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"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread "The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread

03-30-2020 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by RoadtoPro
All I know is it'd be super easy to play my ranges against you, DC. You don't see any problem with this?

Or just unwilling to adjust?
I'm always happy to play with players that play an even wider range of hands than me. Especially when that range includes J3s from UTG.

Originally Posted by RoadtoPro
Would it be better if I just said the play was terrible lol. It doesn't matter to me either way.
Doesn't matter to me either. Glad to see you playing a little online. I think it's going to be pretty pretty pretty difficult to become the greatest player with a live poker base.

Originally Posted by squid face
Complete assclown or troll...which is it?
You would think troll, but ...

Originally Posted by squid face
u gotta werk yer troll game better mang.
... maybe just gotta werk his poker game better?

Originally Posted by RoadtoPro
If Squid had said the same thing you would react differently.
If Squid said he opened J3s from UTG..hmmmm

Originally Posted by RoadtoPro
Why can't you be open to the idea that people who act differently than you can be just as successful, if not significantly more successful than you?
That's going to be pretty tough (impossible?) as a poker pro.

Originally Posted by RoadtoPro
garick, is what squid keeps doing okay? And does it matter who does it?
Is he raising J3s from UTG?
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
03-30-2020 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
you're like the cadet who watches a video of himself being out of sync with the rest of the troop marching and says...'the other 99 guys are doing it wrong'
And you’re one of the 99 losers that assume the 1 person in your class that did better than you at life had to be luckier than you.

Since you know, you’re perfect.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
03-30-2020 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by Donat3llo
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
03-30-2020 , 11:26 PM
*Inferences on tonality

"Tonality*is the way that your voice sounds when you're saying something. It may sound simple, but it makes a huge difference in the way that what you say comes across to the other person"

This is an internet 4rum

"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
03-30-2020 , 11:29 PM

Sorry this is kinda off topic, but I thought this was hilarious

EDIT: ��������
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
03-30-2020 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by RoadtoPro
Disclaimer: I’m indifferent when it comes to politics. Forgive my ignorance.

fwiw FW I’m pretty sure this is how a lot of people view President Trump.

He was a business man before entering politics.

Yet he’s been one of the most powerful people in the world since 2016.

I don’t think arrogance is as big of a detractor to success as you think it is.

And a high level of of success in one field, even if not correlated like in Trump’s case, definitely translates to high levels of success in others. People define success differently.

But I’m sure people laughed at him for running for president and his odds were terrible. Also, what was the consensus between the washed up has been politicians on his odds to be elected at the start of his campaign?

This is just an example. I think there’s a lot of validity to your background

forgive me for not listening to a loser like squid who’s been trolling/harassing me since my very first post itt. maybe if he respected me, I’d respect him. It should be mutual.
of course you don't. because you're arrogant and you think you're a lock to be successful.

you use a linear logic 'I'm good at chess, some people who were good at chess are very good at poker, therefore it's a certainty I will be the best at poker' but you fail to take into account the myriad other non chess related skills/attributes that are needed and also the myriad other things that can get in the way/decisions you need to get right

a parallel is how you assumed you could be a big shot on Wall St earning whatever the income was if you chose to. your logic is 'people from my college doing my degree earn big bucks on Wall St, therefore it is a certainty that I could'. but again, there are a significant amount of skills and attributes needed and myriad other things that could go in your case, you found the process of interviewing to be an intern too stressful!!

like Garick said, you don't have the perspective to see this about yourself and your mind doesn't appear to be open to gaining this perspective. which makes your posting unlikable
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
03-30-2020 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by sixsevenoff

Sorry this is kinda off topic, but I thought this was hilarious

EDIT: ��������

"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
03-30-2020 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by RoadtoPro
And you’re one of the 99 losers that assume the 1 person in your class that did better than you at life had to be luckier than you.

Since you know, you’re perfect.
the problem with you making this argument is that you act as if you've already done better in life when in fact you're a friendless 20yr old virgin who doesn't understand why the world doesn't get it

ok, I'm putting you on block now - it's too time consuming.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
03-30-2020 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher

Isn't that funny af
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
03-30-2020 , 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
of course you don't. because you're arrogant and you think you're a lock to be successful.

you use a linear logic 'I'm good at chess, some people who were good at chess are very good at poker, therefore it's a certainty I will be the best at poker' but you fail to take into account the myriad other non chess related skills/attributes that are needed
Even when I give you examples and use logic to support my point you go of your way to discredit it by quoting me out of context. Was trump not the most arrogant of all the candidates? Did he win? They’re not correlated, both positively or negatively. Humility in poker? You’re basically looking for reasons for as that could possibly help. It’s not like I’ve said I’ll be practiticing bad BRM or anything.

