Originally Posted by bwslim69
For those in favor of more draconian lockdowns (or at least longer lasting)...what is the end game here? When is ok to go back to work and some semblance of normalcy?
I'm not saying what has been done hasn't worked. I'm just asking how do we know when lockdowns are no longer the answer. I don't know that I've heard any politician address that and I think that needs to be more transparent. This is unsustainable for 3-4 months+
The best hope is that once the lockdowns go on for a while and the virus spread gets as small as possible, you reopen the economy with a system of mass testing and tracing that will keep it contained. That is, whoever wants to get tested gets tested, people who are found positive isolate and people who have come into contact with the carriers also get tested and are isolated as necessary.
For this, you need technological infrastructure in a form of a phone app or something similar and also a ton of manpower doing the tracing and isolating.
If you can implement this effectively - and this really needs to be a nationwide effort because you don't want a few states that aren't taking this seriously undermining the efforts of the rest- you can become like Korea which manages to run the economy while keeping the virus contained.
If that doesn't happen, then you are faced with a cycle of economy reopenings and lockdowns as the virus comes back every time a few weeks after you reopen the economy. This also means even more heated debates, as we would have to be facing tough choices between unnecessary deaths and extreme economic hardship.
In case you were wondering, the federal government under the leadership of our glorious leader is doing nothing to implement a test and trace regime. Instead our glorious leader itches to reopen the economy because he's afraid that all of this jeopardizing his reelection. This is an instance where the interests of our glorious leader are pretty well aligned with the nation's interests, but unfortunately our glorious leader has the patience of a toddler and behaves like a chess player who can't see two moves ahead.
Perhaps we ll get lucky with a deus ex machina either in the form of a cure, or the virus not liking hot weather or discovering that the virus isn't as deadly as we thought.
All in all, this whole thing is as close to FUBAR as anything we 've experienced in our lifetimes.