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05-07-2010 , 10:52 AM
Go for it. Let's see how it goes.
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05-07-2010 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by KurtSF
Go for it. Let's see how it goes.
APD started one in the uNL (I guess it could be moved here.) I posted in it and many other 'live' players promised to (but never actually did.) If we do start one here I'm definitely changing mine as after I actually wrote out my life story (cliff notes version) I really didn't like it. Drugs, alcohol, wasted time, sobering up and poker to pay 'old' bills (with a little fun sprinkled in along the way.)
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05-07-2010 , 11:25 AM
So I shouldn't dig up the old one and move it here... new forum, new thread?
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05-07-2010 , 11:34 AM
New forum, new thread as some 'online' guys posted in there as well.
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05-13-2010 , 01:49 PM
Not that anyone will read this, but most of the hands posted are standard hands where the OP lost the hand; the results, while not instantly posted, are usually very obvious and the results can be determined just from the tone and set up of the hand. I encourage everyone to think more analytically about their poker game; a hand you lost does not necessarily mean it was a difficult hand or needed advice. Think about every hand you played, won, lost, folded, etc, and try to analyze the lines you took. Some of the most interesting hands never make it past the flop, but often get ignored because there was no massive cooler involved.
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05-13-2010 , 02:17 PM
I'm also getting slightly annoyed by folks circumventing the "don't post results in the OP" suggestion by waiting for one or two responses then insta-posting results 10 minutes later.

Should I start editing results out of HH? Feels really heavy handed and unnecessary. But in a new forum, to get the point across while we get started???

Also, I'm looking for suggestions for next month's Concept of the Month post, and for folks willing to get the discussion started.
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05-13-2010 , 02:37 PM
How about a sticky up top? Asking not to post results until asked or adequate discussion has taken place. Knowing the results will always skew the debate, especially for a lot of beginners who are generally results-oriented. The dreaded "Did I play KK right?" threads for example.

Still, don't want too many stickies cluttering things up top either...
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05-13-2010 , 06:02 PM
No more results for at least 72 hours and quit posting 'coolers.' As 'live' small stakes poker players the biggest thing we should be looking for is value as we only get ~30 hands per hour.
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05-13-2010 , 06:43 PM
Steamy, you hit on the two problems of HHs in most forums. First, most HHs are written by inexperienced players, if not overall, at least at the level they are playing. At the bottom level, this will be new posters a vast majority of the time. There are some exceptions, but the better posters will do it as PAHWM (hat's off to Rooster for creating one that illustrates some of the challenges of playing live vs. on-line).

New posters don't read the stickies, especially the boring parts that don't tell them the secret of making lots of money at poker. Sometimes, I think a quarter of my responses in non-chat threads are, "Read the FAQs." The micro FR forum will occasionally have 6-7 threads started by someone with 18 posts total on the front page.

Since they are new and inexperienced, the majority of situations will be standard. Of course to Phil Ivey, and situation posted on this forum will be standard.

If Kurt is willing to do it, I suggest a heavy hand for new posters. Fix the post and send a PM explaining what and why it was done. I'd go as far as locking any additional HH threads beyond 2 each day. The biggest favor I've ever had done for me is to have it beaten into me that "why" something should be done is 1000X more important "what" should be done.

At the same time, posting HHs is what draws new players into the forum. If they get some answers and feel like they learned something, they can develop into an asset for the forum. We don't want to discourage the practice by prohibiting someone to post a losing hand.

As for the concept of the month, I suggest that it be kept to issues that are mostly live issues that on-line players don't face. I don't think they are monthly thread worthy necessarily, but estimating/tracking pot and chip stack sizes would be one subject. What to look for when trying to see if someone is changing gears is another. Using appearance to determine play style.
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05-14-2010 , 03:21 PM
Identifying and abusing scared money would be a topic very helpful for live games, since normally over half the table is playing with only one or two bullets.
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05-14-2010 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Identifying and abusing scared money would be a topic very helpful for live games, since normally over half the table is playing with only one or two bullets.
Winner. I like it and it is one area where I agree that live play differs greatly from micro on-line play.
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05-14-2010 , 09:15 PM
I kind of like the idea of doing something for common betting patterns in sslnl games for a COTM or maybe COTW. Maybe a player types and tendencies, but a written forum may not be well suited to that since it is a complex subject.
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05-14-2010 , 10:19 PM
FoldnDark, would you like to write the OP for "Identifying and Abusing Scared Money"?
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05-15-2010 , 02:24 PM
Here's one hint: I once was sitting at a 1/2 LHE game in LV. Some kid walks up to the rail with his two parents. Mommy hands the kid $40 and tells him not to lose it all. He then takes a seat at my table...
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05-17-2010 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by KurtSF
FoldnDark, would you like to write the OP for "Identifying and Abusing Scared Money"?
I might volunteer for a COTM in the future, but I'm currently at the bottom of a pretty bad downswong... I've lost four sessions in a row for a combined loss of $3300 and I'm taking some time off to collect myself. I think much of it has been a lack of patience and loss of concentration leading to my losing focus on the fundamentals. This, combined with some cold decks has wrecked my game and psyche.

