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Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread

03-30-2020 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by DeadMoneyWalking
I thought that was the point of a quarantine thread. Does the quarantine need a quarantine?
The point is that any discussion of politics should be civil and should be related to the virus response, not just "well that's exactly what I'd expect from a ******ed <political group> person like you" and similar stuff.

This thread also not the place for general discussion of politics, even if it is civil, not related to virus response. That's a fine line, and will not be diligently modded if the discussion stays polite as long as people don't try to turn this thread into the LLSNL politics thread.

For example, browni and feely's recent discussion is only marginally related to the coronavirus response, but it's polite enough to let it be.

Your and 67's has been less polite and near the edge of being off-topic. OTOH, Spyu's entry to it wasn't even trying to be polite, but was also insult free and was directly related to the coronavirus response, so it's not close to the edge, even though it seems closer to invective than other posts in that conversation, imo. I wish he would make his point more calmly, but he backed up what he had to say and kept it on topic.

As for the things that got deleted and infracted last night, two of them included personal attacks on other posters, and at least one included using X supporter (where X is a particular politician) as a slur. That stuff is over the line.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-30-2020 , 07:09 PM
Ima gonna get drunk and straighten all you ****ers out.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-30-2020 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by BigSkip
Ima gonna get drunk and straighten all you ****ers out.

Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-30-2020 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by BigSkip
Ima gonna get drunk and straighten all you ****ers out.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-30-2020 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by Garick
Your and 67's has been less polite
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-30-2020 , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by Garick
The point is that any discussion of politics should be civil and should be related to the virus response, not just "well that's exactly what I'd expect from a ******ed <political group> person like you" and similar stuff.

This thread also not the place for general discussion of politics, even if it is civil, not related to virus response. That's a fine line, and will not be diligently modded if the discussion stays polite as long as people don't try to turn this thread into the LLSNL politics thread.
The "be civil" standard pretty much equates to don't give the mod a headache. At least I cannot see any difference. The problem is that 'standard' doesn't tell you what is tolerable vs intolerable. I can civilly and rather objectively recount statistics or quote monger from the last time Joe Biden held office and faced a pandemic. But that's really calling his supporters wusses if they don't hit reply. That's why the 4rum's taboo topics spring up every couple of months, because there's no rule that can be applied by those who'd make an effort to self-censor.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-31-2020 , 12:05 AM
So, what's everyone doing for low/mid stakes games now that casinos are closed? Online? What sites/stakes are like live 1/3 and 2/5? Asking for a friend....

Lol not for a friend. I started playing PPPoker with decent results at micros but recently ran into run bad at 5-card and looking to diversify. Someone said pokerbros with an emulator?

Last edited by DumbosTrunk; 03-31-2020 at 12:11 AM.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-31-2020 , 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
I'm not sure if that's agreeing with the second point I made or saying something different?

and to be clear, I don't want a politician to act in my best interest, I want them to act in the country's best interest
been liking you a lot more since the avatar change
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-31-2020 , 02:49 AM
I also want politicians to act in the country’s best interest, but I want them to do so according to my value system.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-31-2020 , 03:51 AM
Originally Posted by browni3141
I also want politicians to act in the country’s best interest, but I want them to do so according to my value system.

browni, please just once try to check your post for massive contradictions before hitting the "submit reply" button
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-31-2020 , 06:58 AM
Originally Posted by DeadMoneyWalking
The "be civil" standard pretty much equates to don't give the mod a headache. At least I cannot see any difference. The problem is that 'standard' doesn't tell you what is tolerable vs intolerable. I can civilly and rather objectively recount statistics or quote monger from the last time Joe Biden held office and faced a pandemic. But that's really calling his supporters wusses if they don't hit reply. That's why the 4rum's taboo topics spring up every couple of months, because there's no rule that can be applied by those who'd make an effort to self-censor.
That's why I deleted the post. Garick and I need to talk about the standard, but my opinion is that a statement like "I don't trust politician A because" is way over the line. It was my standard back when I originally made the rule of no politics in the forum.

So in my mind,

"I think the President's decision to continue isolation until the end of April is a bad one because,

1. It isn't enough time.
2. etc."

is a proper statement for this thread.