Im pretty sure you’re helping my point. You (and some others) are attacking me based on assumptions.

Not every outlier, became one through luck. We’ve been over this I’m pretty sure. So looking at all the people who failed is irrelevant. It’s very controllable whether one gets to the top.

Specifically, what attributes do you believe I don’t have to eventually beat every public NL game on the planet?

There’s a huge difference between not reacting to personal attacks well and not handling variance well. Not correlated at all. The probabilities of one can be analyzed extensively statistically. Even if I run a few SD’s below EV I know that’s a part of it.

Otoh ppl rarely attack me the way losers like you on here do irl. So I don’t imagine I’ll have to worry about that too much.

You’re so close-minded it’s insane. Even if I was very unlikeable and a virgin as you keep accusing me of being, what effect does that have on my eventual poker skill levels? What a joke.

You’re attacking me, not my sentiment. Which is what I’ve been saying {mod edit: attacks removed].

Please try to be rational. And stop making it personal dude. It’s extremely uncalled for.

Last edited by Garick; 03-31-2020 at 09:15 AM. Reason: personal attacks
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
03-30-2020 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by sixsevenoff
Isn't that funny af
It seems to be bassackwards.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
03-30-2020 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
the problem with you making this argument is that you act as if you've already done better in life when in fact you're a friendless 20yr old virgin who doesn't understand why the world doesn't get it

ok, I'm putting you on block now - it's too time consuming.
First of all, you’re wrong.

Secondly, this is exactly what I mean when I say you’re attacking me. And it’s personal. {attack scrubbed}

Last edited by Garick; 03-31-2020 at 09:16 AM. Reason: don't care if "it's personal." you still need to follow posting rules
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
03-30-2020 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
in fact you're a friendless 20yr old virgin
Originally Posted by RoadtoPro
First of all, you’re wrong.
Yeah, he isn't 20!
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
03-31-2020 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
Yeah, he isn't 20!

I’d be willing to bet I have more friends than FW actually.

They support me though and basically never tell me I can’t do something.

For good reason. Been fine so far.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
03-31-2020 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by johnny_on_the_spot
Idk if it’s morbid that i am watching Outbreak
the last three movies i've watched are outbreak, contagion, & andromeda strain

Originally Posted by Donat3llo
The only advice I can offer is "get to curious" in the face of opposition and alternative perspectives. It's something that was passed on to me by a mentor of mine early in my career, but it applies to many aspects of life in general. Fwiw this is still a work in progress for me but Glglgl
+infinity in my line of work nobody has any idea what they are doing until after they suceed at it, the one universal thing linking the success stories are they were super curious and wanted to embrace lots of feedback

in fact, negative feedback is far more constructive than positive because most positive feedback is just social nicety and not really based objective thoughts - if i tell garick i loved his article, that's the expected response and he'll very justifiably use to temporarily bump up his vanity but he's never going to improve at all, if i give him negative feedback, even if it exposes my own ignorance and stupidity, it'll give him insight into how to appeal to dullards like me if he were ever to branch out and start writing for teen vogue

garick, i've had the pdf saved on my desktop for days now, plan on reading it today

Originally Posted by Garick
Seriously, I recommend some social coaching. You seem not to understand how it works, and worse yet, not to know that you don't understand. At least 67o realizes that he has to work on it.

It's not because you're young that you get the reaction that you do. It's because, as I said before, your reactions are funny, and you don't know that they're funny, which makes them even funnier to many folks.

It doesn't hurt that your name is so similar to AlmostPro, who came off just like you and eventually lied about hitting a big score and retiring from poker.
+infinity, not just about self awareness but the name does a lot to give everyone a bad first impression, i don't know almostpro but it's not a coincidence someone so desperate to make it that they faked it has a similarily themed name - you get the point though

Originally Posted by sixsevenoff

Sorry this is kinda off topic, but I thought this was hilarious

EDIT: ��������
you need to improve that image sharing game 67o if you're going to bring the heat

rtp, anyone who posted about playing j3s utg then 5b shoving vs a cold 4bet and then attempted to defend the decision would be ridiculed - nobody is targeting you or singling you out here and as garick points out, if sqwid or feels posted the same thing they would be roasted as well
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
03-31-2020 , 01:14 AM
Originally Posted by RoadtoPro
First of all, you’re wrong.

Secondly, this is exactly what I mean when I say you’re attacking me. And it’s personal.
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
Yeah, he isn't 20!

Originally Posted by RoadtoPro

I’d be willing to bet I have more friends than FW actually.

They support me though and basically never tell me I can’t do something.

For good reason. Been fine so far.
Yeah, well Feely's friends do lines of blow of off the bare bottoms of hookers with him.

