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Tough hand with Aces Tough hand with Aces

07-29-2012 , 10:09 PM
This hand happened at a 1-3 cash game at the Aria a few days ago. Somewhat loose passive table. Lots of pre-flop limps and pre-flop calls of raises between 15-20. Villain sits down and limps into a few pots. He's 3 to my right. Two players between us always call pre-flop raise and often give up on the flop or turn. I pick up AA (no spade) in late position. Lots of limpers including villain and two between us. I raise it to 20, hoping to end up heads up against the calling stations. But, villain is the only caller. Effective pre-flop stacks are about $200.

Flop comes K83 all spades. I bet 50, about the pot. Villain thinks for a while and then calls. Turn card is blank. Villain leads out with a shove for about $130 more.

Let me know your thoughts, and after some discussion, I'll tell what happened.
Tough hand with Aces Quote
07-29-2012 , 11:17 PM
Mods should prob move to live NL forum for better responses.

I'm not folding. Turn shove is for less than pot. With 66BB effective to start hand I don't think I'm folding here too often. He either flopped a flush or flopped a K and wanted to see a clean turn before putting it in. Could have a lot of hands with Kxs
Tough hand with Aces Quote
07-30-2012 , 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by bwslim69
Mods should prob move to live NL forum for better responses.

I'm not folding. Turn shove is for less than pot. With 66BB effective to start hand I don't think I'm folding here too often. He either flopped a flush or flopped a K and wanted to see a clean turn before putting it in. Could have a lot of hands with Kxs

You should always be calling. If he had a set on the flop, he would have raised.
Tough hand with Aces Quote
07-30-2012 , 01:41 AM
Tough hand with Aces Quote
07-30-2012 , 02:12 AM
How many limpers exactly?, can't comment on preflop sizing w/o this information.

Folding is really tight, that's what it comes down to here, if you're folding this (whether correct or not) it's going to be tough to win in the LR.
Tough hand with Aces Quote
07-30-2012 , 03:20 AM
If you're going to bet the flop, you have to call the turn here. It's about equally likely that he flopped a flush or just a flush draw, and there are a lot of K's in most limp-call ranges here. There isn't enough behind to fold.
Tough hand with Aces Quote
07-30-2012 , 08:35 AM
At this point in the hand, I put him on the following possible hands:

- made flush: good for him, very unlikely
- 88: the only set because KK raises pre-flop and 33 should fold pre-flop, although he might have called with 33
- KQ, KJ, or even KT with the Q/J/T of spades

Of these, the last one seems the most likely.

Anyway, I called, obviously. The river card was as ugly as a card can look, given his range, the A of spades. I didn't see how he could possibly not have a flush. But, he looked disgusted. I showed my set of aces and he mucked. I have to believe he had 88 and that the river saved me.
Tough hand with Aces Quote
07-30-2012 , 09:05 AM
He most likely has KxXs. Snap call.
Tough hand with Aces Quote
