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"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread "The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread

01-02-2020 , 08:38 PM
Not sure if browns or skins are off to a better 2020.

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"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-02-2020 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by miamicheats
Not sure if browns or skins are off to a better 2020.

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Good thing is they get to keep trying every January
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-02-2020 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by miamicheats
Not sure if browns or skins are off to a better 2020.

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Cleveland Browns owner Jimmy Haslam said Thursday that his team will first hire a head coach so that person will have a say in whom the team eventually hires as general manager.
lol browns - because all industries let their subordinates help hire their boss

The Browns' new coach and general manager will report to ownership as equals.
oh, so we're just gonna start the whole thing off as a power struggle... this should end well
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-02-2020 , 10:31 PM
To be fair, he was Harding's running mate, and that is pretty awful.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-02-2020 , 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by johnny_on_the_spot
historically, if a sitting president is running for reelection,he has a very very good chance of winning

10 of 45 (22%) did not win re-election: John Adams, JQ Adams, Van Buren, Cleveland, Harrison, Taft, Hoover, Ford, Carter, and GHW Bush (note - Cleveland lost in 1888 but won in 1892, being the only President to serve 2 non consecutive terms)

6 of 45 (13%) made conscious decisions to not run for a 2nd term:
1) Polk - ran in 1844 under the promise that he wouldn't run for re-election
2) Buchanan - only lifelong bachelor POTUS
3) Hayes - only won in 1876 because of the Compromise of 1877
4) Coolidge - served 6 years and felt serving 10 was too much (no POTUS had served more than 8 at this time)
5) Truman - assumed POTUS 82 days into V-POTUS, won in 48. 22nd amendment (1.5 term limit) passed during his presidency but had a grandfather clause allowing him to run
6) LB Johnson - he had a big johnson

5 of 45 (11%) were not able to win the nomination of their parties: Authur, Andrew Johnson, Pierce, Fillmore, and Tyler
On the last note, the political machines were so strong in the 19th Century that they could boot out a sitting President from their own party. Machine politics arewhy 19th Century Potusi tend to dominate these "Worst of" lists. What we call corruption was likely just they way things were back then.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-02-2020 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by miamicheats
Not sure if browns or skins are off to a better 2020.

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Browns will always be LOL franchise.

Washington as LOL as they are will always be better than the Browns.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-03-2020 , 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by Garick
Oh, sure. You answer the Schramsberg question from hours later, but not my Port question. I see how it is. I revoke my welcome.

But seriously, in case you missed it

Haha, sorry. Missed it the first time! Tawnies are wood-aged Ports, tend to be brown and more oxidative in flavor profile, so walnut oil, caramel, toffee, etc. versus the red Port styles (ruby, vintage, vintage character, LBV), which are more red-wine like, and give more of that berry character I think you’re describing. If money’s no object, try a Colheita (a vintage tawny port) for the tawny style, or a vintage port for the bottle-aged (red) style from a good producer. Good producers are Fonseca, Graham, Taylor Fladgate, Dow, and others. If you can find them, Quinta de la Rosa makes great wines at lower price points. Single Quinta or LBV styles from these producers are good options for vintage port style wines at lower price points.

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"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-03-2020 , 09:13 AM
Thanks. I've had all of those but Quinta, so I'll definitely check their stuff out.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-03-2020 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
What are the no nos for betting discussion? I'm kind of clueless about how it could get ugly. People arguing over the odds?
No, people arguing over the candidates merits. The slope towards arguing starts with stuff that seems like it's just discussing the line, but has personal political opinion in it, like "Candidate A is offered at <line>. That's a great deal! Candidate A is <awesome/awful> because of <his/her> stance on <policy>, and I think they're going to <catch fire/hit a wall> once more people notice it." This post is close to the line and would be better without the judgement part, but could still tempt an angry response even then.

So then the counterpoint comes in: "You're on crack. Candidate A's stance on <policy> is <******ed/the best thing ever>." Next thing you know, people are calling the other <libtard/Trumpeter> and ruining the thread.

So discussing the odds is OK. Discussing how you think the public is going to react to a candidate is OK, but dangerous. Arguing merits is not for this thread. Doing so with disrespect towards others is outright infractable.
&quot;The Pen:&quot; Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-03-2020 , 10:44 AM
Ahh ok.
&quot;The Pen:&quot; Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-03-2020 , 11:29 AM
I wonder if ikestoys will get excited and return

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&quot;The Pen:&quot; Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-03-2020 , 12:01 PM
Hey Garick what if I preface it like this:

then its ok...right?
&quot;The Pen:&quot; Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-03-2020 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by squid face
Hey Garick what if I preface it like this:

then its ok...right?
Can confirm.

