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Suited aces, small raises, bad positions Suited aces, small raises, bad positions

03-22-2015 , 04:29 AM
H1: ATcc in EP

Random UTG raises to $10, H looks down at ATcc in UTG+1, $400 eff

H2: A3ss in BB

Random UTG raises to $10, 2-3 callers, H looks down at A3ss in BB, $300 eff

Are both folds?
Suited aces, small raises, bad positions Quote
03-22-2015 , 04:40 AM
Hand1: Fold. Usually dominated and always forced to fold to 3bets
Hand2: Call when closing the action if deep enough/the effective stack giving correct implied odds

Edit* Assuming this is 1/2
Suited aces, small raises, bad positions Quote
03-22-2015 , 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by RealestOne
Hand1: Fold. Usually dominated and always forced to fold to 3bets
Hand2: Call when closing the action if deep enough/the effective stack giving correct implied odds

Edit* Assuming this is 1/2
Suited aces, small raises, bad positions Quote
03-22-2015 , 07:42 AM
Hand 1: Easy fold.
Hand 2: You're not deep enough to call correctly. It's a fold, or a re-raise. I like re-raise. Make it $40, and go from there.
Suited aces, small raises, bad positions Quote
03-22-2015 , 10:17 AM
Depends on table dynamics....

1. Aggressive table - Fold
Passive table - Raise 50% limp 50%

2. Call since closing the action
Suited aces, small raises, bad positions Quote
03-22-2015 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by Idontworkhere
Hand 1: Easy fold.
Hand 2: You're not deep enough to call correctly. It's a fold, or a re-raise. I like re-raise. Make it $40, and go from there.
Hand 2....definitely DO NOT re-raise against an UTG raiser with 3 calls after given stack sizes. That is spew and will only put you in a bad spot. If you do re-raise in this kind of spot when stacks are deeper....the raise needs to be a lot more than $40 since you're goal would be to take down the pot right there. This should only be done when you have good reads on opponents though.
Suited aces, small raises, bad positions Quote
03-22-2015 , 10:27 AM
call both. just be super tight post and realistic about the RIO potential of both hands.

these are the hands that can scoop massive pots against weaker flushes, or on TTx 33x flops. just remember why you called and don't get stuck calling down Axx boards with garbage kickers.
Suited aces, small raises, bad positions Quote
03-22-2015 , 11:11 AM
Hand 1. Depends on table. I almost always just dump it. 10 kicker never leaves me knowing if i should call or fold, and I hate playing flush draws from EP. And I'm snap folding to a 3bet. If you have trouble getting away from marginal spots post flop, this is a definite fold.

Hand 2. 3-4 ppl in the pot with $300 eff, you are definitely deep enough for a call. I would not ever 3bet this into 3-4 players. You have a fantastic situation for a drawing hand to the nut flush, but your position is bad. You'll have to fold it post-flop most often. Nothing wrong with folding this pf, which is how I would play this at a table with a lot of post-flop aggression. also, with the way ppl call pf with Ax in 1/2 there is very likely another player in the pot with a bigger kicker, pairing your A is really not all that likely to be good.

Last edited by MirrorMirror; 03-22-2015 at 11:23 AM.
Suited aces, small raises, bad positions Quote
03-22-2015 , 03:08 PM
Hand 1 I fold, and I probably don't even open if folded to me from this position.

Hand 2 might be a good squeeze opportunity, it depends on what I know about the original raiser's range and his ability to fold. I don't cometely rule out a call either, you'll have the best relative position post-flop.
Suited aces, small raises, bad positions Quote
03-22-2015 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by 6betfold
Are both folds?
Yes they're both folds unless you can often win the pot unimproved.

People vastly overestimate how often they'll hit a flush.

You're almost exactly three times as likely to hit a set by the river with 22 as you are to hit a flush with some suited hand. Over flushing someone is even more rare.
Suited aces, small raises, bad positions Quote
03-22-2015 , 09:59 PM
I'm probably not folding in either scenario. This is given the caveats that there has been very little 3-betting and that pf opener, as well as the table as a whole, size their bets incorrectly post flop (very typical of the 1/2 games I play in).
Suited aces, small raises, bad positions Quote
03-22-2015 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by 6betfold
H1: ATcc in EP

Random UTG raises to $10, H looks down at ATcc in UTG+1, $400 eff
This one is highly game dependent. What do we know about the rest of the field? Will the UTG raise limit the field? If they were on the weak/passive side, I might call it and take my chances, especially if I had a good reason to believe that UTG would unload if I hit good. If I had my doubts, I'd let this one go. No sense spending that $10 only to fold to a 3! behind. Also not good against a nit who'd drop out if I manage to bink. Occasionally 3! bluff if your opponents are more observant than the usual rec-fish line-up. If they aren't, don't bother: more profitable spots will present themselves.

Most frequently, I muck this. I'd probably muck even if UTG folds to me as I hate to limp up front anyway. AT-suited was made for play in the back row.


