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Turned top 2 limped pot line check Turned top 2 limped pot line check

07-01-2015 , 02:00 AM
Pretty laggy /loose passive table. Primarily characterised by loose. A fishy postflop player who has everyone covered has limped. I understand my limp is possibly still questionable. I've been playing pretty solid, but pretty sure only one Vil 2 takes that into account and even then only mildly

Vil 1 is some 20 something chick who just ran down $900 to the felt in awful calls and rebought $200. By awful I mean first hand i saw her play was a K6s. Flop K 82 two suited she calls check raise from big stack, big stack bets $170 on T turn and then $195 on 8 river completing flush (not hers) big stack tables K2s they chop. Starts w about $150

Vil 2 is a pretty much atc pre flop player when there's limps. I know he's done well in a couple medium tournaments but he's very weak passive sometimes postflop. When he bluffs its usually w very weak hands and weak bets when people show weakness. Essentially I think he's just banking on people having nothing and folding to any bet. I think he's thought about this play, and he is a thinking player ;but probably a small winner or loser at $200 because of how loose he plays. Covers

Hero starts w $420 roughly.

About 4 limps including Vil 1utg to hero 2 off button w JdTh limps
Vil 2 limps button
No raises.

7 or 8 players to flop
Tc 7s 4c pot $14

Checks to hero bet $15
4 calls including Vils
Only Vil 2 has position now

Turn Js pot $90 5 ways
Checks to hero bets $45
Vil 1 and 2 call
Everyone else folds

River 3h pot $225
Vil 1 checks (has roughly $85 left)
To hero w around $360 effective left....???

Otf flop I considered checking but felt there was a very weak field w weak ranges to navigate so opted to build w relatively good position.

Ott I guess I could bet bigger. I didn't want the players involved to have a huge incentive to check raise bluff w two flush draws out and after facing 3 checks I did not want to give a free card. I still felt that 98 was an obvious possibility and thought there was a chance w this sizing they would get greedy and either min raise leaving me odds or flat giving us the river at a good price if our hand was not good. At any rate I didn't think I gained much more being full pot here or $75 or something. They still call draws and are still apt to pay off w one pair hands if the river is Q+ and they happened to hit an over.
Most flush and 4 card straight rivers I'm probably going to bluff catch against a couple of the Vils ott.

The river is tricky. I feel like Vil 1 pays w any pair. Vil 2 may occasionally pay a big bet w 1 pair (I'd say maybe 30% of the time max) because he knows I could be 3 barreling a missed draw.
Let the massacre begin.

Last edited by sungar78; 07-01-2015 at 02:07 AM.
Turned top 2 limped pot line check Quote
07-01-2015 , 08:13 AM
Very good Flop bet .. multi-way limp pots 'deserve' pot sized Flop bets IMO. Getting that many callers is a big surprise. This could be a number of things not yet meant for this thread. The most obvious one being bet more OTF, but pot is (and should be) fine.

Turn bet is very bad IMO. Your hand improved, you are smart enough to see that the board improved also, but then you price EVERYTHING in to call. Especially after the first call, EVERYTHING is priced in.

I am going 2 routes here:
1) I am betting just a bit more, but not more than half V1 stack, so that V1 feels committed and may shove. Now I can react to and/or 3-bet V2 into a side pot. If you have a player who is on the down slide, I can see this going into the middle pretty easily. (In order to do this you must be aware of that stack size before the Flop. If you 'study' the stack and then bet out 49% of it the whole table will know what you are doing.)

2) I am betting 'most' of V1 stack so V2 'feels' priced into a call if V1 calls. This also protects my hand from flush/straight draws getting a cheap card. We are forcing V2 to perhaps put more into the pot right now, but he sees that V1 is all in and is compelled to put chips in since his 'risk' to V1 is limited.

These spots can be great or suck when going against V2's range. V1 can tip the scales one way or the other when V2 is really our target but V1 can help us drag V2 into a bigger pot.

Obviously we need to be aware of the 98, but I'm not slowing down on the Turn one bit. I may slow down on the River depending on my read of V2 and may go into c/c mode for a side pot ... get your value here please!! GL
Turned top 2 limped pot line check Quote
07-01-2015 , 10:15 AM
I like it. I'd bet a bit more on turn, but only ~$60. Definitely betting river against these Vs. About $125. Would be really ugly if V2 comes over the top, but he doesn't seem the type who would do this with a hand you beat.
Turned top 2 limped pot line check Quote
07-01-2015 , 02:04 PM
V1 is a station, make her pay more OTT, and plan to get the rest in OTR. If V2 is bluffy, all the better. If you are worried about the double-suited board all the more reason to make them pay more to draw. So pot the turn.

If V2 calls pot bet on turn and a scare card comes, you might induce a V2 bluff with c/c OTR and V1 paying you off before your overcall. If river blanks, bet at least V1's remaining stack.
Turned top 2 limped pot line check Quote
07-01-2015 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by Javanewt
Definitely betting river against these Vs. About $125. Would be really ugly if V2 comes over the top, but he doesn't seem the type who would do this with a hand you beat.
AP I bet $81 otr effectively putting Vil 1 all in

Vil 2 tanks. Cuts out $81 and then loads up two more stacks of red and makes it $281 ... ??
Turned top 2 limped pot line check Quote
07-01-2015 , 03:22 PM
I think $81 was too small. Could have induced, but who knows? I fold. Don't go broke (or close) in a limped pot. Can't imagine you are doing better than chopping.
Turned top 2 limped pot line check Quote