"I think the President's decision to to continue isolation until the end of April is a bad one because,

1. He's a cynical bastard that wants to get re-elected at the cost of people's lives.
2. Lies every chance he gets.
3. etc."

is unacceptable for this thread."
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-31-2020 , 07:35 AM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
So, what's everyone doing for low/mid stakes games now that casinos are closed? Online? What sites/stakes are like live 1/3 and 2/5? Asking for a friend....

Lol not for a friend. I started playing PPPoker with decent results at micros but recently ran into run bad at 5-card and looking to diversify. Someone said pokerbros with an emulator?
Personally I think games on Ignition are still pretty good.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-31-2020 , 09:01 AM
I don't have any problem with venice having deleted that post. It was somewhat close in my opinion of what's acceptable ITT, which is far more than I would accept in other threads.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-31-2020 , 09:06 AM
Originally Posted by browni3141
I also want politicians to act in the country’s best interest, but I want them to do so according to my value system.
Originally Posted by rickroll

browni, please just once try to check your post for massive contradictions before hitting the "submit reply" button
This is not a contradiction. browni is saying he wants politicians to do what browni thinks is right for the country, not what browni thinks is right for browni.

And, rickroll, can you please disagree with people without laughing at them and/or being dismissive? We really can disagree civilly. I know it's a lost art, but it really helps if you attack the idea and not the person. For example, you could have responded: "that sounds nice in theory, but what makes you think that your values' version of what's best for the country is more valid than other visions?"
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-31-2020 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by Garick
This is not a contradiction. browni is saying he wants politicians to do what browni thinks is right for the country, not what browni thinks is right for browni.

And, rickroll, can you please disagree with people without laughing at them and/or being dismissive? We really can disagree civilly. I know it's a lost art, but it really helps if you attack the idea and not the person. For example, you could have responded: "that sounds nice in theory, but what makes you think that your values' version of what's best for the country is more valid than other visions?"
fair enough, i totally get how that skewers the tone of the discussion, i'll work on my tone and patience going forward

i think you're just arguing semantics though in your as peacekeeper, there are many situations where those two things are mutually exclusive, which is why i don't view that as a viable concept
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-31-2020 , 01:21 PM
Drug dealer in ontario gets fined for operating a non essential business
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-31-2020 , 01:46 PM
The more and more I think about it, the more sure I am that I had the Coronavirus back in January/February. I can't remember which month, but I remember bringing it up in The Pen, and DC and Spyu both said I had to the doctor, and DC said I sounded like I was dying.

Anyways, my entire body ached, I had a horrible fever, and breathing was a huge struggle for four days...I mean I gave up on breathing from my nose, and even breathing through my mouth was an extreme effort. I remember the first night I woke up in the middle of the night unable to breathe and I thought how I'd rather be dead because I was so miserable. NyQuil allowed me to sleep.

Anyways, I explained to my professors that I was seriously ill, but they all said it's unfair to the other students if I just missed and they gave me the lecture slides, and so I went to class and inevitably infected many people . Those days were awful. University of Michigan also has a very large number of Chinese students, so it all makes sense.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-31-2020 , 02:13 PM
Thanks for sharing, 67o.

IMO this is a good example of a problem that needs to change in the US. The cultural attitude in some places of, "Go to work/class unless you have a doctor's note, and I don't care if it takes you 2 weeks to see a doctor, there's no way I'll ever just take you at your word" is a great way to rapidly spread a disease before situational awareness is established at the higher levels.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-31-2020 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
Drug dealer in ontario gets fined for operating a non essential business
Lol, I literally just got off the phone with a customer who brought up this story.

Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-31-2020 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by Garick
This is not a contradiction. browni is saying he wants politicians to do what browni thinks is right for the country, not what browni thinks is right for browni.

And, rickroll, can you please disagree with people without laughing at them and/or being dismissive? We really can disagree civilly. I know it's a lost art, but it really helps if you attack the idea and not the person. For example, you could have responded: "that sounds nice in theory, but what makes you think that your values' version of what's best for the country is more valid than other visions?"
C'mon. Our RR could be a waiter at uncle's country club. You've gone from "don't attack the person" to 'no snarky tone.' If you adopted that rule in the Pen we'd still be one the 5th page of the 1st thread.

