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"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread "The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread

02-22-2022 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by RobFarha
Hey sorry about that guys, there was a typo in my last post it was supposed to say “10”
gifted too many airfryers recently?
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
02-22-2022 , 08:57 PM
Super glad I've never run into any serious cheating outside of the usual shyt that happened in college. I only played a few private games while in NYC, and if they were compromised, I certainly wasn't the target.

I knew I was cheated at a game while back at home on break from college. Should have been obvious when one of the dudes was showing his sleight of hand skills before the game. It was like a meme when he dealt, which in retrospect gave him more rope to work with, imo.

I've been getting the itch lately, which is too bad because I withdrew all of my $$$ on TheApp. Looks like it may be Blackhawk for me sometime soon. At least they're NL now instead of that awful spread limit.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
02-22-2022 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll

re: businessmen vs celebrities

beijing is heavily academic/government/culture so if it's a businessman then it's an SOE ie he's more a bureacrat assigned to run the business than anything else - i'm sure these guys were there but they wouldn't want to advertise too much that their dad was a minister or they were an exec at the state run oil company etc etc

it wasn't all people in the entertainment industry there were others but at least half of them would get some of women who played to swoon over "omg i just played poker with x person!!" after they left the table

yeah, that sounds like a cold deck all the way, maybe he didn't slip in the card himself and yes i 100% dealt with the only half joking kill the foreigner mentality - it was cute when stakes were low but once they got higher it got a lot darker

once the games moved to more discreet locations with rake and higher stakes the expats mostly disapeared
I was often the lone white guy in some games I played in here in the ATL.

One old black guy liked to make comments which were jokes but weren't really jokes depending on his mood. One night I crushed him in a big pot and he looks around the room and says "I don't know about the rest of you but this seems like a good time for a race riot." (Which tbh was a pretty good line.)

I slammed my drink on the table and said "Damn straight! Let's go **** some Mexicans up!"

I was playing in that game when the George Zimmerman verdict was being announced. When the conversation got around to it being bullshit you couldn't kill a police dog I figured it was probably best to dump a BI and GTFO.

Last edited by BigSkip; 02-22-2022 at 09:25 PM.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
02-22-2022 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by BigSkip
I was often the loan white guy in some games I played in here in the ATL.

One old black guy liked to make comments which were jokes but weren't really jokes depending on his mood. One night I crushed him in a big pot and he looks around the room and says "I don't know about the rest of you but this seems like a good time for a race riot." (Which tbh was a pretty good line.)

I slammed my drink on the table and said "Damn straight! Let's go **** some Mexicans up!"

I was playing in that game when the George Zimmerman verdict was being announced. When the conversation got around to it being bullshit you couldn't kill a police dog I figured it was probably best to dump a BI and GTFO.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
02-22-2022 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by AcePlayerDeluxe
Supposedly I didn’t win it outright, so to the victor goes the spoils.

Been hanging in my closet for years and I’ve been meaning to send it to you for a while now. I’m just glad I got to steal it for this long.
I have no idea who "won it outright," as we all got too drunk to pay attention, especially after you maudlinly declared how much you had to have it. Pretty sure the dealers were the biggest winners in that game as a group, but the top earning individual was probably the cocktail waitress. I should send it to her.

So this piece of LLSNL history, much like the Declaration of Independence, was signed by the elite of the age. Also, much like the DofI, many of the signers are no longer with us. Let us pour out a grilled beer in their memory.

