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Tough decision on river in 3way pot w/AA - 1/2 NL Tough decision on river in 3way pot w/AA - 1/2 NL

08-07-2013 , 07:01 PM
Hero is at crazy ass table at local casino... lots of action. Saw one villain blind shove preflop with $300 after someone raised $20... money to be made here!

Villain 1 UTG - $700 .. young Asian gamble, have seen him before likes to chase draws and bluff off his stack
Villain 2 SB - $400 .. Old man nit, his range consists of QQ+
Hero D - $425 .. playing ABC TAG , tight early position. using position to advantage


V1 UTG makes it $14 , action folds to Hero on the Button w/ AA I raise it up to $40, V2 flat calls , UTG insta calls


8 9 K

V2 checks , UTG leads out for $55 , I reraise to $150 , V2 tanks then calls (wtf) , V1 also tanks then calls..



V2 checks , V1 checks , Hero checks (I was scared of the Q for some dumb reason in retrospect I knew I should of BET)



V2 instantly shoves all in , V1 snap calls , Hero...???

Last edited by PreFlopRaiser; 08-07-2013 at 07:15 PM.
Tough decision on river in 3way pot w/AA - 1/2 NL Quote
08-07-2013 , 07:03 PM
I don't think one pair, even the only overpair to this board, is going to be good vs both villains. I'd fold.

Last edited by NebDanger; 08-07-2013 at 07:12 PM.
Tough decision on river in 3way pot w/AA - 1/2 NL Quote
08-07-2013 , 07:10 PM
Turn is kinda interesting, unsure what your best play is there.
As for river, definite fold.
Tough decision on river in 3way pot w/AA - 1/2 NL Quote
08-07-2013 , 08:31 PM
3bet is a little bit too small preflop, especially vs such a fishy aggro table. I'm making it 55+ so we can narrow down V2's range a little bit more. I like the flop bet. Turn is a totally awkward spot but I think we have to bet and river is a fold given previous action. Hand is played very weird by both V's.
Tough decision on river in 3way pot w/AA - 1/2 NL Quote
08-07-2013 , 09:10 PM
Must fold on the river and on the turn you should be betting a little more than half the pot.
Tough decision on river in 3way pot w/AA - 1/2 NL Quote
08-07-2013 , 10:44 PM
Snap fold
Tough decision on river in 3way pot w/AA - 1/2 NL Quote
08-07-2013 , 11:01 PM
Aces cracked for sure. Did you have Ad?
Tough decision on river in 3way pot w/AA - 1/2 NL Quote
08-08-2013 , 12:30 AM
why are we betting the turn when OMC's range was given as QQ+ and there's a Q and k on board? The turn is a definite check back w/ him flatting the 3 bet and calling our flop bet. Easy fold on the river. Loose guy can have TJ, KQ, flushes and sets, OMC has AA at worst based on op. I think this hand was played fine. I like the raise size because it keeps us a bit wider while defining OMC's hand and we can still get stack in against Asian if we so desire.
Tough decision on river in 3way pot w/AA - 1/2 NL Quote
08-08-2013 , 02:27 AM
This is the easiest fold on the river ever.
Tough decision on river in 3way pot w/AA - 1/2 NL Quote
08-08-2013 , 07:44 AM

V2 made what I refer to as a "suspicious" call. I am not sure exactly where I picked that term from, but it is very helpful in situations like these.

What do you really think he is flatting $150 with here? Furthermore, the fact that he tanks means he has something. He is either going to go with his draw or not. Your antennas should shoot straight up in the air.

Anytime you make a massive bet like this and then check the turn, you did something wrong. Your thought process was probably "Oh ****, I got called, what do I do now?" That is never good.

Just flat the flop and keep your range wide, especially with a LAG who is going to barrel multiple streets here with a K or air.

As played, it is an easy fold. You are never going to be both hands here.
Tough decision on river in 3way pot w/AA - 1/2 NL Quote
08-08-2013 , 11:09 AM
A little more pre wouldn't hurt, but IMO sizing was pretty close. Assuming the UTG raiser was wide even under the gun, I'd go $45 but that's nitpicky especially when you have position. Old man coffee flatting is a concern.

I'm thinking min-raise the flop bet - don't like min-raising in general, but still the face that old man coffee is in the hand just calling is concerning. If he has less than what he considers the nuts, he'll likely fold to a bet / raise. UTG is the wildcard, he could be in this with anything, but we're likely ahead, and he'll likely call.

If OMC calls the min raise, I think I'm done with the hand.

The way it went, one pair (even and overpair) is no good the vast majority of the time - fold.
Tough decision on river in 3way pot w/AA - 1/2 NL Quote
08-08-2013 , 12:35 PM
Obviously you have to fold the river. You are almost certainly behind when V2 calls that $150 and when the Q comes on the turn V1 probably hit his straight. Bail.

I hate to play "what specific hand did they have" but here it is tempting. While this would seem to be V1 taking it with a straight over a set, the insta shove and snap call make me think something kinda crazy..

The insta shove from V2 on the river makes me think he might have had 10Jdd, staying in pre because V1 was in the hand, which means V2 probably had 67dd and this turned out to be the uber unlikely flush over flush for V2.

irrelevant for your play but you posted this obvious fold for a reason :-)
Tough decision on river in 3way pot w/AA - 1/2 NL Quote
08-08-2013 , 08:22 PM
What part of v2's range are u beating? Even if v1 folded I'd still say snap fold.
Tough decision on river in 3way pot w/AA - 1/2 NL Quote
08-09-2013 , 12:43 AM
Bet/Fold Turn. As played, easy fold on river.
Tough decision on river in 3way pot w/AA - 1/2 NL Quote
