early last year we notcied a lump on our then 3 y/o pups hind ankle. we kept an eye on it but it eventually got to a size we wanted it checked out. it was cancer
so we get it and a 2nd bump on a different leg surgically removed. surgeon tells us they couldn't get clear margins while scrape everything out because of where the cancer was located and where her bones were, so we had to keep an eye on it possibly returning. this year it eventually came back with quite the vengence. this time it was at least twice the size of the first time and surgery to remove the bump wasn't an option again. we looked into radiology and another option that chemically removes the cancer with injections, but neither were a good fit for what was growing on our pup. eventually we relented and went with the last viable option to stop the cancer from spreading further (which pre surgery testing revealed it had already spread to limph nodes in her leg) and prolong her otherwise healthy life, leg amputation. apparently with dogs, there is not an option to amputate a paw or part of the leg. it's the whole leg.
our now 5 y/o pup is 4 days post-op removing her rear left leg. i can't even imagine going someplace and then just waking up without a limb and having no ability to understand why, but she seems unfazed. the hard drugs she was given for surgery are almost out of her system and the lethargic behavior is giving way to her natural insane tendancies, despite having roughly 6" of stitches and what must be some pain. she is very happy to be recieving all kinds of scratches for being a great pup and she's surprisingly happy to be transported, via wagon, to her bathroom spots in a field down the street from our house, as she is not allowed to walk on hard surfaces or for long periods so she doesn't fall on her sutures and injure herself. for a few weeks we need to walk with her with a towel supporting her weight in the back (like a sling around her hips) and with every day she's trying to move faster than the previous day and get back into her normal routine. today she tried to climb on the back of the couch, which is her normal laying spot, before i stopped her. she is naturally a hugging dog and she got into her normal 'i want to hug you' stance but she was hesitant and unsure with only 1 leg to brace on how to do it. it's one of her favorite things to do so i'm sure she'll work it out.
i was extremely hesitant to do this but she seems like she will make a full recovery and hopefully she can stop having cancer, because she really is a very sweet and affectionate puppy.
Pre surgery (the cancer lump is kind of visible)
Immediately post surgery.
1st night sleeping
Her wagon