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Tough spot with aces 2/5 Tough spot with aces 2/5

02-01-2017 , 04:26 PM
Hero: LAG, have been absolutely card dead for the last hour or so. 800 effective

V: Quite loose, plays very aggressively have seen him make bluffs with air and I recently called a river bluff of his with a pair of 3s. Has me covered

Hero: AsAh UTG + 1 makes it $25

V: hj calls the 25 very quickly

Flop Qh4d4s

Hero bets 45 and villain raises to 170.. I don't really think queens are in his range because I have seen him 3 bet 8s and get it in. But have seen him call raises pre with AQ so I think that's possible.

Turn bricks off 7c. Hero checks and V bets 265. So if I call this bet I have about 365 behind. What is the optimal play in this spot? If I call I don't see him giving up on the river so I would be facing an all in bet.

Any thoughts are appreciated
Tough spot with aces 2/5 Quote
02-01-2017 , 04:31 PM
Tough spot.

Lots of different ways to play this hand. Given the stack size, I'd often limp and hopefully re-raise pre, but obviously raising pre is pretty standard.

Again, given stack size we don't necessarily want to stack off here with just an overpair here. V's flop raise here is setting us up to stack off. I probably fold to the flop raise and figure he just ended up with a 4 here somehow. When you call the flop raise, I think you're in call down mode.

OOP and with stacks deep compared to pot size, you could also consider checking flop, especially OOP v. a bluffy opponent.
Tough spot with aces 2/5 Quote
02-01-2017 , 04:38 PM
Yeah he was quite Spewy and seemed to play any two, Since I know he's 100% not flatting queens it has to be a 4 or nothing, I doubt he had 7s and raised the flop. So I'm pretty handcuffed at this point. But folding flop just seems weird.
Tough spot with aces 2/5 Quote
02-01-2017 , 04:48 PM
I actually might check/raise or check/call that flop to let him start hanging himself.

Betting and getting raised is tough. However, you are seen as LAG, but you've been card dead? Not sure what that read means? Have you been loose aggressive with marginal hands? Is this your first raise in an hour?

Vs. this guy, with the reads given (you are LAG and he is bluffy) it seems as if you need to call him down.
Tough spot with aces 2/5 Quote
02-01-2017 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by Necreps
Yeah he was quite Spewy and seemed to play any two, Since I know he's 100% not flatting queens it has to be a 4 or nothing, I doubt he had 7s and raised the flop. So I'm pretty handcuffed at this point. But folding flop just seems weird.
On a hand like this, where stacks are deep, the flop is dry and I have no idea what to do when reraised, I'd strongly consider checking flop. Very villain dependent of course. The more likely V is to flat with pocket pairs between Q and 4, the more likely I am to bet. The more likely V is to reraise the more likely I am to check. However, at a certain point as V moves further up the maniac gradient, I become more likely to bet again since I'll just consider myself too strong to fold here no matter the action.
Tough spot with aces 2/5 Quote
02-01-2017 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by Javanewt
I actually might check/raise or check/call that flop to let him start hanging himself.

Betting and getting raised is tough. However, you are seen as LAG, but you've been card dead? Not sure what that read means? Have you been loose aggressive with marginal hands? Is this your first raise in an hour?

Vs. this guy, with the reads given (you are LAG and he is bluffy) it seems as if you need to call him down.
Yes sorry let me explain better, prior to this hour I was playing quite a lot of hands, suited connectors, suited one gappers, raising quite a bit. I have played with the villain for about 6 hours already. He has seen me raising quite a variety of hands.
Tough spot with aces 2/5 Quote
02-01-2017 , 05:19 PM
Hmm tough spot. Maybe post the 33 hand for more info?

He is going to have a ton of 4's in his hand considering how loose he is.

What seems more likely, he hit a 4, or he's trying to bluff hero, who's called him down light already, with complete air while Heros range looks pretty strong? At least in my experince even aggressive players slow way down against me after I hero call them.
Tough spot with aces 2/5 Quote
02-01-2017 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by StimAbuser
Hmm tough spot. Maybe post the 33 hand for more info?

He is going to have a ton of 4's in his hand considering how loose he is.