H2: A3ss in BB

Random UTG raises to $10, 2-3 callers, H looks down at A3ss in BB, $300 eff

Are both folds?
This is usually strong enough to defend as you're closing the pre-flop action. Even though the blinds are never profitable to play, you have to let them know they can't run over you unopposed. You have good flop potential, and several callers to help pay you off when you hit gin. If you do call here, keep in mind that UTG probably isn't on a steal, and be prepared to fold if the flop isn't favourable. Also fold to a nitty UTG raise. Nits will certainly have you dominated, nor do they give you much in implied odds.
Suited aces, small raises, bad positions Quote
03-22-2015 , 11:22 PM
3bet both hands (3x for 1st hand, 6x for 2nd)
suited aces have ~30% against any hand that's not aces and we're repping huge so we can even fold out QQ, we're also blocking ace combos and have plenty of room to maneuver against a 1/2 fish if we see a flop, double barrel most backdoor gutshots and flush draws
also we want to balance our 3bet range vs UTG raises

btw if the A3s hand gets through table the 3 and say "that's how you play poker boys!"
Suited aces, small raises, bad positions Quote
03-22-2015 , 11:22 PM
I call both of these, unless table one has lots of 3b's pre
Suited aces, small raises, bad positions Quote
03-22-2015 , 11:46 PM
not folding either, may 3 bet hand two
Suited aces, small raises, bad positions Quote
03-23-2015 , 12:30 AM
I typically fold both but I could get behind 3-betting hand #2 trying to steal it if the situation is right.

In both spots you're OOP, facing a raiser and your hand isn't that great.
Suited aces, small raises, bad positions Quote
03-23-2015 , 01:08 AM
What about 3-4 limpers and ATcc in CO?
Suited aces, small raises, bad positions Quote
03-23-2015 , 01:35 PM
This is 1/3 NL, right?

If table is super passive and we're expecting the world to call behind us, I wouldn't hate a call in hand 1, but I probably still lean towards a fold (especially if anyone can 3bet preflop). We also have to play well postflop (i.e. being able to easily release TP in a multiway pot).

Hand 2 I call because we're closing the action for a good price and can simply ~nutmine. Being OOP sucks for getting paid off postflop, but sometimes we can't have everything.

Suited aces, small raises, bad positions Quote
03-23-2015 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Idontworkhere
Hand 2: You're not deep enough to call correctly.
If this is 1/3 and there were 3 callers, we're being asked to call $7 to potentially win $340+, which is implied odds of 48x.

Suited aces, small raises, bad positions Quote
03-23-2015 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
If this is 1/3 and there were 3 callers, we're being asked to call $7 to potentially win $340+, which is implied odds of 48x.

Effective stacks are $300. We go to the flop with an SPR of 7. I'd feel better with 12+ with this many players and this hand. We're most likely to flop a draw and stack sizes don't give us much semi-bluff room.
Suited aces, small raises, bad positions Quote
03-23-2015 , 01:48 PM
Gotta call both, although you can 3! Depending upon table. Not sure why everyone is hating on A-10 suited so badly. It isn't like you are calling just to hit the flush. You have to trust your post flop play enough that you know you can't stack off if you hit an ace or a ten high flop. If you can't play A-10 for value when you are ahead or fold it when you are no good, even low stakes is going to be very stressful for you.

Folding should never happen in hand 2 and you should only fold in hand 1 if you think it is extremely likely you will get squeezed.
Suited aces, small raises, bad positions Quote
03-23-2015 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by 6betfold
H1: ATcc in EP

Random UTG raises to $10, H looks down at ATcc in UTG+1, $400 eff

H2: A3ss in BB

Random UTG raises to $10, 2-3 callers, H looks down at A3ss in BB, $300 eff

Are both folds?
Yes, both are folds absent any reads.

Hand 1, yes we have position on UTG but we don't know what the players behind us are doing. We don't know how AT rates versus this player, so I pitch it without thinking much of it.

Hand 2, just fold, suited aces are such crap OOP. I easily call IP assuming the field callers are deep enough. With suited aces, we should target the field callers because chances are slim that the EP opener is going to have suited broadways that we'll over-flush. There is a better chance the field callers will have suited cards that we can overflush.
Suited aces, small raises, bad positions Quote
03-23-2015 , 01:55 PM
H1: ATcc in EP

Random UTG raises to $10, H looks down at ATcc in UTG+1, $400 eff

for a random player we know nothing about, I would fold. Not enough info to say he is opening very wide from UTG to 3bet him from UTG+1, and we don't know how many players will call (or squeeze) behind if we flat.

H2: A3ss in BB

Random UTG raises to $10, 2-3 callers, H looks down at A3ss in BB, $300 eff

if there are 3 callers (5 players including us), call. If there are 2 callers, it's more of a borderline call. This hand, from OOP, plays better with more players in the pot than less players.
Suited aces, small raises, bad positions Quote
03-23-2015 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by Idontworkhere
Effective stacks are $300. We go to the flop with an SPR of 7. I'd feel better with 12+ with this many players and this hand. We're most likely to flop a draw and stack sizes don't give us much semi-bluff room.
I agree that we'd rather have a high SPR. But the bottom line for me is that we are getting 48x implied odds preflop closing the action with a dominating flush draw hand. Yes, we probably won't have bluff or semi-bluff opportunities postflop in this 5way pot. But just playing it ABC straightforward should still be profitable enough to see a flop.

Suited aces, small raises, bad positions Quote
03-23-2015 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
I agree that we'd rather have a high SPR. But the bottom line for me is that we are getting 48x implied odds preflop closing the action with a dominating flush draw hand. Yes, we probably won't have bluff or semi-bluff opportunities postflop in this 5way pot. But just playing it ABC straightforward should still be profitable enough to see a flop.

This is not ABC poker. It's leaky.

We're 49 to 1 to flop two pair or better. And that includes flopping trip Aces which wouldn't exactly be gin. So 48x with diminished semi-bluff abilities is really tight.
Suited aces, small raises, bad positions Quote