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01-03-2020 , 01:45 PM
Me when I see WW3 trending on Twitter:
&quot;The Pen:&quot; Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-03-2020 , 01:56 PM
I hope this is allowed here. This isn't the happiest of posts, so I appreciate you reading this.

Anyways, this about my problem with marijuana. I'm a senior in college right now, I took my first hit of weed the summer going into senior year of high school. I had always had 2-3 good friends growing up, but the summer going into senior year I started to make a crazy number of friends, got invites to all of the parties, started to get some attention from girls, and became pretty popular at school - which all of this to my very immature brain felt like this was as good as life could be. I bring all of this up, because this was directly correlated to me starting to smoke weed. I was no longer seen as the quiet kid that no one really knew anything about, and was now the latest, greatest pot head.

It stated with a few hits at the beginning of the summer. I didn't smoke again for a couple of months because I didn't have access, and wasn't craving it. Then I met my new friend group, and all they did was smoke weed, and so I did with them probably 5 times a week, but then when school started back up I was a serious student and only smoked with them Fri-Sun. Then that changed towards the end of the school year...I started incorporating Thursdays because it's almost the weekend, and then I started incorporating Mondays because Monday sucks and we gotta brighten it up. By the time I started my freshman year of college I was smoking minimum once a day, and over the next three years I got to a point where I was smoking at least three times a day on average - yeah, there was about a 6ish month stretch there where I was sober for maybe an hour a day. It just felt so good and I would stop stressing about whatever I was stressing about, music would sound so much better, I would "have fun" eating, and everything and everyone around me was hilarious.

This past summer I didn't smoke weed for the first day in years when I went on vacation a few hours up north with my parents a few times. They were only 2-3 day trips each time, but I wanted to a) prove to myself that I could actually go a whole 2-3 days with no weed and b) my parents have never explicitly said they know about the weed, but I know they do and I know they don't like it, so I didn't wanna make the vacations awkward. Anyways, I noticed I was getting super irritable and having a tough time sleeping but I also noticed I felt a lot smarter, a lot wittier, I felt so much less anxiety, I wasn't wasting time thinking about what everyone thought about me, and I just felt more sharp.

However, at the end of the trips, I would always smoke literally the instant I got home, I just couldn't wait. And this carried over to this school year...I would smoke every morning (before my workout if I was lifting that day, and after if I was running because it'll **** with your lungs.) Then I would smoke again at least one more time before bed, but it was usually 2-3 more times.

Over the past couple of months I've been thinking a lot about all of the negatives weed has been doing to me. I get anxiety almost every time I smoke, I think about every single negative social interaction or "did he/she think what I said/did was stupid?" every time I smoke, the idea of socialising was just not a thing, every time I saw an attractive woman I would want to leave wherever I was because I knew being high would make it way too hard to talk to her and if I did talk to her I'd have out of this world anxiety the whole time and if she rejected me that's all I would have on my mind for the next week or so, I would lose interest in everything besides listening to music, I wouldn't be able to think of anything witty to say until minutes later when I'm on point sober, etc.

Well I got my wisdom teeth out one week ago today, and you can't smoke for a week when that happens. Of course, the first thing on my mind was "we need to go to the dispensary by campus and get enough edibles to last a week, asap." So I did. But also keeping in mind my growing unhappiness towards weed, I decided I'd only eat them at the end of the day to unwind, have a couple of fun hours, and be able to sleep.

I've officially ran out of edibles, but I'm also free to smoke now, too. Anyways, I was planning on doing my work from home gig for a while, and playing around with Flopzilla all day, then I have a political discussion club I go to that's meeting tonight. All I was thinking about during my workout today was, "if we're only doing weed once a day, and avoiding it before social interactions, when the hell are we gonna have time to smoke." And that's when I finally broke. I have a problem. People that don't have problems aren't devoting time/thinking it's a problem as to when they'll be able to smoke or not.