Originally Posted by nutella virus
Drug dealer in ontario gets fined for operating a non essential business
Does Canada have the double jeopardy rule "they must charge everything that can be charged at the time?" And does anyone spell Joepardy right on the first try?
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-31-2020 , 05:33 PM
You've gone from "don't attack the person" to 'no snarky tone.'
That was a request, not a rule. You'll notice that I didn't edit or delete the post, I just asked. Although that particular post was OK, the sniping response style is likely to spiral and get to a a place we don't want to be.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-31-2020 , 07:13 PM
Self quarantine plans & goals update

Been 3 weeks for me working from home and following distancing.

Exercise I give myself an A - have done weights/work on my Concept 2 rower 5x per week and have walked at least 10k steps every day for the past 17 days

Work B - was actually busy til last Fri. That has tailed off now and I need to work through how to stay in touch with clients/attempt to generate some $$ and prep for when things re-open. Getting way tougher the past 9 days though, as the kids and wife are all working from home so I have way more distractions plus need to spend time helping/policing kids school work

Diet C+ - fasting 4 days per week til lunch and eating pretty clean. Have noticed the past week I'm reaching for chocolate a little too much (I generally eat 0 candy/choc) and I've been drinking most nights, though not to excess

Home Improvements - E. Haven't done any and haven't even written the list of stuff I want to do. Now that work is calmer, I'm planning on painting the skirting boards throughout the whole house this week

Mental Health - B+. Doing pretty well tbh. Am watching the nightly news with my wife at 7 and occasionally at 6am while training but trying to stay away from it. I do have a weird fascination with the case/death numbers by country on the worldometers site. Am also not opening any links shared on here or SM/reading any stuff sent to me that starts with 'from a friend in an ER department/the National Guard/a doctor' or whatever - honestly I think some people are attempting to anxiety bully with that stuff.

Last edited by feel wrath; 03-31-2020 at 07:20 PM.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-31-2020 , 07:58 PM
I've looked at updates from Worldometers as well as Johns Hopkins and the NYT map. Seems like Worldometers reports numbers quicker than the others. Noticed that Worldometers is now linking its sources for US states, too.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-31-2020 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by Axel Foley
I've looked at updates from Worldometers as well as Johns Hopkins and the NYT map. Seems like Worldometers reports numbers quicker than the others. Noticed that Worldometers is now linking its sources for US states, too.
it's a great resource. it uses GMT for it's measurement of a 'day' so sometimes the numbers diverge with what you read on the news.

the states breakdown for the US shows how totally ****ed NY and the NE states are and also what could happen elsewhere if people don't quarantine properly
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
04-01-2020 , 05:27 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
Self quarantine plans & goals update

Been 3 weeks for me working from home and following distancing.

Exercise I give myself an A - have done weights/work on my Concept 2 rower 5x per week and have walked at least 10k steps every day for the past 17 days

Work B - was actually busy til last Fri. That has tailed off now and I need to work through how to stay in touch with clients/attempt to generate some $$ and prep for when things re-open. Getting way tougher the past 9 days though, as the kids and wife are all working from home so I have way more distractions plus need to spend time helping/policing kids school work

Diet C+ - fasting 4 days per week til lunch and eating pretty clean. Have noticed the past week I'm reaching for chocolate a little too much (I generally eat 0 candy/choc) and I've been drinking most nights, though not to excess

Home Improvements - E. Haven't done any and haven't even written the list of stuff I want to do. Now that work is calmer, I'm planning on painting the skirting boards throughout the whole house this week

Mental Health - B+. Doing pretty well tbh. Am watching the nightly news with my wife at 7 and occasionally at 6am while training but trying to stay away from it. I do have a weird fascination with the case/death numbers by country on the worldometers site. Am also not opening any links shared on here or SM/reading any stuff sent to me that starts with 'from a friend in an ER department/the National Guard/a doctor' or whatever - honestly I think some people are attempting to anxiety bully with that stuff.
Posting - B. You offered a great perspective and funny perv stories. But you dragged certain encounters on for way too long.

on the candy, yeah, I discovered the local hippy health store has bins of every kind of nuts covered in chocolate.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
