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Is this raise bad? Is this raise bad?

02-25-2015 , 10:43 PM
Hero only been at the table for like 20 mins I only raised AKdd and took it down on the flop vs this villain. I've been to talking to 3 of the guys I know and cracking jokes and I'm a 22 year old Indian .

Villain- calling a lot of pre flops bets but than quitting or going with it. He's probably late 20s, I think he's just a rec player .

Hero has 109 on the btn 5 limps to me I make it 12 as get 2 caller

200 effective

BB bets 10 , V calls , I call


BB bets $10 , villain calls , I wait and sec and than raise to 50
BB folds and villain thinks and than ships , I called
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02-25-2015 , 11:04 PM
stack sizes?

not sure it matters, yes, I think the raise is bad given the board texture and the fact that you are more or less getting the right price to call.

what read do you have on V that suggests he would fold to a relatively small raise?
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02-25-2015 , 11:07 PM
You're getting 5:1 on the flop call IP with a gutshot. This is a somewhat marginal call, unless you are against EP players that you have seen fold too much, and you think you can muscle them off weak holdings. Pretty much readless, i think this is a big assumption here.

I don't like the turn raise. The BB betting 10 into a 62 pot is pretty clueless, and gets overcalled. I think you're better off calling with great odds and trying to extract value on the river if you hit your straight.

You have marginal equity here for a straight draw. If either of these players are even a little sticky with a K or a J, then your less than pot sized raise may get a lot of calls.

Last edited by MirrorMirror; 02-25-2015 at 11:19 PM.
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02-25-2015 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by akjohn1
stack sizes?

not sure it matters, yes, I think the raise is bad given the board texture and the fact that you are more or less getting the right price to call.

what read do you have on V that suggests he would fold to a relatively small raise?
It's 200 effective and given the board texture you don't think it's really weak betting and calling $10 anyone with a king is. Not going to call 10$ on a board like that with two other people in the pot . I was thinking any made hand would bet more and any drWing hand would just continue to call those small bets
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02-25-2015 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by MirrorMirror
You're getting 5:1 on the flop call IP with a gutshot. This is a somewhat marginal call, unless you are against EP players that you have seen fold too much, and you think you can muscle them off weak holdings. Pretty much readless, i think this is a big assumption here.

I don't like the turn raise. The BB betting 10 into a 62 pot is pretty clueless, and gets overcalled. I think you're better off calling with great odds and trying to extract value on the river if you hit your straight.

You have low equity here for a semibluff, having only a gutshot. If either of these players are even a little sticky with a K or a J, then your less than pot sized raise may get a lot of calls.
I was open ended would that give me enough equity ?
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02-25-2015 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by Raeed561
I was open ended would that give me enough equity ?
Edited my post. Realized you had an open-ender on the turn.

still don't like the raise. You are against a clueless player with a little something, and V has either a small made hand or a draw which probably isn't any worse than yours.

I don't see what the small raise accomplishes when you can draw at a great price, and maybe hit a hand. If the betting is weak on the river, the board runout may afford better opportunities for an effective bluff.
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02-25-2015 , 11:32 PM
The idea of raising the turn in abstract isn't bad because the same size turn bet and flat call reek of weak hands and draws. The problem is that you only have a weak draw yourself, clubs are likely dirty and catching one pair isn't likely to help you. With a stronger hand or better draw and some history that says villains will fold then I like the idea. Here you want to take your cheap card and hope to hit a straight without a club. You should probably fold the flop despite the odds, your fishing for 3 cards and even those are not the nuts. If one of your villains has AT even the Qs are not good.

In any case, fold when villain ships. Even against something like a naked flush draw or QTo or 2nd pair you don't have enough equity. The miniscule bets up till this point means villain's shove is pot sized and kills your odds.
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02-25-2015 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by Raeed561
I was open ended would that give me enough equity ?
Except you raised into 2 people, so you could be drawing extremely thin if both called, since there is a good chance one has at least a pair and one may have a FD, so you have a whopping 6 outs a lot of times.

Your sizing on the raise is pretty bad too, after your call, pot is 92, you raise 40, that's not great odds to call, but I'm not betting that joe blow poker player understands IO enough to figure out he shouldn't be calling with his draw because he has ~6% difference in direct odds of calling vs hitting.

Plus, you have no showdown value, so in reality, you want folds, if I was to pop this, I'd be hitting 80+, maybe even 100, just trying to rep a set
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02-26-2015 , 02:24 AM
Call on the flop is terrible.

