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Top 2 Pair in Straight and Flush draw board Top 2 Pair in Straight and Flush draw board

03-31-2015 , 08:51 AM
2/5 casino game - max buyin $400

Hero with $450 (Jd8d) in late position (Regular TAG)

V1 with $300 in BB (New competent player but was seen to be tilting a little after losing a big hand just 1 or 2 orbits ago)

V2 with $400 in dealer button (Regular Taggish player who chases alot of draws and can bluff)

Preflop - everyone folded to Hero who wanted to raise but decided to limp to see a cheap flop. V1 and V2 followed with the limp and check.

Flop - Jc 8h 7h

Flop Action =

V1 bets $15,
Hero raises to $40,
V2 snap calls,
V1 re-raises to $90,
Hero thinks about it for a little while and calls knowing that V2 was calling with a flush draw, while there's not enough info to put a read on V1 yet, could be J 7 / 7 8 or even J 8. The possibility of a flopped straight or a set did come to my mind, but decided to call and eval turn. V2 calls as well.

Turn - 5d Jc 8h 7h

Turn action = V1 goes all in for the rest of his chips
Hero thinks about it; gut feeling was that it was a straight, but decided to call since was already invested and was totally convinced that V2 was chasing his flush.
V2 thinks for awhile and calls.

River = 2h 5d Jc 8h 7h

River action = Hero checks knowing that V2 caught his flush and indeed V2 goes all in at river.

Hero snap folds his Top 2 pair.

Should I have folded at the turn? or was it even bad to call the 3 bet on flop?
Top 2 Pair in Straight and Flush draw board Quote
03-31-2015 , 10:14 AM
J8s isn't a hand for seeing a cheap flop. You need to either raise or fold preflop.

On flop, your raise is fine as single pairs and draws can be betting. Once that raise gets called and reraised, fold. Continuing is playing for your stack and most combinations of hands don't give you good equity here.

As played, turn is really about your read because pot is so bloated big but is probably a fold. Your not getting odds to chase a boat, you need your two pair to be good some of the time.
Top 2 Pair in Straight and Flush draw board Quote
03-31-2015 , 10:34 AM
If you're gonna play this hand pre in LP, raise. It's a hand that plays better HU in position than multiway. As for the flop, fold to the 3bet. His value range is 77+ at least 95% of the time, rarely you will run into a poorly played 78 so do the math and fold. Do you really think V1 is raising just over min into 2 players without a solid hand?
Top 2 Pair in Straight and Flush draw board Quote
03-31-2015 , 10:41 AM
Open-limping this hand from LP is really bad. The flop is either a shove or a fold. V2 is either trapping with a monster or drawing, and your odds start to look really bad if you have to both beat V1 and fade a draw to win. I guess I would probably shove in game because the board is so wet and stacks are shallow, but I guess it's hard to see our hand actually being good if called. Maybe it's a fold.

Turn is also not great. Why are you giving V2 a cheap price to draw?

On the river, you snap-folded top 2 getting 10-1 odds? You're certainly good here almost never, but I'm not sure it's <9%.
Top 2 Pair in Straight and Flush draw board Quote
