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Are These Effective Notes At The Table? Suggestions? Are These Effective Notes At The Table? Suggestions?

02-25-2015 , 12:53 PM
I've been trying to do a better job of taking notes on players at the table and thinking in ranges, but admittedly my "combinatorics and ranging" skills are probably underdeveloped (although I doubt most of 1/2 is even thinking about these things).

When I think of ranges it usually comes down to PF action and me removing hands from villain's possible holdings. But I feel like I do a lot of this subconsciously in the heat of the moment and not sure if it's too basic or not.

Anyway, these are the kind of notes I took last night. Suggestions welcomed on how to take better notes. I've noticed in my hand histories all of my reads are "fact based" in the sense that I don't really care about age, nationality, etc. I just try to rely on actions players make, what they limp/call with, show up at showdown with, etc. I take notes in the Notes app on my iPhone. (I've also realized how often people show their freaking cards when they don't have to!)

Also - does an app exist so you can save detailed notes on recurring players? I don't play with a ton of regs, but I would love to save my notes on players I see occasionally in a more permanent format since I usually delete these notes after each session.

The seats I don't have notes on are likely passive fit-or-fold types or haven't done anything noteworthy

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Seat 2 - made it $17 over a straddle with AA in MP, 2 callers; bet $50 into $50 on J87ss flop and showed;

Seat 3 - has made two big flop raises where I'm not sure he had it. I opened to $12 UTG with QQ, 2 callers, he calls in SB, flop TT8dd, I c-bet $30 into $45 he c/r to $80 with $140 behind, I fold; has 3! me 3x and I folded each time with hands not strong enough to call (KJo, 77, 66) - not sure if he just has it or bluffing; I think he overvalues over pairs but can't be sure;

Seat 4 - UTG made it $5, 2 callers, he makes it $15 with KK, 1 caller, c-bets $15 into $40 on semi coordinated board;

Seat 8 - called $12 from SB with Q9s when i raised BTN with 33, c/called $30 into $45 on QT4ss flop, checked rag turn checked Q river = loose passive = value bet/f; 3! my $10 + $10 open to $49 with QQ;

Seat 9 - limp/called $7 with QT UTG than bet $5 into $20 on K74 flop no draw and folded to a raise; bet/check/bet 52o on a A2Qss board after raising to $5 from BB after 4 limpers, I folded best hand 86ss pair of 88 on river; raise this guy and bet when he checks
Are These Effective Notes At The Table? Suggestions? Quote
02-25-2015 , 01:13 PM
Abbreviation will save you a whole lot of time and hassle.
Are These Effective Notes At The Table? Suggestions? Quote
02-25-2015 , 01:15 PM
Don't delete your notes, try to get a pic of villains and combine, will make it easier for you next time.
Take your notes get home go over them and profile players and come up with strategies on how to exploit them, great exercise of the felt to improve your game.
Are These Effective Notes At The Table? Suggestions? Quote
02-26-2015 , 10:21 AM
^ Haha that's some NSA **** trying to sneak pictures of unsuspecting players.

The problem is I play at a big enough room where I likely have only played with 1 or maybe 2 villains at my table before and I'll go weeks without playing against the same person sometimes. I like it, because there are tons of marks, but it doesn't seem feasible or worthwhile to keep the notes on EVERYONE.
Are These Effective Notes At The Table? Suggestions? Quote
02-26-2015 , 05:53 PM
I've been looking for a post where DGI mentions how he does notes, if anyone finds it, post a link here. I need to better my live notes too. Last night I was coming home and I was exhausted after a 12 work session, and I couldn't remember some really important hands. I realized certain hands by certain opponents were blending together, lol! ****ing human memory.
Are These Effective Notes At The Table? Suggestions? Quote
02-26-2015 , 08:00 PM
Found the thread where DGI mentions how he does his notes:
Are These Effective Notes At The Table? Suggestions? Quote
02-27-2015 , 11:41 AM
^ thanks for that oldschool

So the more I play live 1/2 the more I am classifying most players as "rec fish." I don't even mean fish disparagingly, I just mean the games are infested with weak passive limp/calling types. Even the people I originally deem somewhat competent (mostly just their stack size and demeanor based on my first impression) usually end up being reclassified into the rec fish category after I observe their play.

750 hours ago, I used to be intimidated by people at the table but now I feel like I am just biding my time on the side lines waiting for these villains to make a mistake so I can tear them apart.

I've gotten pretty good (in my opinion) of just being patient and not 'joining the party' of limp happy family pots or family raised pots as that's just bingo. And people invariably overplay a weak hand at some point in the night. The thing I wish I could improve at is isolating some of these weak players but in these games it's generally hard to isolate unless you are 3!.

The more I play 1/2 the more I love this game
Are These Effective Notes At The Table? Suggestions? Quote