Raise on the turn is atrocious and you're literally incinerating money.
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02-26-2015 , 05:06 AM
I'd just limp in pf after all those callers. I don't see what a $12 raise accomplishes. On the flop I'm quickly folding and I'd rather just call the turn.

Why did you call when villain shipped the turn?
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02-26-2015 , 06:32 AM
Originally Posted by everydaygrind
Call on the flop is terrible.

Raise on the turn is atrocious and you're literally incinerating money.
When I read this worthless reply, my blood boiled. I was sure that there had to be guidelines for posting replies somewhere...........I found it:

Driving Guide to LLSNL (Rules and Tips on Posting)

What constitutes trolling a strat thread?

1. Intentionally bad advice

2. Low content posts that more effectively insult than provide advice. A post that only says "That was a terrible play" or "fish logic ITT" will get you permanently banned. I might let slide either of those comments if you follow it up with an attempt to provide solid advice. "That was a terrible play; you're way ahead of his range" is a post with a completely different character than just "that was a terrible play." if you don't immediately understand why, I strongly urge you to never, ever post in LLSNL again.
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02-26-2015 , 06:34 AM
You need around 5:1, so yeah, bad call.

8 outs on the turn, 16%, 5:1
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02-26-2015 , 06:35 AM
call on the flop is pretty loose, i'll charitably give you 2.5 outs (queen is not the nuts and Q of clubs is particularly poisoned).
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02-26-2015 , 06:55 AM
Originally Posted by Raeed561
Hero has 109 on the btn 5 limps to me I make it 12 as get 2 caller

200 effective

BB bets 10 , V calls , I call


BB bets $10 , villain calls , I wait and sec and than raise to 50
BB folds and villain thinks and than ships , I called
What state do you play in?!

How is there only $32 in the pot b4 the flop?!
5 limpers & 2 callers to your $12 *3 $36 + 4 limpers fold (as 1 of your callers was the BB) = $44 + $1 SB = $45.00
I know the rake is steep in Florida, but jeez! $13.00 rake!!

You must have made a mistake.

I made the mistake of visiting Jacksonville FL & found that they rake $1 @ $5/$10 & $20 PLUS $1 for the bad beat at $10 & another $1 at $20. So once the pot is $20.....$5 of it (25%) has vanished!.

No rake back. Not even the coffee is free! It's a $1.25 for 10 ounces. It's how they keep the dog track open at Orange Park that is losing money.
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02-26-2015 , 07:27 AM
limp pre call flop call turn
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02-26-2015 , 07:32 AM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
limp pre call flop call turn
How do you get "Carpal/Tunnel" with these type of responses?
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02-26-2015 , 07:34 AM
Is this raise bad? Quote
02-26-2015 , 10:33 AM
Raising pre isn't bad if you are going to raise to thin the field, but in that case you would have to go $20-25. However, even then, with this many limpers it is likely at least 1 or 2 come along, and if those 1-2 are in EP than the whole field may come along.

Therefore, I probably just overlimp this OTB since it plays well multiway. I tend not to raise the lower end of my raising range once there are 3+ limpers in the pot as it's just too unlikely to take it down pre.
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02-26-2015 , 05:10 PM
I'm in Florida and yea I made a mistake with the pot size . He ended up trying to make a move on me with A 10o and he won with A high after river bricked
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02-26-2015 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by Raeed561
I'm in Florida and yea I made a mistake with the pot size . He ended up trying to make a move on me with A 10o and he won with A high after river bricked
You were way behind pre-flop/flop/turn/river.

For every 100 dollars you put in on the turn you're going to get $31.80 back and lose $68.20.

I think you put in roughly 170 on the turn, on average you'll lose over 115 dollars with that bluff.
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02-26-2015 , 08:39 PM
In this spot I would keep in mind RIO. It seems like you've turned IO into RIO by raising the turn instead of just calling. Also remember that even if you catch your Q you could be drawing dead to the nuts A-10 and if its the Q of clubs then there is a whole whack load of other combos that beat you.

If anything raise the flop to see the river for free. By semi-bluffing in this spot you will either have the BB come over the top of you, indicating 2 pair or a set which you can fold to easily, or he will call to see what you will do on the turn. BUT at the same time, you want the BB to have 2 pair of a set and just betting small, giving you great odds to call.

Just call both the flop and turn and when you make your hand you will have the BB firing into you again and then you can re-pop him appropiately.
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