What seems more likely, he hit a 4, or he's trying to bluff hero, who's called him down light already, with complete air while Heros range looks pretty strong? At least in my experince even aggressive players slow way down against me after I hero call them. Unless they're complete monkeys.
Alright so the hand where I hero'd him

Same stack sizes same opponent

V cut off opens to 15

Hero Bb A3ss

Flop 2h 6s 7d

I checked, he bet 20 I called, I'm aware this was a very loose call but it did not seem like it would've connected with his opening his opening range was a lot tighter than his calling. And I did have back doors to the nuts

Turn is 3h, I check and he checks behind

River is 4 and v fires 60$

I tank for a while and end up calling, he tables 10jss
Tough spot with aces 2/5 Quote
02-01-2017 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by Necreps
Alright so the hand where I hero'd him

Same stack sizes same opponent

V cut off opens to 15

Hero Bb A3ss

Flop 2h 6s 7d

I checked, he bet 20 I called, I'm aware this was a very loose call but it did not seem like it would've connected with his opening his opening range was a lot tighter than his calling. And I did have back doors to the nuts

Turn is 3h, I check and he checks behind

River is 4 and v fires 60$

I tank for a while and end up calling, he tables 10jss
This hand doesn't provide me a lot of comfort in gii with V in our AA hand. Pot is just so, so much smaller here. A lot of Vs are capable of making small bluffs, but not capable of getting an $800 stack in with air.
Tough spot with aces 2/5 Quote
02-01-2017 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by MIB211
This hand doesn't provide me a lot of comfort in gii with V in our AA hand. Pot is just so, so much smaller here. A lot of Vs are capable of making small bluffs, but not capable of getting an $800 stack in with air.
Yes I agree, it's a very weird spot. I'm thinking to avoid this would I be better off opening to a bigger size? I see people 5-8xing live often which seems crazy and am trying to adjust from online play.
Tough spot with aces 2/5 Quote
02-01-2017 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by Necreps
Yes I agree, it's a very weird spot. I'm thinking to avoid this would I be better off opening to a bigger size? I see people 5-8xing live often which seems crazy and am trying to adjust from online play.
I think you're opening size was fine. Even if you opened to $40 and got one caller, there would be $80 in the pot and $760 behind, so you'd still be in a spot where if you get your stack in with an overpair you're often behind or bluff-catching.

Instead of opening larger, if the table is aggressive you can limp planning a limp-reraise. The hope would be that someone raises, there's a caller or two, and you can then reraise to $80-100. At that point, if you get a caller the pot is almost $200 and you'll feel pretty good about gii with an overpair. You have to be prepared though to see the flop limp around, in which case you need to proceed very carefully unless you flop a set. In some ways, AA is the perfect hand for a limp-reraise because there's no way for an overcard on the flop in a limped pot. If you try it with KK or QQ for instance, you'll be somewhat lost if it limps around and an ace flops.

Other way to pot control here would be to check flop and go from there. It's going to take at least 4 bets/raises for stacks to go in on this flop, so if you check flop you can pretty much make sure that doesn't happen.

Finally, if you lead flop, you probably should be going smaller. This is a dry flop, you could easily bet $25 rather than $45 and keep the pot under control.
Tough spot with aces 2/5 Quote
02-01-2017 , 06:16 PM
Assuming he isn't just a aggrotard I'm folding. For example if most of his aggression is in small pots, or when players show weakness, I'm folding here. But if he's just an idiot who is mindlessly aggressive I'd probably call.

He's got like 20+ combos with 4's in his hand. He's seen that we're willing to call him down light and don't give him a lot of credit. Our range looks strong. Even if he's crazy enough to run a bluff here with air on you, he'd have to be doing it with a pretty big frequency considering how often he also has a 4 to make stacking off profitable.

I do like checking flop simply because his range is going to whiff this flop a huge percentage of the time and I expect him to try and win the pot when we show weakness.
Tough spot with aces 2/5 Quote
02-01-2017 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by StimAbuser
Assuming he isn't just a aggrotard I'm folding. For example if most of his aggression is in small pots, or when players show weakness, I'm folding here. But if he's just an idiot who is mindlessly aggressive I'd probably call.

He's got like 20+ combos with 4's in his hand. He's seen that we're willing to call him down light and don't give him a lot of credit. Our range looks strong. Even if he's crazy enough to run a bluff here with air on you, he'd have to be doing it with a pretty big frequency considering how often he also has a 4 to make stacking off profitable.