Garick (still here)
APD (mostly dead)
Corlath (RIP)
Zoltan (zombie-like, he rises from the grave from time to time to torment us)
Squid Face (still the Chat Thread Prez)
IrasietooMuch! [sic] (clinging to life)
bip! (absentee father who shows up with a toy once a year or so)
Randal Graves (RIP)
B&E (never was much of a chat threader)
DK barrel (married outside the faith)
Snowball2 (RIP)
Lapidator (gone to politics)
Illegible (great guy, whatever happened to him?)
RyanAA44 (RIP)
JM3 (not dead yet. He's getting better)
pureaggression (alive and well in PG&C)
Aesah (the bip! of PG&C)
Ashes to Ashes (RIP)
Illegible Jr (the son of Illegible)
Big Skip (doesn't get drunk and buy us all presents like he used to, but still kicking)
Fold4Once (gone to that craft brewery in the sky)
Slim (not coming)
DMW (the O-est of the OGs)

If you think you might be one of the Illegibles, stake your claim! If you were in the OG LLSNL meetup game and didn't sign the white belt of machine-gunning, EAPG.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
02-22-2022 , 10:13 PM
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
02-22-2022 , 10:15 PM
also present that night was the mysterious lone wolf Bond Trader.

Who had basically never been in chat, just randomly clicked onto the meet up thread one day, saw there was a meet up in Vegas and flew out from New York
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
02-22-2022 , 10:22 PM
The belt wow lmao

Skwid - what is sliding dice?
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
02-22-2022 , 10:29 PM
craps rules you are spoda make them bounce off that back wall

sliding the dice they do not tumble. its not allowed as it creates quite an edge for the player. So these guys were doing that at opportune times. I have no clue what their strat was or how often they were sliding them but they won a lot. I would imagine that they were generally rolling and looking like sports and then would have a large payout bet and then they would implament all the distraction and booooooom.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
02-22-2022 , 10:42 PM
Two Fingers; No Spit was also there that night but did not get to sign the belt ldo.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
02-22-2022 , 10:44 PM
And yes, the waitress and dealers made $$$$. I think it was either year 2 or 3 we had a waitress who hated money and was trying to enforce rules like "one drink at a time" and "you can't order for someone else" and "no you can't sniff my panties".
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
02-22-2022 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
also present that night was the mysterious lone wolf Bond Trader.

Who had basically never been in chat, just randomly clicked onto the meet up thread one day, saw there was a meet up in Vegas and flew out from New York
He was a great person to hang out with.

While I was present in Vegas for the OG 1/1 game, I had run amuck the night before and was doing damage control with Mrs Turtle for the actual OG game. Sad news bears for sure.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
02-22-2022 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by BigSkip
And yes, the waitress and dealers made $$$$. I think it was either year 2 or 3 we had a waitress who hated money and was trying to enforce rules like "one drink at a time" and "you can't order for someone else" and "no you can't sniff my panties".
This was year 2. Year 3 the waitress was more concerned for our health with the amount of shots we ordered than with policy.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
02-22-2022 , 10:54 PM
What's the likelihood that a dealer at a casino poker room could pull mechanic shenanigans with a player?
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
02-22-2022 , 10:58 PM
The signature that looks like BranTR8 might be Bond Trader? If feely signed, he signed as szzzl bwmnm.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
02-22-2022 , 11:07 PM
it's probably for the best for everyone that i didn't know there were even socialization going on here before, i purely lurked the strat threads - for years didn't even have an account

i was a pretty insufferable cocky sonofa back then, i still am but today i learn not to broadcast it so much
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
02-22-2022 , 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by Donat3llo
This was year 2. Year 3 the waitress was more concerned for our health with the amount of shots we ordered than with policy.
I believe you are correct. Fortunately, the waitresses quit worrying about or wellbeing once we started tipping a hundo in advance.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
02-22-2022 , 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by Donat3llo
He was a great person to hang out with.

While I was present in Vegas for the OG 1/1 game, I had run amuck the night before and was doing damage control with Mrs Turtle for the actual OG game. Sad news bears for sure.
I believe that was night Bip!, Ashes and I had to step in between you and Paddy and two Euro weenies you guys were fixin' to go after for hitting on Mrs. APD and Mrs. Turtle. I wasn't sure how many of us it was going to take to kick their asses, but I knew how many we were going to use. Security showed up just in time to make some threats and grift some $20s off of me to not make a big deal about the glasses that got broke.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
02-22-2022 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by Donat3llo
gifted too many airfryers recently?
I am still waiting on my air fryer.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
02-22-2022 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by squid face
From my black jack days I have friends on both ides of the tables. Back in the early 2000's there was a team of dice cheats that won piles. I saw casino memos and fliers documenting their activities.

