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time limit on player account account time limit on player account account

12-03-2011 , 08:54 PM
So when I first started playing live I kept all my money in a casino player account. My home casino doesn't have boxes.

I just started playing again in November and did the same thing with the cash. I'd been leaving it in my casino account and just withdrawing whenever I got down there to play.

Today I got a call that according to state regulations they can only keep accounts open for so long. I basically got a call from the cage manager that I need to come withdraw all of my money.

Now I have a safe at home, but do any of you guys have any issues like this?

What's the best/safest way to transport money back and forth. Also what's the ideal way to have it available for poker?

My bank ATM limit is less then what I take to play, so that's not really a good option.

At this point should I do something like 30% of my BR in the safe, and the rest in the bank?
time limit on player account account Quote
12-03-2011 , 09:02 PM
How much do you possibly need for Low stake nl? Lol? Even 3bi @ 2/5 is only 3k.
time limit on player account account Quote
12-03-2011 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by fuxxnuts
How much do you possibly need for Low stake nl? Lol? Even 3bi @ 2/5 is only 3k.
Well that's part of what I was asking.
Generally I take 2 or 3 buyins for my game which is 600 and 900.
My ATM limit is 500, so I couldn't even get 2 BIs worth out of the bank.

This hasn't been an issue previously because I've kept all of the money at the casino.
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12-03-2011 , 10:20 PM
You can go into your bank and increase you maximum withdrawal limit in like 2 secs.
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12-04-2011 , 12:56 AM
Get used to walking around with several $k in your wallet. You're fine unless you have a habit of flashing your cash to every stranger you see.
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12-04-2011 , 02:02 AM
Keep 1500 in black chips at all times...easy to hide, just don't forget about them. You are smart to worry about carrying cash if you are a reg.
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12-04-2011 , 09:31 AM
Actually it turns out that it's not an issue.
PA is the one that set the limit apparently, however if I empty it and then deposit the next calender day I'm fine. Since I'm generally always there going past midnight it shouldn't really be a problem.
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