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T9o OTB - 1/1 Aspers London T9o OTB - 1/1 Aspers London

08-08-2013 , 07:56 AM
Villain is decent but not amazing. I've seen him bluff and take down some pots. Strikes me as someone that thinks they are really good and can outplay everyone. Has raised pre when limped to him OTB or in the blinds and has done it with napkins.

Hero should be perceived as very tight although I've just been seriously card dead and I believe V has noticed. Has raised my occasional limps OTB and shown some bluffs. V has also 3 bet me pre flop on the button when I raised on the CO with KTs and I folded pre flop. He then said he knew I was stealing...

Hero has 100, V covers

The hand
8 handed table
4 limpers
H limps OTB
V makes it 10 in the SB
Limpers fold
H calls

I call because I have position and I know he can be doing this with a super wide range. Saw him make the same move with T3o and show the bluff when his c-bet on the flop took down the pot

Flop: Q39r (24)
V checks
H bets 12
V goes all in

I tanked for a long time (2-3 minutes) on this decision. His pre flop range was so wide that I almost couldn't rule anything out and I thought his check/shove pretty polarising especially given that the only real draw is JT and I block that hand. Should I have checked the flop? I'll admit to not really having a plan (one of my many leaks) for if he raised. If he called I would have evaluated the turn based on action and card that came off, although having said that I while at the table I didn't think about what worse hands would call. I guess 3x, any 9x with a kicker lower than T, Ax and gutshots or SDs.

T9o OTB - 1/1 Aspers London Quote
08-08-2013 , 08:48 AM
Fold and don't let your ego disrupt your game. Tap the table and say nicely played. You will have better spots to get his chips.
T9o OTB - 1/1 Aspers London Quote
08-08-2013 , 08:59 AM
With such a short stack you can't limp call 10% of your stack pre with 9 10. Definitely a leak. Open raise or fold, weighted much more towards a fold.
T9o OTB - 1/1 Aspers London Quote
08-08-2013 , 08:59 AM
Preflop is thin but I would make this call some of the time against a villain who likes to squeeze. The flop bet is OK, but when you get check/raised on such a dry flop you have to fold. If he shows you a worse hand or a bluff here, you need to start pushing him towards maniac category. A bluffy maniac requires a very different style of play.

Betting this flop isn't to get better to fold or worse to call, it is about protecting your equity against two random high cards that don't include a Q.
T9o OTB - 1/1 Aspers London Quote