They were very well organized and used distraction in order to be able to put thier plays down. A craps game has at least 4 sets of eyes trained on those dice. These guys pulled this off for quite a while and won untold sums vs people trained to protect the casinos $.

A single dealer that is skilled skilled at sleight of hand and distraction technique working with a single conferate who s/he has trained up can sub in a cooler deck with a 100% success rate vs a bunch of coked up, drunk, bleary eyed degenerates who have titties in their faces. It is so easy it is comical

If they do this 1x per week @ a game with the stakes of 50/100 200bb deep they are going to split 1mm / year.

I know personally a few crossroaders/cheats/card manipulaters who are so skilled that it is scary who have done this type of stuff in a casino for a whole lot less and the consequences of getting nailed are a whole lot more. I can guarantee that while your game may be ok that there are plenty of private games where this is happening.
Many others have pointed this out. But if Postle had just played like Garrett Adelstein, instead of like Professor X, he'd probably still be getting away with cheating in a legal CA card room (for what little that's worth) on a stream, with several thousand watching at one time or another.

I'm sure cheating is common enough in casinos, especially now that it is pretty well confirmed that you will be fine if caught, like Postle was. It must be rampant in private games. In private games, victims have absolutely no recourse, so all you have to do is not cheat a drug dealer or a cop or someone else who can get you back.

As you said, there is A LOT of money to be made by the standards of most people. There is basically no risk. People routinely risk their lives or long prison sentences for much less money.

It's even pretty easy to talk yourself into. These are gamblers. They're flushing this money down the toilet. Why not take some before it goes into the sewer? Who is really hurt, the poker pros? Boo hoo. All they're doing is exploiting the degenerates with a different set of skills than you are.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
02-22-2022 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by BigSkip
I believe that was night Bip!, Ashes and I had to step in between you and Paddy and two Euro weenies you guys were fixin' to go after for hitting on Mrs. APD and Mrs. Turtle. I wasn't sure how many of us it was going to take to kick their asses, but I knew how many we were going to use. Security showed up just in time to make some threats and grift some $20s off of me to not make a big deal about the glasses that got broke.
This definitely happened. iirc, the scene was the V and Ashes was a mofo beast that went hard in the paint.

Fwiw, you're always the guy to have in your corner.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
02-22-2022 , 11:39 PM
Has it really been almost 8 years since the first meet up?

Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
02-22-2022 , 11:41 PM
i made a rule a long time ago i wouldn't play above 5/10 among incredibly good friends, 2/5 with regular friend circle and not above 1/2 otherwise unless in a regulated environment
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
02-22-2022 , 11:53 PM
Regarding cheating, I've had many discussions about this with my friend who's also a pro in the games. I think there's obviously a non 0% chance, but there's also not a lot to point to, and I have to try to be rational and understand that variance is a real thing.

I'm in a $200K downswing right now but it's been spread across 10+ different games and various stakes. The run bad has been universal. And prior to this I had won over $600K in 16 months and obviously didn't think anyone was cheating me then. Did every single game decide I was winning too much and created a massive conspiracy to cheat me? Seems doubtful.

I can't remember the last time I had AA vs KK preflop though. They always just call with some low cards and flop trips... so maybe it's rigged.

Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
02-22-2022 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
i made a rule a long time ago i wouldn't play above 5/10 among incredibly good friends, 2/5 with regular friend circle and not above 1/2 otherwise unless in a regulated environment
We've always played 1/1 at the meet-up. Games range from hold'em and plo to blind man's bluff. I don't want your money, if you wanna flex then buy me some oysters and a steak.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