I do like checking flop simply because his range is going to whiff this flop a huge percentage of the time and I expect him to try and win the pot when we show weakness.
What 4s are you giving him? 44, 45s, 46s, A4s is a super loose range for calling an UTG open and is only 10 combos. Unless you think he's in here with A4o or something?
Tough spot with aces 2/5 Quote
02-01-2017 , 06:32 PM
His calling range was super loose, a4o or worse wouldn't surprise me. I'll post a spoiler bellow
Tough spot with aces 2/5 Quote
02-01-2017 , 06:34 PM
I folded turn. He asked me if I wanted to see it I said yes. He turned over Q4 off..... So looks like it was a good fold if his range is that wide.
Tough spot with aces 2/5 Quote
02-01-2017 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by Ranma4703
What 4s are you giving him? 44, 45s, 46s, A4s is a super loose range for calling an UTG open and is only 10 combos. Unless you think he's in here with A4o or something?
When OP says vilian is quite loose I take that to mean he's calling with a lot of hands preflop.

Hero being UTG and raising 5x 160bb deep with villian in HJ is gonna make him open up his range a ton, not make it it tighter.

I think he's also get 34s, 45o, 24s. Possibly A4o or hands like k4s etc. This type of player is calling really loose here in hopes of smashing the flop and stacking OP, or bluffing OP when he looks weak. His range is huge.
Tough spot with aces 2/5 Quote
02-01-2017 , 08:05 PM
Flop too big
Tough spot with aces 2/5 Quote
02-01-2017 , 08:27 PM
Given description, in- game I call down. Sick he had Q4o lol, but whatever.
But I would have to seen him make some flop raises a good % of the time .

Because most people at this limit hardly ever raise flop with any hand, including trips. They usually just raise turn big and, well... it's obv what they have.

The example you have is not really relevant to this spot.

Another option to play this hand vs this villain is to check/call him and let him barrel since this board isn't scary at all.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Last edited by DonkvFish; 02-01-2017 at 08:32 PM.
Tough spot with aces 2/5 Quote
02-01-2017 , 09:52 PM
V has bluffed with complete air, that mean she he's got WAAAAY too many bluffs in his range use this to exploit him. You have the 3rd best hand you could have here, this is the top of your range you absolutely need to call down this hand especially on a board that over aggressive Vs like to bluff with. If you fold to a reraise on this flop then what are you calling with? Literally 2 hands QQ and 44 villain is going to ****ing print money bluffing you here, and if you continue with only 4 combos he can shut down and exploit the ever loving **** out of you. If you're at the top of your range here you need to call down, especially against a villain who uses complete air as bluffs, if he somehow shows up with a 4 then too bad.
Tough spot with aces 2/5 Quote
02-01-2017 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by Necreps
I folded turn. He asked me if I wanted to see it I said yes. He turned over Q4 off..... So looks like it was a good fold if his range is that wide.
This makes it an even worse fold if his range is that wide..
Tough spot with aces 2/5 Quote
02-02-2017 , 03:34 AM
Originally Posted by Necreps
I folded turn. He asked me if I wanted to see it I said yes. He turned over Q4 off..... So looks like it was a good fold if his range is that wide.
Wow, not sure what's crazier, you folding AA, against a guy who bluffs a lot, with a crazy range, or the fact that he bet out SO much on the flop and the turn, when he basically had the nuts in his hand... I guess good fold, but I feel like 95 out of a 100 times, that's probably an overly nitty fold in that spot against a player as spewy as you said he was, but I guess it worked in this spot, so who am I to judge. But no way I'm ever folding aces against a player like that on a raised preflop with a Q,4,4, flop...
Tough spot with aces 2/5 Quote
02-02-2017 , 07:26 AM
Villan plaing ATC makes it much more likely he has the 4. any 4 is raising you, and only AQ/KQ is raising you most likely.

You either fold to flop raise or call it down because I think its pretty clear he has every intention of getting all the money in when he raised the flop, so I would fold. there is $70 in the pot, im not calling off 750 more to see if he is bluffing.

Checking flop really isnt a bad call to let him hang himself, because im sure he would bet any 4 any Q any PP and bluffs if you had checked.
Tough spot with aces 2/5 Quote
02-02-2017 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by Turtol
This makes it an even worse fold if his range is that wide..
I disagree. I highly doubt he's playing a hand w/o a 4 in it the way he played the hand with the 4, especially if he expects H to continue with AA/KK, which most people would.
Tough spot with aces 2/5 Quote
02-02-2017 , 12:35 PM
Fair enough, thanks for the input everyone. I folded because I put him on such a wide range he could have a lot of 4s and he was quite bluffy and Spewy but this was the first time I had seen him go so big. It didn't make much sense. I'm obviously not folding here often but it felt correct with his massive sizing.
Tough spot with aces 2/5 Quote
