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Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread

04-15-2020 , 02:29 PM
Prairie should obviously not take medical advice from the internet, especially a poker chat site... Although...

Originally Posted by rickroll
science is out on this still but there's a theory that NSAIDS like ibuprofen make it much worse so maybe just avoid for now - i'm sure you've done worse to your liver in other manners
Since the original story in The Lancet in March, there's been nothing new...

Are Warnings Against NSAIDs in COVID-19 Warranted?

FDA advises patients on use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for COVID-19

Concerned About Taking Ibuprofen For Coronavirus Symptoms? Here's What Experts Say

The Ibuprofen Debate Reveals the Danger of Covid-19 Rumors: An online furor over whether it’s safe to use the fever reducer reveals how people are sharing incomplete—and sometimes bad—information.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
04-15-2020 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by DeadMoneyWalking
what's the logic behind the otc headache medicine rotation again?
COVID19 symptoms appear to last for up to two weeks.

It is sometimes recommended for chronic pain sufferers who are trying to avoid using opioids that the alternating use of ibuprofen and acetaminophen can be a preferred method. The two drugs are processed by the body differently, and therefore you can lengthen your treatment cycle or without increasing toxicity.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
04-15-2020 , 02:41 PM
didn't read because i know what they'll say, hence why i chose the word theories

having said that, rumors seems unfair given that the FDA foudn initial studies actionable enough to issue a statement warning against their use

having said that, it's kind of a freeroll, simply not taking ibuprofen isn't going to kill you... but what if taking it could?
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
04-15-2020 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
didn't read because i know what they'll say, hence why i chose the word theories

having said that, rumors seems unfair given that the FDA foudn initial studies actionable enough to issue a statement warning against their use

having said that, it's kind of a freeroll, simply not taking ibuprofen isn't going to kill you... but what if taking it could?
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
04-15-2020 , 05:39 PM
I'm not sure what's worse. The sinking feeling like I had that crap or the call that confirmed that I have tested positive. I'll try and compile a few thoughts later, but for now:

I suspect that my exposure was around April 4. Because my wife is actually higher risk than I am, I'm the one who went out to get 2 weeks worth of groceries and pick up a couple prescriptions. Social distancing in grocery stores, at least where I live, has been far from perfect (partly because the province hasn't been specific enough about the locations of known cases outside the two major centers, so no one really panicked enough about how grocery stores should be). So my timeline to show symptoms is 8-9 days.

Someone mentioned ibuprofen - I can't take ibuprofen because it causes me to have nonallergic rhinitis.

As for how I feel: I alternate (sometimes quite rapidly) between chills and sweats. Taking my temp every 30 minutes or so (right now it's in a 1.5C degree range, but all below 37C). It's 3pm and I'm on shirt #3 today - this is new. Have a mild headache and my appetite is "meh". I'm really quite tired and my chest is ok right now (I take a daily long-term maintenance inhaler, as well as use a rescue when needed).

So I'm confined to the basement. Set up is good all things considered. No real comfortable place to sleep, compared to my regular bed. Mrs Breeze and the (not so) Little Farts are being told to stay home unless they have specific food needs,etc, so...

We are now ordering all necessary groceries online (I just ordered a shitton of stuff because the timeline is a 5-7 day wait) and are arranging to have future prescriptions delivered (a new offering by our pharmacy).

I'm tired. My PMs are open if you want to ask privately (no guarantees on when I can answer). So I guess the well is open so to speak.

Take care of yourselves and your loved ones guys. Fight if that's what it takes.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
04-15-2020 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by prairiebreeze
I'm not sure what's worse. The sinking feeling like I had that crap or the call that confirmed that I have tested positive. I'll try and compile a few thoughts later, but for now:

I suspect that my exposure was around April 4. Because my wife is actually higher risk than I am, I'm the one who went out to get 2 weeks worth of groceries and pick up a couple prescriptions. Social distancing in grocery stores, at least where I live, has been far from perfect (partly because the province hasn't been specific enough about the locations of known cases outside the two major centers, so no one really panicked enough about how grocery stores should be). So my timeline to show symptoms is 8-9 days.

Someone mentioned ibuprofen - I can't take ibuprofen because it causes me to have nonallergic rhinitis.

As for how I feel: I alternate (sometimes quite rapidly) between chills and sweats. Taking my temp every 30 minutes or so (right now it's in a 1.5C degree range, but all below 37C). It's 3pm and I'm on shirt #3 today - this is new. Have a mild headache and my appetite is "meh". I'm really quite tired and my chest is ok right now (I take a daily long-term maintenance inhaler, as well as use a rescue when needed).

