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TT in straddled pot TT in straddled pot

04-02-2016 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by Javanewt
In MY game, $35 and $50 will get about the same number of callers. What does that have to do with this hand or any other game?
It does because when people said that $50 raise is too big, you responded with the following:

Originally Posted by Javanewt
OP stated that $50 would get him two to three callers, which indicates to me that $35 will get five or six, or more. That's exactly what happens in my games. I do not want to play TT out of position against that many players in a bloated pot. Has nothing to do with post-flop play -- TT sucks multi-way in a huge pot, especially oop. Yes, I'd rather limp than raise to $30 or $35. $50 is perfect, and it is not oversized with a $10 straddle. LOL, especially when you know you will get callers.

My regular game is just like this -- it's a huge game -- and, BRAG, I have yet to have a losing session in the past two years, so I'm not worried about my post-flop play.
So how is $50 raise better than $35 if the main contention of your posts is that you want to thin the field?

Originally Posted by Javanewt
OP stated that to get two or three players, he needed to raise to $50. I made the assumption, and I think it's a pretty darn good one, that raising less would get many more callers. If I'm wrong and/or you made another assumption, let's hear it.
So far I am only following your logic.
04-02-2016 , 05:06 PM
What? I am so lost. If you are going by, "That's exactly what happens in my games," yes, $30 to $35 will get you five or six callers, and so will $50, but not in OP's game. If I were in OP's game and knew that if I raised to $50 I'd get only two or three callers, as opposed to more callers with a smaller raise, that's what I'd do. Is that simple enough?
04-02-2016 , 05:30 PM
All I have been trying to do is following your logic...

Originally Posted by Javanewt
Pre flop should not be less than what you made it. It's a straddled pot and you know how much you need to raise to thin the field. $50 is great. If you are not going to try to thin the field, just limp. I play in games like this (I don't think many on here do) and raising to $30 or $35 is just going to get you into a bloated pot with the entire table. You played pre and flop great. Turn is whatever, I would not have check/folded, but I think it's fine against a good player who can put you in really tough spots.
You started the whole argument by correlating OP's game with your game. So if you believe your game is same as OP's game, then how would the argument in the last 2 pages about your game be any different?
04-02-2016 , 05:51 PM
Who's on first?

You guys lost me about 20 posts ago. In my normal game, I open to $20 or raise to $25 - $30 if there is a limper or two. I rarely go higher than $30 even if there are more limpers.

It seems that people go nuts when there is a straddle. I think most of the fish just want to get a lucky flop and win a big pot. I don't think there are any hands that I would call a $50 raise with. Well, maybe if 5 people called ahead of me, but that's about it.

If I open to $30 in a straddled pot I am definitely likely to get 4-5 callers.
04-02-2016 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by MikeStarr
It seems that people go nuts when there is a straddle. I think most of the fish just want to get a lucky flop and win a big pot. I don't think there are any hands that I would call a $50 raise with. Well, maybe if 5 people called ahead of me, but that's about it.

If I open to $30 in a straddled pot I am definitely likely to get 4-5 callers.
But it would be 4 - 5 callers of weak range because they want to get lucky?
04-02-2016 , 05:59 PM
I'm on team bigger raise size pre. I like flop and I think once you check turn it's close between c/c and c/f.
04-02-2016 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by Richard Parker
But it would be 4 - 5 callers of weak range because they want to get lucky?
Yes. A lot more people will call raises in a straddled pot for some reason. Not too mention the straddler himself almost never folds. One calls, another calls, and then everyone thinks they are priced in hoping they flop 2 pair or whatever. They have a weak range but when theres 4-5-6 of them, someone is almost always going to outflop me.

Ive been struggling with what to do about this when I start getting deep. Im going to start raising a normal amount and see what happens because these $50-$60 preflop raises aren't working..
04-02-2016 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by MikeStarr
Yes. A lot more people will call raises in a straddled pot for some reason. Not too mention the straddler himself almost never folds. One calls, another calls, and then everyone thinks they are priced in hoping they flop 2 pair or whatever.

Ive been struggling with what to do about this when I start getting deep. Im going to start raising a normal amount and see what happens because these $50-$60 preflop raises aren't working..
If you're saying their ranges don't get stronger the larger you raise the better for you no? Imo

I.E. if they call 30 w/ 66 for example and will still call 50 it's a bigger mistake aka better for you
04-02-2016 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by MikeStarr
Yes. A lot more people will call raises in a straddled pot for some reason. Not too mention the straddler himself almost never folds. One calls, another calls, and then everyone thinks they are priced in hoping they flop 2 pair or whatever. They have a weak range but when theres 4-5-6 of them, someone is almost always going to outflop me.
Think about it this way:

If you raise to $35 and get 5 callers, your pot odds is 1/6 or 16.7% of $175 pot.

If you raise to $50 and get 2 callers, your pot odds is 1/3 or 33.3% of $150 pot.

In 16.7% pot, you are up against a weaker range.

In 33.3% pot, you are up against a stronger range.

Which scenario is better for a more skillful player?
04-02-2016 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by MikeStarr
Who's on first?

You guys lost me about 20 posts ago.
That's about where this thread derailed.

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