So with that being said, I have fully realized that I need to make changes even deeper than just smoking once a day. I'm not gonna smoke today, but where does this end? I don't foresee myself smoking tomorrow either because I'm hanging with my cousin, then I'm gonna play poker for about 6 hours, and there'll be no need to because I'm gonna go to bed after my session. I could definitely see Sunday night working out as an acceptable time to smoke, but does it even make sense to? Will I just be on a slippery slope that's going to make me want to just start smoking again every day, and slowly into twice a day, to the point where I smoke 3x a day again? I'm nervous because I've had sooooo many fun memories smoking, and I am a sucker for going for a several walk on a nice summer night after I smoked listening to music. I don't want to forever give up smoking weed, but I will 100% say that smoking weed never is better than smoking every day, so I'm really in a pickle, and unsure of what to do. Do you think it'd be fine to just try and only smoke on days like this coming Sunday where it's harmless to smoke because I'll just be doing leisure activities anyways? Do you think I should commit to a month cold turkey and then see from there if I want to smoke when there's nothing else to do for the day besides liesure activities? Does anyone have anything like a similar experience to this?

I'm also nervous because I know if I go cold turkey I will be super irritable indefinitely, I will have trouble sleeping, and I will get random spells of sheer sadness. I also know my anxiety problems won't go away like magic, and
my horrible incompetence with women won't go away either, so I might just feel worse as a whole, I fear. I remember when I quit caffeine a few years ago, I went in with the plan of just drinking caffeinated drinks when I felt like it after I broke the physical addiction, but after a few dips with caffeine again I said **** it and literally haven't drank caffeine once in ~3.5 years. I also never got addicted to alcohol, even though I was drinking every weekend my senior year of high school. I only drink alcohol ~ once every six weeks now and I'm totally happy with it and never crave it.

Sorry, I don't initially anticipate this post being so long, and again sorry if this isn't allowed on this forum, I just know y'all are older than me, and potentially could've gone through something similar. You also all seem to be very intelligent and wise individuals, and you've given me great poker advice over the years, so I was hoping if anyone had a similar problem in their lives that they'd be willing to share some insight .
&quot;The Pen:&quot; Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-03-2020 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by BigSkip
Me when I see WW3 trending on Twitter:

&quot;The Pen:&quot; Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-03-2020 , 02:21 PM
Great place for this post, IMHO. Thanks for sharing. I can't really comment much, except to be sure you're free. Maybe multiple months off every year. I dunno.
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01-03-2020 , 02:26 PM
I can't relate directly since I'm kind of a non-reactor when it comes to cannabis.
I tried it a bunch in college, but never got the experience everyone else seemed to be getting. I tried again as an adult via vapes and edibles. I took 100mg of a chocolate and just felt nothing. Later I found out that 25mg should've been enough. So I never tried again. It does literally nothing for me.

As far as your situation goes is your main issue the feeling like you "need" to have it? And that's what's bothering you more than the actual affects of it?
For sleep have you tried CBD? I've heard it helps some people.

Aside from it being bad for short term memory I don't think there is anything else that negative significantly. idk I could be wrong though I'm not a cannabis scientist.
&quot;The Pen:&quot; Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-03-2020 , 02:28 PM

Good on you for writing the post.

Nobody can decide for you...

However, if you believe you have a problem, IMO, you should work to eliminate the problem by changing the things you have control over, and accepting the things you have no control over.

Good luck.
&quot;The Pen:&quot; Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-03-2020 , 02:32 PM
Are there professionals that you can go to to seek help?

I have zero experience with drugs/alcohol, but that would be my suggestion if you're looking to kick a habit and think it may be difficult to do on your own.

&quot;The Pen:&quot; Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-03-2020 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
I have zero experience with drugs/alcohol
This would not be a true statement if you had met up with me when you were in Nashville.
&quot;The Pen:&quot; Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-03-2020 , 02:53 PM
We'd go honnnnnnnkytonkin'.

&quot;The Pen:&quot; Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-03-2020 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by BigSkip
This would not be a true statement if you had met up with me when you were in Nashville.
But on the other hand, GG still has both of his kidneys... seems like a draw.
&quot;The Pen:&quot; Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-03-2020 , 02:58 PM

Not saying this isn't allowed here, it's fine. If you'd like to chat with others looking to get rid of addictions though, try this thread in OOT. It's a bit low-content at the moment, but at least there are other people in there trying to kick some habits.
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01-03-2020 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by Lapidator
But on the other hand, GG still has both of his kidneys... seems like a draw.
And these kidneys haven't passed a kidney stone since Halloween 2018, a new personal record! I credit kicking the soda habit (clean since May 2019). Or maybe I'm just building up a really really really big kidney stone that's going to kick my ass.

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