It's the longest and worst drought of my short poker life and all I can think to do is take some time off. Someone else is welcome to take on that topic, or perhaps I could tackle it later. Right now, I'd like to read some advice on digging out of long slumps.
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05-17-2010 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I might volunteer for a COTM in the future, but I'm currently at the bottom of a pretty bad downswong... I've lost four sessions in a row for a combined loss of $3300 and I'm taking some time off to collect myself. I think much of it has been a lack of patience and loss of concentration leading to my losing focus on the fundamentals. This, combined with some cold decks has wrecked my game and psyche.

It's the longest and worst drought of my short poker life and all I can think to do is take some time off. Someone else is welcome to take on that topic, or perhaps I could tackle it later. Right now, I'd like to read some advice on digging out of long slumps.
Hi5 my friend, I'm also on a big downswing, moved from 5-10 back to 3-5, I don't have the exact numbers off the top of my head but it's been probably a roughly 7-10kish downswing. Not that many actual BIs, esp at 5-10, but it's certainly not a good spot to be in!

It definitely messes with your head, I find myself second guessing a lot of decisions that I previously had confidence in. When your sets don't hold up and your big draws don't get there I end up playing more tentative, and that goes against my naturally more LAGish tendencies.
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05-17-2010 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Right now, I'd like to read some advice on digging out of long slumps.
This is pretty good.

I feel for you, live I'm on a huge DS myself. My location is an indication of I've decided to take a break and learn to love poker again. I was putting too much pressure on myself and starting to snap at love ones. I'm off the tread mill and playing when I want to. LOL, I'm up $18 since I made the change, but my confidence that I'm not a complete donk is coming back. It really helps to have a session where I think, "Nothing is going my way tonight," but at the end I'm up 4.5ptBB/100.

Last edited by venice10; 05-17-2010 at 09:18 PM.
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05-18-2010 , 03:03 AM
Can i volunteer for writing the COTM?
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05-18-2010 , 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by YouCheckRaise
Can i volunteer for writing the COTM?
Yes, of course. Did you want to write about scared money, or did you have something else in mind?
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05-18-2010 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I might volunteer for a COTM in the future, but I'm currently at the bottom of a pretty bad downswong... I've lost four sessions in a row for a combined loss of $3300 and I'm taking some time off to collect myself. I think much of it has been a lack of patience and loss of concentration leading to my losing focus on the fundamentals. This, combined with some cold decks has wrecked my game and psyche.

It's the longest and worst drought of my short poker life and all I can think to do is take some time off. Someone else is welcome to take on that topic, or perhaps I could tackle it later. Right now, I'd like to read some advice on digging out of long slumps.
that's hard, hope you get lots of rungood when you start back up
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05-18-2010 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by KurtSF
Yes, of course. Did you want to write about scared money, or did you have something else in mind?
Scared money is an interesting topic imo, ill type it up in the next few days
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05-18-2010 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by AcePlayerDeluxe
If you 3bet and get 4 bet its always QQ+.
AA if it's preflop.

Unless the 4 bettor is really loose - in which case he'll be picked off and looking to reload, unless he gets lucky.

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05-18-2010 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by KurtSF
I'm going to have to disagree with this one. The B&M forum is the place to discuss games/casinos. Not that folks can't discuss it in the chat thread or whatnot, but I don't think we need a thread covering what the B&M forum already does.
I agree. Same with winrate threads, bankroll threads, etc. They are all started ad nauseum in the B&M forum.

What are COTW and COTM? I don't know these.


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05-18-2010 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by Lovesantiques
What are COTW and COTM? I don't know these.
Concept Of The Week and Month.

The idea is to start a specific strategy thread on one subject, with the OP writing his thoughts and ideas on it, then allowing others to comment during a period of time, then move on to a new subject. The idea has been around for years on 2+2, but the micro full ring forum has managed to sustain it on a weekly basis for well over a year. It has gone beyond what would be considered the basics into what would be considered more mid-level subjects that beginners could easily screw up and lose a fortune without a fundamental understanding of NL poker basics (3betting light, double barreling).
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05-18-2010 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by YouCheckRaise
Scared money is an interesting topic imo, ill type it up in the next few days
Don't post it until the first of June though. Let me know if you want a second set of eyes for any reason.

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