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Turned TPTK in 3! Hand Turned TPTK in 3! Hand

01-21-2023 , 03:55 PM
2/5 no limit 8 handed $700 effective stack

Only been at the table 30 minutes. My first hand at the table was KK and made a tight fold face up to a flop shove so V may think I’m a nit.

V knows the dealers. Talks like he plays poker quite a bit but so far haven’t seen him play a hand.


Hero has A K

V utg raise to $15
Hero raise to $50
Fold around and V calls

Pot $100
Flop T T 6

Check, Hero bets $50, call

Pot $200
Turn A
Check, hero check

I think this check is bad. My thinking at the time was V can have JJ, QQ, KK (maybe), AK, and maybe AQ. Maybe AT but I think he folds that pre.

I’m checking here to keep the pocket pairs in and hopefully get abuse on the river.

Pot $200
River Q
V bets $175

Not sure he can have any bluffs here and if we turn read was right most of his hands improve to beat me.
Turned TPTK in 3! Hand Quote
01-21-2023 , 05:32 PM
I would check flop a lot. Turn could go either way, check is fine. As played it’s a sigh snap call.
Turned TPTK in 3! Hand Quote
01-21-2023 , 06:43 PM
If we think he's a good player who has watched you make a big fold and he's betting a polarized size and you are under repped here which should both encourage him to bluff more as well as possibly value bet more thin. Because of all of that I think you could probably find a call.

Generally I think AK is mostly a fold here though.
Turned TPTK in 3! Hand Quote
01-21-2023 , 08:56 PM
Don’t show big folds face up. Now crying call
Turned TPTK in 3! Hand Quote
01-22-2023 , 03:14 AM
River is closer to a fist-pump call than crying call, c'mon.
Turned TPTK in 3! Hand Quote
01-22-2023 , 05:57 AM
Snap, you invited this ott, now call it off. You are almost at the top of you range, made a big fold faceup, showed weakness on the turn, he has all missed gutshots that are natural bluffs and you have God's blockers. I wouldn't even rule him betting the same/worse hand for value out. You can only fold vs comfirmed omc.
Turned TPTK in 3! Hand Quote
01-22-2023 , 12:11 PM
I like the way you played it, but you have to call otr.
If you don't want to find yourself in spots like this, then you should bet turn.
Turned TPTK in 3! Hand Quote
