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"Playing AK" "Playing AK"

02-12-2017 , 03:15 PM
Howdy! Tell me how bad I played this hand or my thought process.

A little backstory. The venue is at one of these new "legal" poker rooms in East Texas. Its about 15 minutes till closing time.

Hero: 28 (as of today actually) white male. Knows a bit about poker. Knows 2+2 exists. Has made most of his money with well placed semi-bluffs and getting KK to fold pre-flop holding QQ. (Don't ask me how that happened) Always trying to better himself. Roughly $900 stack

Villain: Mid to late 50's white woman. Plays those free WPT tournaments. Literally has no 3 bet range. Loves to limp call. Super passive. She's a nice lady but I want her money! Stack is about $800 after quadrupling up with flopped QQQQ. Has been yawning and saying she's ready to go for the past 20 minutes.

Table: 7 handed 1/2

Hero is on the button with AK
Villain is MP 1ish.

Preflop: Limp, villain overlimps, fold, fold, Hero raises $12, SB calls, BB folds, original limper folds, villain calls. Pot is $40. I probably could've bet more, the table is pretty inelastic. They like to get sticky with suited paint.

Favorable Flop: A710

SB checks, villain checks, Hero bets $36. (Once again table loves to chase their draws.) SB folds, and villain raises to $100.

Now good players' alarm would be going off. I'm thinking how do I stack her off now? Too many turn cards would shut down the action, she's ready to go (chips are racked), and there's literally 10 minutes left in the session. She has about $500 behind. I've seen her make ridiculous overbet calls with nutted flush draws all night. What should I do?

Last edited by venice10; 02-12-2017 at 05:50 PM. Reason: Removed results
"Playing AK" Quote
02-12-2017 , 03:33 PM
Hide results.

Given reads this player never raises a hand worse than A7 here.
"Playing AK" Quote
02-12-2017 , 03:37 PM
"super passive" (your words) middle aged lady raised you on flop and you think you're ahead with one pair and want to stack off 250BB? This is 2p or a set 95% of the time.

These people don't raise draws. She's about to go home. Do you think she's risking her stack with AJ against your AK????
"Playing AK" Quote
02-12-2017 , 03:42 PM
Stacking off with AK against a super passive player is fine (Probably not gonna happen in 3 streets here b/c it's so deep), but you should probably be folding to aggression like that. You said she calls overbets with nutted flush draws, but when she raises she probably has something like a set or 2 pair.

When she has a flush draw here (which is unlikely given your live read) she is only a 2:1 dog, and every other hand (AAx1, TTx3, 77x3, ATx9, A7x9, T7x9) she could have crushes you. Worse Ax hands are possible, but discounted.

I would say overbetting ~350BB into that range is a significant spew and guaranteed to cost you in the long run.

Just fold unless she's short stacked.

Also, if the flop overbet is working that's fine, but if it pushes her out of the hand unless she has exactly a flush draw it might not be worth it.
"Playing AK" Quote
02-12-2017 , 04:12 PM
Your issue is right here:
I'm thinking how do I stack her off now? Too many turn cards would shut down the action, she's ready to go (chips are racked), and there's literally 10 minutes left in the session. She has about $500 behind. I've seen her make ridiculous overbet calls with nutted flush draws all night.
The Villain you describe is pretty much never playing a draw this way. TPTK is crushed by a passive player's c/r range, even on such a wet board. If you're getting mountains of chips in against her by betting 3 streets, then great. As soon as she check raises, this is a turbofold.

Last edited by venice10; 02-12-2017 at 05:51 PM. Reason: Removed results
"Playing AK" Quote
02-12-2017 , 05:57 PM
Removed the results so you get unbiased answers. If you tell people what happened, they'll tend to be results orientated in their thinking.

That said, when a super passive villain starts raising, TP is almost never good. Just put your cards in the muck and don't show or tell anyone what you had.
"Playing AK" Quote
02-12-2017 , 11:04 PM
Exactly what is a new "legal" poker room in East Texas? Raked poker is illegal in Texas.
"Playing AK" Quote
02-12-2017 , 11:13 PM
Against a super passive middle aged women who's been yawning and proclaiming that she's ready to go and has her chips in the rack, I'm folding AK here and not thinking too much about it. I just don't think AK is doing well against any realistic range that we assign her.

This probably is "bad" thinking on my part, but if I'm playing in a room with a hard closing time and we're very close to reaching that closing time, I'm even less likely to put a bunch of money into the pot in a marginal spot like this.
"Playing AK" Quote
02-13-2017 , 01:30 AM
Thanks for the replies and fixing my thread!

Yea I was pretty card dead for the night. I know the mantra is wait for a better spot, but I jumped the gun, got greedy.

Did a little research, even though its a street early the beluga whale theorem makes sense. She did get lucky with that 2% flopped two pair. She even text me this morning saying how lucky she was.

But yea these legal poker rooms are starting to pop up. Rake and tip free. They make it a private club with memberships and hourly seat fees.

Going to study and read the forum some and gear up for next week!
"Playing AK" Quote
02-13-2017 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by WhatsaBoat
Thanks for the replies and fixing my thread!

Yea I was pretty card dead for the night. I know the mantra is wait for a better spot, but I jumped the gun, got greedy.

Did a little research, even though its a street early the beluga whale theorem makes sense. She did get lucky with that 2% flopped two pair. She even text me this morning saying how lucky she was.

But yea these legal poker rooms are starting to pop up. Rake and tip free. They make it a private club with memberships and hourly seat fees.

Going to study and read the forum some and gear up for next week!
There used to be several of those quasi-legal "private social clubs" to play at where I live. Then the casinos came along and their business dried up. It's a shame too because the action was much better in the clubs, and paying a reasonable "club usage fee" was way cheaper than getting hit with the per-hand rake.
"Playing AK" Quote
02-13-2017 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by WhatsaBoat
Thanks for the replies and fixing my thread!

Yea I was pretty card dead for the night. I know the mantra is wait for a better spot, but I jumped the gun, got greedy.

Did a little research, even though its a street early the beluga whale theorem makes sense. She did get lucky with that 2% flopped two pair. She even text me this morning saying how lucky she was.

But yea these legal poker rooms are starting to pop up. Rake and tip free. They make it a private club with memberships and hourly seat fees.

Going to study and read the forum some and gear up for next week!
I will make a bet that as soon as their are enough of these to get someones attention, they are shut down. Mark my words. I know Texas very well.
"Playing AK" Quote
02-13-2017 , 03:25 PM
Smaller flop bet. I fold TPTK when super-passive players c/r me.
"Playing AK" Quote
02-13-2017 , 03:32 PM
fold to this player type ainec at all. you're 400 big blinds deep and you're willing to stack off with top pair?

Last edited by Playbig2000; 02-13-2017 at 03:57 PM. Reason: vocab
"Playing AK" Quote
02-13-2017 , 09:54 PM
Happy birthday.

More pre($14-16).

A bit less on the flop ($25-$30)

Now snap fold
"Playing AK" Quote
