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10-21-2023 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by larry the legend
Kind of disrespectful. Hes beating the game. I love how every time someone posts their positive results, someone like you comes along and says this is once in 500 years type thing to every person who posts winning results they dont understand. There are some obvious posters on here that I would never believe to be winning players. From his many hand histories posted, I highly doubt he could ever be a loser in this game as he is light years ahead of. 99% of the players he sees in his player pool. Maybe if he comes to your Vegas 1/3 or 2/5 game he is barely breakeven, but that is surely not the case here.
i understand you want to argue with me with literally every post ive made because i had the gall to disagree with you and tell you that you have no idea what you're talking about most of the time. i still stand by that. you're in another thread we both frequent telling the OP who played a hand w t9o where he isoed limps and called a 3b that he is going to lose his house as a result of playing like that. but davo is light years ahead of his game. ok. to me at least, it seems like you just want to disagree with pretty much anything i say and attack me wherever you can. you policing disrespect on the forum is lol as well.

based on the hand histories i find it difficult to believe someone cold 4bing 84o and 3bing 72o or calling opens w k9o or isoing 32ss from utg1 is going to be consistently profitable over any significant period of time. these aren't really small leaks, or overcomeable, or game flow dependent, its just lack of self control and the errors are generally way too big to make up for and indicative of issues that are going to come out more so when things turn. you just aren't going to be able to make up for the ev enough in other nodes. in poker usually someone aggro comes around and wins and keeps pushing the envelope (and getting more and more aggro as a result) and thinks theyve found the solution and theyre the only ones that can play like this and then it begins to implode. i've seen this cycle idk hundreds of times?

as for my las vegas 1/3 or 2/5 game, lol. if it makes u feel better about yourself to envision me as a mid 20s 1/3 grinder with minimal life experience as you've said in multiple threads, go for it.

again im happy to be wrong about davo. im curious about winrate and amount of hours played but would also imagine that he has a much higher standard deviation than average low stakes player.

Last edited by submersible; 10-21-2023 at 05:56 PM.
10-21-2023 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by submersible
i understand you want to argue with me with literally every post ive made because i had the gall to disagree with you and tell you that you have no idea what you're talking about most of the time. i still stand by that. you're in another thread we both frequent telling the OP who played a hand w t9o where he isoed limps and called a 3b that he is going to lose his house as a result of playing like that. but davo is light years ahead of his game. ok. to me at least, it seems like you just want to disagree with pretty much anything i say and attack me wherever you can. you policing disrespect on the forum is lol as well.

based on the hand histories i find it difficult to believe someone cold 4bing 84o and 3bing 72o or calling opens w k9o or isoing 32ss from utg1 is going to be consistently profitable over any significant period of time. these aren't really small leaks, or overcomeable, or game flow dependent, its just lack of self control and the errors are generally way too big to make up for and indicative of issues that are going to come out more so when things turn. you just aren't going to be able to make up for the ev enough in other nodes. in poker usually someone aggro comes around and wins and keeps pushing the envelope (and getting more and more aggro as a result) and thinks theyve found the solution and theyre the only ones that can play like this and then it begins to implode. i've seen this cycle idk hundreds of times?

as for my las vegas 1/3 or 2/5 game, lol. if it makes u feel better about yourself to envision me as a mid 20s 1/3 grinder with minimal life experience as you've said in multiple threads, go for it.

again im happy to be wrong about davo. im curious about winrate and amount of hours played but would also imagine that he has a much higher standard deviation than average low stakes player.
Good story solver god
10-21-2023 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by submersible

based on the hand histories i find it difficult to believe someone cold 4bing 84o and 3bing 72o or calling opens w k9o or isoing 32ss from utg1 is going to be consistently profitable over any significant period of time. these aren't really small leaks, or overcomeable, or game flow dependent, its just lack of self control and the errors are generally way too big to make up for and indicative of issues that are going to come out more so when things turn.
At 8:00 into this clip there’s a hand where Dan “Jungleman” Cates cold 4-bets 94o OOP.

From this have you concluded that there is no way Jungleman can be a profitable poker player over a significant period of time? That he’s just been on the positive side of variance for the last two decades, can’t last?
10-21-2023 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by davomalvolio
At 8:00 into this clip there’s a hand where Dan “Jungleman” Cates cold 4-bets 94o OOP.

