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Twice set over set in one 4 hour session Twice set over set in one 4 hour session

08-09-2013 , 10:52 AM
How would you handle the situation ?

I know this is extremely unlikely to happen. Has never happened to me in a live game before. Twice I flopped a smaller set over a bigger set in a 4 hour session.

2-5NL game. Crazy game, that has toned down a bit as the second hand here happened. Mainly because the 2 wildest players left, both of them being pretty spazzy and calling a lot. One of them was calling preflop all-ins with Q4s, K3s, A7o etc.

Hand 1:
Villain(BB)450$: Old guy. I have played with him before. Tends to overplay his big pairs. Can be spazzy at times, especially that day. I think the fact there was that guy calling all-ins with Q4s really made him looser than he usually was.

Everyone else in the hand had 400$+ and I also had 500$. 3 guys limp, I limp in cut off with 22, dealer limps, sb completes and Villain (BB) raises to 40$. Tends to have a good hand if he raises this much but like I said he was playing a bit looser than usual. 3 limpers both call and I decide to call figuring I would get paid 100% if I hit my set with how the table was playing. I usually don’t call if its more than 5% of my stack to hit a set. Dealer calls and sb folds.

Flop is 542 with a flusdraw. (Pot is 200$). Villain Cbets to 150$ leaving him about 250$ behind. 3 guys in between us fold. I look at the guy on the dealer who seems ready to muck his cards. I figure at this point he most likely has an overpair as he is not one to cbet into that many people without a hand. So I just decide to ship it there. Dealer folds and villain calls. I tell him I have a set and he says me too. Show 44 which surprises me due to the preflop raise. But I take it in stride and reload especially since the table is really awesome.

Hand 2:
Villain(300$) is hijack. Very familiar with. Very passive, always buy-in for 200$, and reloads for 100$. Tends to fold if he misses but hangs on with top pair or draws. I have about 700$ in the lojack. I raise to 20$ with 77, villain calls and the rest of the people behind him call making us 6 to the flop. Stacks vary in sizes from 300$ to 1K+.

Flop is 872 with a flush draw. I bet 75$, villain calls and everyone else folds. Turn is an offsuit King and I just put him all in since there is quite a bit in the pot and hes the type of guy who will calls me with draws probably a pair between 99 and JJ too. He calls, I’m like ya I flopped middle set. He says well I flopped top set. And I lose another set over set situation all in one session.

At this point I’m like wtf is going on here. I play quite a bit online too and I cannot recall a time where this happened in one session. I’m sure it did but most likely I had a bunch of tables and after the money went in I switch my attention to another table.

In this game, the 2 super soft spots had left. There were still 4 good spots at the table , 3 good players and 2 break-even regs.

I just decide to leave because I figured my mindset wouldn’t be great at this point and just cut my losses and comeback another day. If this happened to you, what would do ? What would make you stay and what would make you leave if you get coolers like this? I might have stayed if the 2 large fishes were still in the game.

Feel free to comment on the hands as well. I don’t think I made any major mistakes in those 2 hands, maybe a bit of a looser call with 22 preflop but I still don’t mind making it if I think I’m going to get paid a large percentage of the time when I hit.
08-09-2013 , 11:13 AM
I believe you're looking for Beats, Brags, and Variance.

It should be one of the links under "General Poker"
08-09-2013 , 11:57 AM
I would definitely call it a day after two set over set situations. Your almost certainly going to be steaming to some degree and more than likely off your A game.

If you don't tilt at all and are still playing your A game, then it's time for a table change. You have an unlucky/loosing image. Every aspect of the game get's tougher when the whole table see's you as the guy that can never win a pot.
Many people will tell you that this is not a problem and now all you have to do is value bet and get paid off. This just isn't the case more often than not. Table change and don't talk about your bad luck excessively at the new table.

An aside two winters ago I had a stretch where 8 consecutive times that I flopped a set spanning many sessions, I lost. Each time the money went in on the flop or turn, and my hand was never good at show down. either set over set/ flush/ straight whatever. So yeah running bad happens to all of us. Set over set is just a flat out cooler against 90% of villains you'll face in llnl. Shake it off and get them the next time.
I know it can be tough, I could still post the hand history's from more than half of those consecutive hands I lost w/ mid or bottom set and it was 2 1/2 years ago. I think that's how most poker players are though, we can't recall the details of the monster pots we win to save our life, but the one's we loose are stored away up there for careful analysis for a long long time to come. good luck
08-09-2013 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by patchohare
I would definitely call it a day after two set over set situations. Your almost certainly going to be steaming to some degree and more than likely off your A game.

If you don't tilt at all and are still playing your A game, then it's time for a table change. You have an unlucky/loosing image. Every aspect of the game get's tougher when the whole table see's you as the guy that can never win a pot.
Many people will tell you that this is not a problem and now all you have to do is value bet and get paid off. This just isn't the case more often than not. Table change and don't talk about your bad luck excessively at the new table.

An aside two winters ago I had a stretch where 8 consecutive times that I flopped a set spanning many sessions, I lost. Each time the money went in on the flop or turn, and my hand was never good at show down. either set over set/ flush/ straight whatever. So yeah running bad happens to all of us. Set over set is just a flat out cooler against 90% of villains you'll face in llnl. Shake it off and get them the next time.
I know it can be tough, I could still post the hand history's from more than half of those consecutive hands I lost w/ mid or bottom set and it was 2 1/2 years ago. I think that's how most poker players are though, we can't recall the details of the monster pots we win to save our life, but the one's we loose are stored away up there for careful analysis for a long long time to come. good luck
Thanks for the feedback. Ya definitely not easy. Glad i left, went back a day after,fresh and did well.

I wasnt sure where to post this thats why i did here.
08-09-2013 , 04:14 PM
I have had 5 set over set losses in a single session! I was losing my mind. It slightly helped it was 1-2 and a few times short stacks but VARIANCE.

BRAG that my BEATs were so bad! Lol
08-09-2013 , 11:03 PM
Sweet brag about flopping sets. I haven't flopped a set in almost 50 hours now.
08-09-2013 , 11:44 PM
We have a BBV thread in this forum. That's where you need to post this.

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