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Top 2 Pair on the flop facing a tight players re-raise Top 2 Pair on the flop facing a tight players re-raise

07-01-2015 , 05:46 PM
live 1/2. All players have been seated for about an hour. Most people at the table are tight regs (Hero has played with nearly all of them before). Therefore, hero has decided to open up and play a loose aggressive style.

Likely perception of hero is hyper-aggressive, gambler type play. Hero has been throwing his chips around especially a few large semi-bluffs and calls with big draws. Hero is a male in his early 20's

Hero has $275 behind in middle position

Main villain: tight aggressive player pre-flop, proceeds more cautious after the flop. Villain his played only a few hands, and only one in which he showed large interest and won a large pot. Villain is a male in his late 20's.

Villain has $400 behind on the button

The hand:


Villain button straddles for $4

Hero raises in middle position to $12 with A9clubs

cut-off calls

button calls/main villain

big blind calls

Flop: roughly $50

4s 9d As

big blind checks

hero c-bets $35

cut off folds

button/ main villain raises to $100

big blind folds.

Hero Jams his remaining stack.

Did I play this hand correctly?

My thoughts: Villain would have likely 3-bet AA preflop, sometimes 3-bet AK, and sometimes 3-bet 99. Since I have a 9, the chances of trip 9's are significantly low, as well as trip A's had he decided to get tricky. That leaves pocket 4's as the only other hand that I'm behind. I have any large ace crushed, as well as the unlikely 94. Other than that I have full house outs if he is on the flush draw, in addition one of his flush outs gives me a full house.

side note: Villain is not likely making this play with one pair other than TPTK, and less likely AQ. So villain's range is weighted toward 2pair or better/ or a hand with flush and backdoor straight outs like JTs, KQs, or 87s
Top 2 Pair on the flop facing a tight players re-raise Quote
07-01-2015 , 05:55 PM
Pre is fine but not a slam dunk. Borderline and generally fine.

Yeah, you played the rest totally fine. His range includes A4s, A9 chops, various flush draws, and of course the very few combos of 44,99.

You have 55% equity vs. 99, 44, A4s, A9s, KsQs, KsJs, KsTs, QsJs, QsTs, JsTs, 9s8s, 8s7s, A9o.

And yes, he could have a few other hands. I think your thought process is very good.

Good luck.
Top 2 Pair on the flop facing a tight players re-raise Quote
07-01-2015 , 05:58 PM
Thanks for the response appreciate it. I agree with you pre-flop, not the strongest hand in middle position. A9s is at the bottom of my range in that spot.
Top 2 Pair on the flop facing a tight players re-raise Quote
07-01-2015 , 06:12 PM
If most of a $1/$2 table is tight regs, you should be trying to get a table change unless there are no other tables at your casino, or the regs are actually just weak-tight and you can run them over.

PF raise seems a little on the smaller side with a straddle but depends on the game. If you think this raise size either takes down the pot or gets you heads-up in position, then I like it, otherwise make it a bit larger IMO.

Flop is highly dependent on V's range. There are some specific players who never raise this flop with anything less than a set. Without strong reads that V is one of those players, you played it fine.
Top 2 Pair on the flop facing a tight players re-raise Quote
07-02-2015 , 09:37 AM
Aside from raising w/ A9s, I think the hand is played the only way it could be -- especially with your image.
Top 2 Pair on the flop facing a tight players re-raise Quote
07-02-2015 , 09:56 AM
Main villain: tight aggressive player pre-flop, proceeds more cautious after the flop. Villain his played only a few hands, and only one in which he showed large interest and won a large pot. Villain is a male in his late 20's.

V overcalled PF (not agressive) and raised the flop (not cautious). Smells a lot like a set here. Could be a combo draw (spades with A/9).

If AK, will he call the shove, or could we have gotten more OTT/OTR?
Top 2 Pair on the flop facing a tight players re-raise Quote
07-02-2015 , 10:24 AM
pre is bad. bb limped and u still raise pre this short??? if deeper i might raise pre but to a bigger size. limp pre or fold.
as played never folding. u lose to 4 combos and crush A4 AK AQ 9xss etc
Top 2 Pair on the flop facing a tight players re-raise Quote
