are you out of your bank roll?
Is that 2500$ really *all* the money that you have to live with?
If it is, you should NEVER play poker with it.
Do you really want to risk your life savings on chances?

Have you tried Mc Donalds? Burger King, a Grocery Store?
This isn't a troll, but really, if you have no job and have 2500 to your name, you should really think about taking some less desirable options to make sure you have the money to live before you think about playing a game heavily based on chance first.
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09-24-2012 , 06:34 PM
Grunch: What's the consensus on moving up in stakes with a proper roll but low sample size at current stakes? Just take a few shots? Right now I'm at $31/hr playing 1/2 with a 102-hour sample size with a 8k roll and am thinking of moving to 2/4. I realize this is low and could just be an upswing. Reassess after 500 hours?
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09-24-2012 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by AmazonPrime
It's very easy for good players to play good when running just neutral.
Not running bad is running good IMO.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
09-24-2012 , 06:37 PM
Take a 2-4 BI shot.

For both posters.

You can live with 1.5k. Make sure you have that. Grind the rest. If it goes bad, stop.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
09-24-2012 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by JLtrooper
Grunch: What's the consensus on moving up in stakes with a proper roll but low sample size at current stakes? Just take a few shots? Right now I'm at $31/hr playing 1/2 with a 102-hour sample size with a 8k roll and am thinking of moving to 2/4. I realize this is low and could just be an upswing. Reassess after 500 hours?

Are you a rec player, a semi-pro, or an aspiring pro?
If you are a rec player, 8k seems like a great amount to move up to 2/4 with. Take a few shots, maybe you will get a bank roll boost, but don't be afraid to move back down.
If you are using poker a a living, get up to 12k or so, then try moving up so that you've got 4-5 months of living expenses in case you take a nasty hit.
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09-24-2012 , 06:42 PM
I'm an aspiring pro and play part-time right now while working a part-time job for bills and whatnot.
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09-24-2012 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by BenT07891
The problem is finding a job is hard. Really hard. Harder than I'd ever imagine. And I am trying but it's a slow process. In the meantime, I'd like for some money to come in and that's why I'm considering hitting the felt again.

Is there anyway to calculate a risk of ruin with my size of bankroll?
with trying to support yourself your ROR is probably near like 75%+ since you will be cashing out your roll

where do you live?
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09-24-2012 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by Sol Reader
Not running bad is running good IMO.
That's very true.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
09-24-2012 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by BenT07891
Question: Given the following information, is it too risky to play live $1/2 with a $2500 bankroll?

Winning player over ~500 hours at ~$10.5/hour. For the second half of my sample, I educated myself much more on pokerstove, probability theory, and math. My winrate for the second half of my sample is ~$20/hour.

No job at the moment (searching), only have $2500 to my name.
it is a bad idea - GL on the felt
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
09-24-2012 , 07:46 PM
Oh yeah, important info: My monthly expenses = ~$80 (living at home)
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09-24-2012 , 07:47 PM
Def go for it.
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09-25-2012 , 06:34 AM
Originally Posted by OoberSick
fair enough. i wasn't bashing, just commenting.

also, as far as the seemingly high winrates, it's been my experience that they are possible but usually indicative of short sessions and/or small sample size.

a lot of times if i see someone with a 10bb+/hour rate, it will be with an average session of < 4 or 5 hours. when u play short sessions like that, you're almost never losing multiple buy ins, and when you double up you're win rate is huge. lets say you're at 1/2 and in a 4 hour session you double up your 300 and leave. that's 37.5bb/hr, which is huge. now lets say you stayed another 4 hours and won an additional $100, it's already dropped to 25bb/hr. If you stayed that extra time and actually lost $100 back, it's dropped to 12bb/hr.

thus a 10bb/hr winrate with an average session of 4 hours is NOT the same as a 10bb/hr rate with an average session of 8 hours. it means much much less as far as showing the skill of the player. and i don't say that to bash anyone that's posted a winrate like that, you very well may be able to sustain it for longer sessions, but that's just how it is.

as for what's sustainable and what isn't, it's going to change drastically with game structure and quality. from what i've seen in a 2/5 game with a 100bb buy in, i think 10bb/hr is approaching the best in the player pool IF you're average session is over 6 or 7 hours.
I have a hard time staying focused after 4-5 hours so I'm pretty sure my winrate would be less if I was playing longer sessions. Shorter sessions don't directly correlate to a higher winrate however game selection, having an effective stop loss and quitting tougher games when you aren't playing your A-game do.

No one that quits when they double up or have 300bb is going to have a top winrate.

Originally Posted by Sol Reader
News flash: losing 6 buyins in 9 hours results in same hourly as losing 2 buyins in 3 hours.

Similarly if the latter happens 3 times (which will be like losing 6 bis in 9 hours) you'd end up losing the same amount. It's the same.
Just feel like pointing out that the probability of losing 6 buyins in 9 hours) > probability of losing 2 buyins in 3 hours three times in a row.

Anyone able to beat 1/2 for more than 10bb/hr is going to have a decent game. In order to be in the 20bb+/hr range you have to have to be one of the better players in your game and have the ability to play a high percentage of quality hours (focused, a-game, etc).
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
09-25-2012 , 07:43 AM
I have an excellent winrate over a large sample size, and i rarely play over 4 hour sessions. If you are in an area with decent game selection it serves you to play in the best game available, and its rare that a single game will stay that good for that long.
Winrates, bankrolls, and finances Quote
09-25-2012 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by Sol Reader
Def go for it.
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09-25-2012 , 11:31 AM
If you live at home and can continue to do so for the near future, then it is worth taking a shot and seeing if you can build a big enough bankroll for 2/5 or 5/10 as well as a life roll as well.

That being said, living at home is not going to impress the ladies. Plus, if you went away to college and became independent like you were supposed to, then living at home kind of sucks.

Do you have any education? Could you move to a better job market for your chosen career?
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