Last edited by Garick; 03-31-2020 at 09:17 AM. Reason: scrubbed attack from quote
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
03-31-2020 , 08:06 AM
Originally Posted by Donat3llo
Originally Posted by BiteMeFish
Nah, I got both hands on my own
What's his hand doing?

Originally Posted by RoadtoPro
you thought I was talking about myself? lmfao.

If you go back and read the post with the beat I didn't say anything to defend the play. Just presented it. Wasn't until I got some snarky responses that I fired back buddy.

It's yours (and others) inferences (since that's the word you used) that I'm trolling that biases your initial reaction to everything I say. Don't blame that on me. If Squid had said the same thing you would react differently.

Just saying the things I want to say the way I want to say them. Not gonna change that for other people. I'm not saying anything ridiculous beyond the context of myself and poker.
It goes off the rails here. FW was trying to explain how you are perceived, and here it was negatively. Not everything negative is a personal attack.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
03-31-2020 , 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by RoadtoPro

I’d be willing to bet I have more friends than FW actually.

They support me though and basically never tell me I can’t do something.

For good reason. Been fine so far.
when you're 20, if you don't have like 150 friends that you talk to regularly, you're doing something wrong.

when you're 40, you might have 10, if you're lucky.

it's just how life works.

i honestly have no idea how old FW is, but i'm pretty sure it's over 40 based on the small amount i know about him. i would be extremely surprised if FW has more friends than you based solely on where you both are in life. on the other hand, i would be extremely surprised if FW had less friends than you at comparable ages.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
03-31-2020 , 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by RoadtoPro
What’s funny is you thinking you always know where you’re at and your read on every situation being spot on. Whether it be in poker or in chat thread dynamics.
Not even close to always knowing where I am in poker. I barely play anymore, and I know I'm behind the curve on the modern game. I do understand basic ranges though. As for the thread dynamics, yeah, I'm pretty confident in that one. I've been pretty consistently ranked in the Top 25 over multiple seasons.

I. Don’t. Care.
Then. Shut. Up.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
03-31-2020 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
you need to improve that image sharing game 67o if you're going to bring the heat
I can't figure it out. Four people have tried to help, and I've tried to problem solve, and I genuinely have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I've followed everyone's instructions.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
03-31-2020 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by sixsevenoff
I can't figure it out. Four people have tried to help, and I've tried to problem solve, and I genuinely have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I've followed everyone's instructions.
there's nothing to figure out. it's just a joke. don't take it so seriously.

unless you're multi accounting.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
03-31-2020 , 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by johnny_on_the_spot
there's nothing to figure out. it's just a joke. don't take it so seriously.

unless you're multi accounting.
I know it's a joke, I'm just mildly annoyed that I can't figure out how to embed an image.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
03-31-2020 , 10:02 AM
You're using the "gallery" page, which has a bunch of other stuff on it with the picture, like comments, links to other pics, etc. To just get the image, right click on it and hit "copy image location." That will give you instead of If you embed the link that ends in an image file type (.jpg, .gif, .png, etc.) it will work.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
03-31-2020 , 10:04 AM
wow, i completely read that whole thing wrong............... it's too ****ing early...

are you browser or tapatalk on mobile?

i rarely do pictures on browser because tapatalk is extremely easy
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
03-31-2020 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by johnny_on_the_spot
when you're 20, if you don't have like 150 friends that you talk to regularly, you're doing something wrong.

when you're 40, you might have 10, if you're lucky.

it's just how life works.
qft, 10 is a massive amount as well

when i was your age i couldn't get a girl to talk to me but even as an introverted guy with few social skills i had endless options of people to hang out and party with

now that i'm older i can fairly easily get a strange woman to have my balls in her mouth within 2 hours yet will spend months attempting to make friends with another adult male without coming off as creepy or too indifferent and it often ends in "aquaintance" status - the faux friendzone of adult life

i have millions of people of i could email but very few that i could just call right now and schedule meeting up for dinner or drinks one on one - most social relationships are kind of weak individually so they need a group to function or a glue guy holding it together

Originally Posted by sixsevenoff
I know it's a joke, I'm just mildly annoyed that I can't figure out how to embed an image.
there are threads in the about the forum section that has the lowdown on all that stuff

in imgur you need the bbc code, i'm not sure how to get it off public images, but after you load it in imgur, there's a 3 dot button you click, then go to "share links" and then from there you'll see bbc code, copy/paste that one

but in general, if you quote someone's post, you can see the code they used to make whatever happened, quoting a DC post itt is how i learned to have an embedded youtube video start at a specific spot instead of at the beginning - that's not something that's covered in the about the fourms section nor does the youtube generated share code work on bbc

for the record you add this to your video code:


"20" in that case means start 20 seconds in, if you wanted to start at 1:10 you'd make it 70 etc

Last edited by rickroll; 03-31-2020 at 10:19 AM.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
