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Top Set Top Set

02-10-2017 , 04:04 PM
I'm looking for some opinions on this hand. It was a quick hand with no tough spots, but I definitely feel like I missed value.

1-3 NL. Weird table, Probably 4 solid player, but people are getting money in the pot. UTG live straddles almost every hand, so normally $6 to come in.

Hero ($400): UTG+1, but live straddle so I'm essentially UTG. Late 20's white side. Fairly regular, normally viewed as a little nitty but winning player. However, probably seen as spewy/tilting tonight because I've played a lot of hands, but I was getting a lot of good starting hands and have just missed a few times. Already had to top off twice, so I'm in the game for $600. A guy just called me down a few hands ago because he thought I was tilting, but I hit trips. I've 3 bet a few times and have c-bet as well.

V1 ($60) UTG+2: Pretty terrible, claims it's his first time playing and I believe him. I've doubled him up twice already though, he cracked my QQ and AA.

V2 ($300) MP: Mid 50's white women. Pretty passive, a lot of limp-call-check-fold lines.

V3 ($450) MP: Mid 30's white dude. Been involved in quite a few hands, but seems alright. Has 3 bet a few times. I've never played with him though.

V4 ($350) Button: Mid 40s white dude. Solid reg, definitely a winning player that likes to apply pressure.


I'm first to act and look down to see 10s10c. I raise to $20. Pretty standard sized raise for the table. If no straddle, most initial raises are $12-15, with straddle $20-25.

All four Vs call.

Flop ($100): 10-5-6 rainbow.


I led out for $55. Entire table folded. I've been trying to play a little more aggressive to build pots when my hand is big. Normally, I would check here to entice a bet, then call and re evaluate in turn.

I bet here, as I figured if someone else hit, with the size of the pot it'd entice a shove. Obviously that didn't work.

How would you try to get max value out of this hand?
Top Set Quote
02-10-2017 , 04:17 PM
Less words next time. NH and good sizing.
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02-10-2017 , 04:18 PM
Your OOP with top set, facing 4 opponents. The board is pretty dry but gut shot draws and some low straight draws are possible. Nobody behind you is aggressive enough to make a check/raise a good idea. This looks like a fairly mandatory bet to me. $60/$70 looks good, board is dry enough you don't need to go huge.

After looking at your spoiler, your bet is too small. If you get one call everybody behind with anything will call. This looks like a straight it's just impossible to make money because everybody else has air situation. Against fewer opponents I might go with a check but never against 4.
Top Set Quote
02-10-2017 , 04:18 PM
Tilting. That's all there is to it. You prob could size down a notch, but you'd be doing yourself a disservice by checking 5 handed, someone should at least have a gutter.
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02-10-2017 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by QuadJ
Your OOP with top set, facing 4 opponents. The board is pretty dry but gut shot draws and some low straight draws are possible. Nobody behind you is aggressive enough to make a check/raise a good idea. This looks like a fairly mandatory bet to me. $60/$70 looks good, board is dry enough you don't need to go huge.

After looking at your spoiler, your bet is too small. If you get one call everybody behind with anything will call. This looks like a straight it's just impossible to make money because everybody else has air situation. Against fewer opponents I might go with a check but never against 4.
After looking at his spoiler, reading your post, and looking at your spoiler, no, 70 is way to big.
Top Set Quote
02-10-2017 , 04:39 PM
If we're expecting a 5+way pot, then all we're doing with TT is typically setmining. So I'd either limp or raise an amount that has a chance at narrowing the field. If we don't hit a T, our hand is going to be pretty difficult to play OOP in a bloated pot where a huge amount of boards suck.

SPR is 4 and board isn't too terribly drawy. I'd probably play for stacks with 3 streets of betting on this board, which means just 1/2 PSBs or so. So I'd probably cbet $55 and go from there. With the SPR being so small and board relatively drawless, I don't think it would be a crime to check and hope someone hits an overcard that they'll pay off stacks with, but the problem with that is we'll need PSB + PSB to do that, which might look suspicious after a flop check (course someone else might bet the flop for us, but again it looks suspicious checking flop and then donking turn).

I grunched this before I read spoiler; nice flop sizing, imo.

Top Set Quote
02-10-2017 , 05:37 PM
There is something to be said for "perceived size" and the "wall mart betsizing"

Basically alot of people are gonna look at $55 like it is a big bet (when it's really half pot) I mean I've bet 1/3 pot before and gotten asked "why so much"

You also have the wall mart strategy where $40 sounds like infinitely less than $55. Here it would be fine bc most stacks are shallow anyway and the one big stack can easily be stacked still too.

So I mean you can get fancy here and bet $40 but don't make it a habit. Want dry texture and shallow eff stacks.

Don't check. When you have big hands ensure money goes in on each street. That's how you make money.
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