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What adjustments do I need to make? What adjustments do I need to make?

11-21-2016 , 07:22 PM
Coming from playing online, there is a game that's 1/2 50bb max but it gets to 100bbs relatively fast.

90% of pots are multiway, I completely stopped bluffing unless I got a good read on someone, I stopped 3 betting light (by 3bet I just mean put out a 3bet size bet after 5 limpers so 9bbs) still get like 3 callers..

Betting the size of the pot is useless, flop bets are $10-$15 turn is $15 river is $20-25 regardless if the pot is $400. So I never get 3 streets of value unless I want to bet like a ****ing mong.

Cbets don't work 75% of the time, even on a very dry board with 3 players, and I constantly get donked at, and no clue what they mean because they show up with any variety of hands, sometimes it's a draw, a monster, top pair, a middling pocket pair and another overcard came so they got scared..

I'm trying to work out a strat to exploit the general population, and so far I'm thinking limp all my scs 1 gappers, non suited connectors, suited aces, low pocket pairs, then raise small (4bbs regardless of how many limpers in the pot) for value my Broadway hands strong aces, high pocket pairs etc. and when I have aces I can open for 20bbs and still get callers. Any other adjustments? I feel like it's too limp heavy, and it seems like this strat I'm just playing like they are...
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11-21-2016 , 07:54 PM
There are a couple of very good threads in the Best of LLSNL sticky on adjusting from online to LLSNL. Please read those and then post specific questions for whatever those threads don't answer and/or bump them if you have questions/comments about thing in those threads.

Cliffs: Ranges are very wide. Make a hand, bet big, take mobnies. The F do.
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11-22-2016 , 01:13 AM
I dont really like limping even in super loose fishy games where they allow it. Maybe it's a leak of mine but I've just never won a big pot that wasnt raised. The dynamic that is established when you raise and someone calls is much different than when everyone limps. You have given someone initiative to stay in the hand with you. Their desire to play a pot is much stronger when they have to call a $20 raise vs a $2 raise, so when they *do* connect on those flop with their draws they are much more enticed to stay in because the pot is growing quickly.

So with that in mind I'm still going to isolate in position with hands like A9s, 65s, Q8s, K5s, etc etc. Presuming that I feel this range beats their limp calling range then I am already ahead going into the flop so it's still purely value. I'm not trying to make them fold, I'm just trying to get them wrapped up in a spot I can navigate better than them. The only time I tighten up is if the game is just playing crazy, double straddles, 10x straddles, open shoves, etc. Then I'll just nit it up and wait for a spot to limp jam.
What adjustments do I need to make? Quote
11-22-2016 , 07:40 AM
Originally Posted by Turtol
I'm trying to work out a strat to exploit the general population
This is the biggest leak online players have when they come to live play. They are used to having a default style that "works" against almost all villains online because they are multi-tabling and don't have the time to learn about their villains. If the table conditions don't fit their "style," they move to another table that does.

To be a big winner at live play, you need to figure out how to exploit each player individually. A good (not great) live player is winning at a 20BB/100 rate. You can't just play a "no-brainer" approach and win that much.
What adjustments do I need to make? Quote
11-22-2016 , 03:34 PM
I agree with venice. As for OPs strat change I can get on board with the thinking, however i would disclude limping middling SCs or Suited one gappers from anywhere not immediatly near the button.
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11-23-2016 , 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by venice10
This is the biggest leak online players have when they come to live play. They are used to having a default style that "works" against almost all villains online because they are multi-tabling and don't have the time to learn about their villains. If the table conditions don't fit their "style," they move to another table that does.

To be a big winner at live play, you need to figure out how to exploit each player individually. A good (not great) live player is winning at a 20BB/100 rate. You can't just play a "no-brainer" approach and win that much.

I can pick out tiny tendencies between 6-7 of the players, and only have to watch out for 1 or 2 and the vast majority of my attention is spent on them, the others play so ridiculously similar it's like they're the same person, which is why I wanted a strat to destroy them.
What adjustments do I need to make? Quote
11-23-2016 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by venice10
This is the biggest leak online players have when they come to live play. They are used to having a default style that "works" against almost all villains online because they are multi-tabling and don't have the time to learn about their villains. If the table conditions don't fit their "style," they move to another table that does.

To be a big winner at live play, you need to figure out how to exploit each player individually. A good (not great) live player is winning at a 20BB/100 rate. You can't just play a "no-brainer" approach and win that much.
Bingo! Individual reads are everything playing live. Watching every hand whether or not you are in it, staying off your phone and paying attention and having a very good memory that replaces a HUD is essential to a high win rate.
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11-23-2016 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by Turtol
the others play so ridiculously similar it's like they're the same person, which is why I wanted a strat to destroy them.
As long as you believe your villains are the same person, I'm not going to be able to help you much.

Good luck.
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11-23-2016 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by Turtol
the others play so ridiculously similar it's like they're the same person, which is why I wanted a strat to destroy them.
Not so. There are at least four kinds of LLSNL donks and also several kinds of decent to good regs, though they are much more rare.
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