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Sicko in my room played this hand Sicko in my room played this hand

10-18-2016 , 12:19 AM
This guy in my room who is sometimes a little unorthodox but is a beast and seems to consistenly build monster stacks played this hand. I wouldn't have played it this way myself but I respect his play so I wanted to see what you guys think.


Villain 1 ($475) raises to 8 from mp
Hero ($510) on button calls with 45 off
Sb calls
Villain 2 ($800) in bb calls

Flop: ($24)
BB checks, MP best $17, Hero calls, BB raises to $78, MP calls, hero calls

turn: $258
BB bets 100, MP calls, hero calls

River: $558

BB bets 250, MP calls, Hero shoves remaining $324, call, call

both villains had sets and the hero scooped the pot. I probably would have raised at some point because a) scare card could come (spade), or b) Not outrageous to think MP could but on the nut flush draw, right?

I asked hero why he wasnt worried about the flush coming and he said flop raise was too big for MP guy to continue with the flush draw. MP is very solid, so ya I guess its a slightly bad call on flop with a flush draw so guess this makes sense. Hero said that he only called (and didnt raise) so that if the board paired, he could get away from the hand on the river. Do you guys think this is worth it? Like I said, I've seen mostly impressive things from this guy and he may be the best player that plays in my room so I'm assuming he made the right play here. Watchu think?? Thanks !
Sicko in my room played this hand Quote
10-18-2016 , 12:46 AM
His call pre is atrocious and he'll be broke soon. I see these guys all the time.
Sicko in my room played this hand Quote
10-18-2016 , 12:47 AM
Post flop play is horrendous, too.
Sicko in my room played this hand Quote
10-18-2016 , 01:20 AM
so flopped the joint in a 3 way super huge pot, and his plan the whole time was to find a reason to dump it?

there is nothing wrong with reducing variance and playing cautiously, but if he shoves the turn, he gets the same outcome without playing so nervous nelly. plus, much greater probability of a spade hitting the board versus the board pairing. I would rather get the money in on the turn.
Sicko in my room played this hand Quote
10-18-2016 , 02:27 AM
There is some merit to logic but the problem is that there are a lot of potential scare cards that can kill his action. Any 4, any 5, any spade, or any heart. Turned out the hearts didn't kill his action in this instance but many times it will. Given that, I'd say he played this poorly postflop.

If he really is the best player in the room, then preflop is probably ok. I'd just be wary of overrating players. Live players get so few hands that you could play with a guy a dozen times and still not have an accurate view of how good he really is.
Sicko in my room played this hand Quote
10-18-2016 , 05:38 AM
Thread title (edit): FPS Bad Reg in my room played this hand
Sicko in my room played this hand Quote
10-18-2016 , 05:38 AM
Not raising the turn here is more than a little silly given the sizing, rest of the hand seems ok though
Sicko in my room played this hand Quote
10-18-2016 , 05:44 AM
Preflop is whatever. Postflop is pretty bad. Please note that this guy got paid off ONLY because both Vs are at the tippy top of their ranges. If either of them had a weaker hand, he does not get stacks in here.

Also note that if I had TP and the BDFD OTF, I could easily get to the river with a heart flush. I'm not folding OTF to a single raise, and the ultra small bet after I pick up the heart OTT insures I will be there OTR.
Sicko in my room played this hand Quote
10-18-2016 , 05:50 AM
Not to say I would play any better, but postfop turn call isnt good. If we dont have any spades we need to raise OTT so we induce a bad call from the combo draws in BBs range, its pretty bad to not raise the turn actually, BB is just freerolling his equity.
Sicko in my room played this hand Quote
10-18-2016 , 06:55 AM
Originally Posted by acescracked84
His call pre is atrocious and he'll be broke soon. I see these guys all the time.
He's calling $8 OTB with massive effective stacks relative to PFR size.

This is not atrocious.
Sicko in my room played this hand Quote
10-18-2016 , 07:01 AM
The effective stack size is $475, the bet pf was 8. Getting potential odds of over 50:1 on the button, his call is trivially easy. Anyone folding this should avoid playing deep stack play.

His logic on why the MP didn't have a FD on the flop is solid. He's right that most players over-estimate the odds of being up against a FD on the flop. It is a judgement call whether to raise or call, depending on the BB. If he'd c/r an over pair in this situation, then the call is better. If he's never c/r anything less than a set, he should re-raise. His only big mistake is on the turn, where I would have raised. If there was a FD around, this was the last street to get paid off. A set is calling and the odds the BB has an OP has dropped based on the action.

Not bad for a 1/2 player.
Sicko in my room played this hand Quote
10-18-2016 , 10:35 AM
I dislike his turn play and think this is a pretty obvious jam as there are tons of river cards that kill the action and/or potentially put us behind.

Pre is ok given the stack sizes though folding is fine too.

Not really in love with his play overall but poker is easy when you flop the stone nuts, two other players have sets, and the runout is pretty clean aside from a backdoor flush draw.
Sicko in my room played this hand Quote
10-18-2016 , 10:59 AM
Preflop is fine given depth

I like his flop logic, I probably would have overlooked it myself and just raised.

OTT gotta raise for sure. I think it's pretty clear what ever the BB has, he is going with it.
Sicko in my room played this hand Quote
10-18-2016 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by venice10
The effective stack size is $475, the bet pf was 8. Getting potential odds of over 50:1 on the button, his call is trivially easy. Anyone folding this should avoid playing deep stack play.

His logic on why the MP didn't have a FD on the flop is solid. He's right that most players over-estimate the odds of being up against a FD on the flop. It is a judgement call whether to raise or call, depending on the BB. If he'd c/r an over pair in this situation, then the call is better. If he's never c/r anything less than a set, he should re-raise. His only big mistake is on the turn, where I would have raised. If there was a FD around, this was the last street to get paid off. A set is calling and the odds the BB has an OP has dropped based on the action.

Not bad for a 1/2 player.
yeah this seems like someone who is probably winning because he's better at playing a big stack than the average 1/2 villain
Sicko in my room played this hand Quote
10-18-2016 , 12:04 PM
painful at reading this post as hero swtiched from V1, V2 to BB, MP.

Who is he in the last paragraph? Who is the sicko?
Sicko in my room played this hand Quote
10-18-2016 , 12:04 PM
So this guy flops the nuts against two sets, gets a clean runout, and wins a lot of money????

Sicko in my room played this hand Quote
10-18-2016 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by matzah_ball
So this guy flops the nuts against two sets, gets a clean runout, and wins a lot of money????

Lol i didnt say that this hand was what made him impressive.
Sicko in my room played this hand Quote