So I'm confined to the basement. Set up is good all things considered. No real comfortable place to sleep, compared to my regular bed. Mrs Breeze and the (not so) Little Farts are being told to stay home unless they have specific food needs,etc, so...

We are now ordering all necessary groceries online (I just ordered a shitton of stuff because the timeline is a 5-7 day wait) and are arranging to have future prescriptions delivered (a new offering by our pharmacy).

I'm tired. My PMs are open if you want to ask privately (no guarantees on when I can answer). So I guess the well is open so to speak.

Take care of yourselves and your loved ones guys. Fight if that's what it takes.
I know we don't know each other, but I hope for the best for you. I'm really sorry to hear this. My best wishes to you.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
04-15-2020 , 05:51 PM
Oh Jesus, hope you recover quickly prairie
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
04-15-2020 , 06:01 PM
Hey prairie have Mrs breeze get a spray bottle and do 1 part disinfectant liquid and 100 parts water and just give everything in the house a light mist with it, especially any surfaces you'd have touched may be too late but wouldn't hurt

Gl to you and from what I've read it's a lot easier if you lay prone (on your stomach iirc but obviously he to and find what the latest best practices are)

& also sorry to hear that squid, I've been fearing these moments and each time you hear it from someone it doesn't get any easier - we got a long stretch ahead of us for sure and as others have noted in some other threads, it seems there's a decent chance everyone could end up just being much better people to each other after this collective tragedy passes & I'd like to take some solace in those hopes
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
04-15-2020 , 06:48 PM
prairie, so no real cough symptoms? And asthma symptoms no worse than normal?
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
04-15-2020 , 07:02 PM
Good luck prairie
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
04-15-2020 , 07:13 PM
Best prairie. Hope it stays not-too-terrible.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
04-15-2020 , 07:16 PM
My thoughts are with you, prairie. Please feel free to reach out anytime if you're feeling scared or worried and don't want to burden your family.

And if you need to get to the hospital, do. Don't try to tough it out.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
04-15-2020 , 07:19 PM
Gl prairie

Get well soon

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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04-15-2020 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
having said that, it's kind of a freeroll, simply not taking ibuprofen isn't going to kill you... but what if taking it could?
Yeah seems like a poor risk-reward. Also do you really want to take health advice from some guy who was in the it's just a flu camp the entire time and bragging that he went out to dinner while everyone else started their shelter in place.

The same guy who asked FW if he got tested for other viruses, implying getting tested for Cov-2 was overblown.

JB you gonna come and say to people who've passed that they were due to die anyways? Hopefully you realize the people getting this are real people. Not numbers on a piece of paper.

It's why many are taking it seriously and by making comments like people would've died anyways, you are not being pragmatic you are just being a world class prick.

Prairie I can't say anything else except good luck man and don't hesitate to get yourself to the hospital. Not for a second.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
04-15-2020 , 08:15 PM
my thoughts are with you Prairie
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
04-15-2020 , 09:01 PM
Get well prairie, best of luck.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
04-15-2020 , 09:02 PM
Good thoughts and best wishes, Prarie. +1 with Garick - I know there isn't a lot we can do for you but I am sure you know your chat brothers will help in any way we can.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
04-15-2020 , 09:16 PM
yeah, I mean I don't do this for everyone but if you'd like a dick pic, hit me up
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
04-15-2020 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
yeah, I mean I don't do this for everyone but if you'd like a dick pic, hit me up
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
04-15-2020 , 09:35 PM
Prairie best of luck- I hope you recover quickly and your family stays safe.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
04-15-2020 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
yeah, I mean I don't do this for everyone but if you'd like a dick pic, hit me up
Narrator: he in fact, does that for everyone.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
04-15-2020 , 10:22 PM
Best of luck prairie, get well soon.

It boggles my mind how contagious this thing is. Like, you go to the supermarket and you catch it? How? Because someone breathed on you? Or because you touched an infected surface and you put your hand in your mouth?

I wish we had a clearer image of how this thing spreads, because right now it's a bit of a fog and it heightens fears.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
04-15-2020 , 10:31 PM
Best wishes to you and your family Prairie.

Someone that doesn't think this is a big deal just posted that there were 35k driving deaths in the US in 2018. Then it dawned on me that we could see more deaths than that in a single month of covid-19 despite all the measures we have taken to fight it. Pretty mind blowing really. Stay safe everyone.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
04-15-2020 , 10:43 PM
You think casinos will start with 6-max tables? to 'ease' back in.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
04-15-2020 , 11:16 PM
6 max is way too many players at a table, IMO. Orleans was doing 5-max and Venetian tried 3-max right before they shut down.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
