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Semi-Bluff Raise the Flop or Turn? Semi-Bluff Raise the Flop or Turn?

02-03-2017 , 01:16 PM
Can anyone with experience explain if it is a good idea to raise a bet on the flop or on the turn when semibluffing a big draw? I'm sure this is answer requires some details about stack depth and player tendencies. would you please give me some scenarios? I feel like X/R All in io turns looks stronger than on the flop. Don't we usually raise the turn with the nuts? so shouldn't our Semibluffs be made on the turn for the best FE?

Semi-Bluff Raise the Flop or Turn? Quote
02-03-2017 , 01:44 PM
Too villain(s) dependent to put the time into typing up everything you seek. There is a lot of information if you search and you can just post specific hands/scenarios.

In general call if have no fold equity and have the right odds+Implied. Raise if you have fold equity.
Semi-Bluff Raise the Flop or Turn? Quote
02-03-2017 , 03:04 PM
If you want to get a little more advanced.

EV = F($Pot) + C(%W*$W) – C(%L*$L)

F = times he folds
C = times he calls
%W/%L = These are based upon equity

$Pot = the size of the pot BEFORE you shove

$W = what you would win the times you get called and win

$L = what you would lose the times you get called and villain wins
Semi-Bluff Raise the Flop or Turn? Quote