From this have you concluded that there is no way Jungleman can be a profitable poker player over a significant period of time? That he’s just been on the positive side of variance for the last two decades, can’t last?
is this actually your argument?
10-21-2023 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by larry the legend
Good story solver god
ive really not gone back and forth with you over the course of most of these threads. but if as you say experience is the most valuable learning tool why are you still at 1/2 after nearly 20 years on this site?
10-21-2023 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by submersible
ive really not gone back and forth with you over the course of most of these threads. but if as you say experience is the most valuable learning tool why are you still at 1/2 after nearly 20 years on this site?
10-21-2023 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by submersible
is this actually your argument?
You’re the one plucking like 6 hands from a sample of 10,000 as evidence that a stranger can’t possibly be good at poker. If my cold 4-betting 84o once is proof against me, why wouldn’t Jungle 4-betting the 94o once be proof against him?
10-21-2023 , 07:51 PM
You’re simultaneously hitting “You need a sample of at least 100,000 hands to prove you can beat $1-$2” and “I know you’re a losing player based on the way you played these six hands” and apparently don’t believe there’s a contradiction.
10-21-2023 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by davomalvolio
You’re the one plucking like 6 hands from a sample of 10,000 as evidence that a stranger can’t possibly be good at poker. If my cold 4-betting 84o once is proof against me, why wouldn’t Jungle 4-betting the 94o once be proof against him?
i picked 5 out of 12 that you posted (in a greatest hits thread). do you think you're closer to jungleman or the 99.9% of other people that have cold 4b a hand that isnt a vpip from any position? as for the hand in the stream its probably some combination of tilt, giving action for the sake of the stream / getting invited, and misranging andy's cold call while trying to isolate a shortstack all in with dead money as opposed to him thinking this is a good play he would make in his standard game. i havent said anything about disqualifying your sample yet; i asked you what your winrate was and over how many hours and said if you play like this your standard deviation is probably signif higher than the norm.

to me at least, the 32ss and 84o are egregious enough that either: you dont know what correct ranges are, you get so tilted ingame you dont have the discipline to stick to them, or ego (i know this is wrong but im good enough it doesn't matter). all of those don't really bode well for long term success. the 72o is probably slightly-moderately -ev but also indicative of the same things, and the k9o is losing small but is whatever. the 84 though is really bad enough that having seen that hand i would assume someone cannot be a winner over any kind of sample and would need strong evidence to the contrary. the great part is it doesn't matter for your win rate if i think you win or not.

Last edited by submersible; 10-21-2023 at 09:18 PM.
10-21-2023 , 09:22 PM
For any lurkers on this thread, here is my "let's just go for it and bluff it out" hand of the day to ponder before you just do what davo is doing and getting people to fold top two when it's mostly the nuts:

H Hadn't played a hand in a bit.
Open raise A♠️2♠️ in MP to 12, newer guy who seems to be playing wider than normal calls in BB (350ish it, H covers).
Flop: K6♠️5, check, I bet 15, call.
Turn: K6♠️5 T♠️, donk bet 15, I make it 65, call.
River: K6♠️5T♠️ 9♠️, donk bet 30, I make it 135, tank call.

...I should probably go more like 180 on the river, but eh.

And another from a week or so ago:

HJ (playing a lot of hands has 200ish) opens to 7, SB calls (decent player up a lot), I call A♠️7♠️ (350ish)
Flop: Q♠️76
SB X, H X, Bet 15, call, H sigh call

Turn: Q♠️76 K♠️
SB X, H X, HJ bet 45, CB thinks for 20-30 seconds before calling (and the longer he thought the more I decided what to do), H snap shoves like an idiot, quick call, SB tank calls.
I show, SB shows KQo, HJ mutters about trying to work out what cards he needs to win ... it sounded like AK, but I'm not sure I trust that as he didn't show.

SB was apparently thinking about if he should raise.
10-21-2023 , 09:29 PM
Knock it off with the ego stuff, people. ELE.
10-22-2023 , 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by Garick
Knock it off with the ego stuff, people. ELE.
Garick is nicer than I am. Next epeen post and this thread gets closed. Or if I'm in a bad mood, I'll move it to the BBV thread.
10-23-2023 , 06:17 PM
I had another fun one today (you can move this to BBV, that’s basically what it is at this point):

CO opens to $8, SB calls, I call in BB with Qd5d. Flop Qs8s4c. SB check I check, CO bets $14, SB calls I call. Turn 2h. SB checks, I check, CO checks. River Ah. SB checks, I check, CO bets $15, SB folds, I check-raise to $115, CO tanks and folds.

I just didn’t think the small River size was ever going to be a 2-pair+ hand (and of course it helps that I have a Queen to block AQ, as unlikely as that holding is.)

I just think my bluff is the right play there. I can’t believe it’s good poker for CO to call that raise with AT or whatever. But maybe I’m wrong, idk. At the time I thought raising to $115 was a way better play than calling—if I’m gonna make mistakes, I’d rather they be on the aggressive side.
10-23-2023 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by davomalvolio
I had another fun one today (you can move this to BBV, that’s basically what it is at this point):

CO opens to $8, SB calls, I call in BB with Qd5d. Flop Qs8s4c. SB check I check, CO bets $14, SB calls I call. Turn 2h. SB checks, I check, CO checks. River Ah. SB checks, I check, CO bets $15, SB folds, I check-raise to $115, CO tanks and folds.

I just didn’t think the small River size was ever going to be a 2-pair+ hand (and of course it helps that I have a Queen to block AQ, as unlikely as that holding is.)

I just think my bluff is the right play there. I can’t believe it’s good poker for CO to call that raise with AT or whatever. But maybe I’m wrong, idk. At the time I thought raising to $115 was a way better play than calling—if I’m gonna make mistakes, I’d rather they be on the aggressive side.
against a nit with a capped range which he clearly has here, its fine.

ive noticed i dont get away with these plays even with a nitty image. i think its because i look like im always calculating moves like im playing chess and people are suspicious.
