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TAG into Station. My Descent into Hell TAG into Station. My Descent into Hell

03-28-2015 , 04:30 PM
I have been playing with the same players in a regular game twice a week for about 150 hours now. I have been winning regularly with a rather high bb/100 (very small sample rate I know) using a tight aggressive approach. While winning I am able to look at the game with patience and focus and can throw away hands that the maniacs at the table spazz out about, not just PF either but on all streets if necessary.

I am aware that since I have created an image where if I enter a pot many players notice and assume I have a big hand. Because of this I have opened my range wider than usual for my style of play (more suitors, more connectors) which in turn has created a check/calling disease of the worst kind. I will open more pots trying to utilize my image and pick up small pots at which point someone will 3-bet and it will come back to me. Now I am IP maybe 80% of the time this occurs but regardless of where I am at the table if its just against one other opponent (very rarely ever 2) I have these thoughts of this player is trying to exploit my style by bluffing more. There is this paranoia that is created at which point the logical side of thinking goes out the window and now I am looking to either c/c TPNK or I am chasing horrible odds to try and get lucky. As these pots swell I just continue to think that he is aware of what I laid down in the past and is now just repping the nuts. I think if he is bluffing, let him bluff and thats more $$$ for me in the long run. WHY DO I THINK THIS WAY NOW?

Now that I am losing more, it just makes me want to get in there more, which results in c/c more, which just destroys my image more. My confidence is shot at the moment and I have even considered booking a win in order to try and break me out of the slump. What the hell is going on? Flash forward only 20 hours later from all that work I put in and I have pratically destroyed my bankroll through a measly 4 sessions. I feel like such a STATION. How do they even look at themselves in the mirror each morning? I feel gross.

I have been reading info on the MENTAL SIDE of poker due to my affliction but any advice on how to help with this wretched disease is welcomed. And PLEASE NO INVITATIONS to your games. I understand how to play better but I need advice on how to deal with the PARANOIA of thinking others are taking advantage of me. This only occurs against MANIACS and LAGS for the most part.

Thank you and pray for me
TAG into Station. My Descent into Hell Quote
03-28-2015 , 05:08 PM
For LLSNL, you should keep a logbook of player you frequently play against at your casino. Until you have numerous situations where a player at showdown, has revealed they are getting way out of line, you are giving them too much credit.

It's tough to just "switch off" your paranoia, but one of the biggest leaks in full ring LLSNL games is of course calling too much. I would write down every situation where your station strategy is hurting you as a "punishment". You might start releasing top pair good kicker hands when raised on the turn just to avoid adding another entry in your logbook. Best of luck
TAG into Station. My Descent into Hell Quote
03-28-2015 , 05:10 PM
Legit thread or just trolling? What's with these types of threads recently?

The "pray for me" part (and a few other parts) look like trolling to me.
TAG into Station. My Descent into Hell Quote
03-28-2015 , 08:13 PM
It is very simple. You keep in mind that they're not playing back at you in LLSNL often enough to worry about it.

Paranoia is a mental affliction that requires medical attention and treatment. You aren't going to get that here.

I'll keep this open a bit longer, but my guess is I'll have to lock it soon. My fellow mods should feel free to lock this if it gets any worse.
TAG into Station. My Descent into Hell Quote
03-28-2015 , 08:54 PM
If it makes you feel better GTO would have you calling more, like you do. Of course, GTO is not O at LLSNL, so there's that....
TAG into Station. My Descent into Hell Quote
03-29-2015 , 04:19 AM
always remember that you want to be raising/betting and folding. The less your calling the better. try to play w/ the lead. Raise in position/ fold more oop. instead of c/c tpgk, bet it.

If your being 3 bet a bunch what are they showing down when your bluff catching? I assume if your constantly losing at show down in these spots it's because their not bluffing you right?

don't limp in pre. Raise and maybe look for some more spots to 3 bet yourself. There is no shame in bet/folding in most spots. You'll be fine, just get back to driving the action, make your opponents make the tough decisions. take a few more seconds before you act and really think about everything. Think if an aggressive action of betting or raising isn't best, if not next consider folding.

position-aggression-think every action all the way through-shorter sessions, play your stone cold A game and as soon as doubts creep in, cash out, book your win, go home reflect on the session, and come back the next day, do it over again, it wont take long to get back in the groove
TAG into Station. My Descent into Hell Quote
03-29-2015 , 04:25 AM
Something that helped me get started at NLHE.

I used to play $10-$20 limit holdem.

Those pots usually were larger than 1/2 or 1/3 or 2/3 NLHE pots.

Trivially easy to lose $70-$100 in one 10/20 limit pot.

Here's a suggestion.

Try not to call hands to the end, or even to the turn, that you wouldn't play in 10/20 limit.

No matter what you think the other players are "doing to you".

Automatically you will tighten up enough to stop being a station.

TAG into Station. My Descent into Hell Quote
03-30-2015 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by Steve00007
Legit thread or just trolling? What's with these types of threads recently?

The "pray for me" part (and a few other parts) look like trolling to me.
I am in NO WAY TROLLING, I just wrote this during a frustrating time and I am very grateful for the advice given and will implement it. THANK YOU 2+2!

I apologize if my humor sent the wrong message and I in no way intended to insult other players.

Again THANKS for the advice to those who gave it, and to anyone I offended, that was not my intent.
TAG into Station. My Descent into Hell Quote
