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07-11-2019 , 12:02 PM
Alright! Got some sleep. Took my dog for a walk and came to peace with this hand. A few final thoughts:

No history with this V: It's true that I have no history with this V in Holdem. However, I've seen him *win* a stack of pumpkins playing what appears to me to be good PLO. I've seen him do this many weekends in a row now. That means I put him into a different category and capable of different types of plays and aggression.

Changing gears with players: Better players + deeper stacks = more bluffs in their range. This is true for me and definitely true for people I play against. Anyone who sits down and eyeballs the biggest stack and cuts out 15 black chips is capable of more than the average rec player. I played in a hand not so different from this one where a V check raised the turn and barreled a 120BB bet on the river representing a super polarized range. I ended up calling and was good and he showed a busted straight draw. But he knew on the flop that chips were going in.

If you play in a 100bb capped game with people named 'Gerry' who openly say they never bluff (I've had my 'Gerry' literally say this to me at the table) then this hand will never come up for you and you should fold as early as possible.

And lastly: 108 or 68. He plays these hands the same way. Check raise a good draw. Pick up equity on the turn and fire any river. It's the only way to win the hand. I stand by my statement that no good player jams the river with a set.

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07-11-2019 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by MarshMan114
Alright! Got some sleep. Took my dog for a walk and came to peace with this hand. A few final thoughts:

No history with this V: It's true that I have no history with this V in Holdem. However, I've seen him *win* a stack of pumpkins playing what appears to me to be good PLO. I've seen him do this many weekends in a row now. That means I put him into a different category and capable of different types of plays and aggression.

Changing gears with players: Better players + deeper stacks = more bluffs in their range. This is true for me and definitely true for people I play against. Anyone who sits down and eyeballs the biggest stack and cuts out 15 black chips is capable of more than the average rec player. I played in a hand not so different from this one where a V check raised the turn and barreled a 120BB bet on the river representing a super polarized range. I ended up calling and was good and he showed a busted straight draw. But he knew on the flop that chips were going in.

If you play in a 100bb capped game with people named 'Gerry' who openly say they never bluff (I've had my 'Gerry' literally say this to me at the table) then this hand will never come up for you and you should fold as early as possible.

And lastly: 108 or 68. He plays these hands the same way. Check raise a good draw. Pick up equity on the turn and fire any river. It's the only way to win the hand. I stand by my statement that no good player jams the river with a set.

I don't think every player here was saying he has to have a set here. I think what is being told here is that you have an awful hand for his bluffing equity (ignoring results), and when the K comes on the river, you can't even beat bad kings that floated on a draw.

You said no player would jam on a set, but he did it with a straight. He clearly thought you had a set, or two pair you couldn't get away from. You can also have all the hands you are barely losing to (all the KX) and could have floated turn, just to hit top pair on the river.
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07-11-2019 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by Nippleman
You said no player would jam on a set, but he did it with a straight. He clearly thought you had a set, or two pair you couldn't get away from. You can also have all the hands you are barely losing to (all the KX) and could have floated turn, just to hit top pair on the river.
I totally disagree that V thought H had two pair or a set. (H didn't represent either.) V thought H had close to what he had, or maybe even AK. V wanted to look bluffy as heck on the river to get H to call with an over-pair or K. It's "easier" to call that sometimes than a value-looking bet, and that's what V was counting on.
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07-11-2019 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by Javanewt
I totally disagree that V thought H had two pair or a set. (H didn't represent either.) V thought H had close to what he had, or maybe even AK. V wanted to look bluffy as heck on the river to get H to call with an over-pair or K. It's "easier" to call that sometimes than a value-looking bet, and that's what V was counting on.
I disagree with your disagreement. Just because it looks bluffy doesn't mean it's going to get a call. Maybe it's me being mubsy, but on that board with that aggression, I can easily find folds with AK. Most people who aren't pros aren't about to call 1000$ off just to see if their 9 holds up.
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07-11-2019 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by Nippleman
I don't think V has enough semi hands to make this +EV. You are basically doing this to see if he can give up. If he calls, you aren't sure if you are ahead or not, and if he raises/shoves over you, you probably sight fold for a lot more money.
What? Of course he does. The only hands H should have here are over-pairs, at best, so V can easily rep a set, get more money in for if he hits, and slow H down -- all of which worked beautifully.

Sorry for the stereotype, but I'm raising a 30-something Asian male PLO player on this flop every time. Might as well fold the flop.
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07-11-2019 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by Nippleman
I disagree with your disagreement. Just because it looks bluffy doesn't mean it's going to get a call. Maybe it's me being mubsy, but on that board with that aggression, I can easily find folds with AK. Most people who aren't pros aren't about to call 1000$ off just to see if their 9 holds up.
The point is there is no way V thought H had a set or two pair. V went for it (and it worked).
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07-11-2019 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by Javanewt
The point is there is no way V thought H had a set or two pair. V went for it (and it worked).
I thought he folded and V showed (I misread results, apart from the hand H showed up with).

I don't think H going for it was a good idea. Maybe if your bankroll is made of Adamantium, this can be a hero call you can make with a good handle of volatility, but this should be a disgusted fold 99% of the time even before the king shows up.

What? Of course he does. The only hands H should have here are over-pairs, at best, so V can easily rep a set, get more money in for if he hits, and slow H down -- all of which worked beautifully.
Rainbow under 10 board, with maybe a couple midrange straight draws, and you holding blockers to the nut straight draw? This is an awful board to reraise with. He can shove you right over, and you have no idea where you stand, apart from being in either a WA/WB situation on the flop for a thousand dollars.
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07-11-2019 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by Nippleman
Rainbow under 10 board, with maybe a couple midrange straight draws, and you holding blockers to the nut straight draw? This is an awful board to reraise with. He can shove you right over, and you have no idea where you stand, apart from being in either a WA/WB situation on the flop for a thousand dollars.
He can also fold. So, why do you call his raise on the flop? Does that tell you where you stand? Do you fold turn? Are you just calling down turn and river (if river is a "normal" bet) because you still don't know where you stand?

(Just curious, do you play 2/5 or higher?)
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07-11-2019 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by Javanewt
He can also fold. So, why do you call his raise on the flop? Does that tell you where you stand? Do you fold turn? Are you just calling down turn and river (if river is a "normal" bet) because you still don't know where you stand?

(Just curious, do you play 2/5 or higher?)
I play 2/5, but not 5/10, and while I play more 1/2 due to playing a bankroll on a teacher's salary, there are definitely differences. He can have bluffs here, but I don't see too many non-maniacs check raising a flop on an all things considered, relatively dry board. 10-8 is the one hand he can be sanely semi bluffing with on the flop (and I think the way he (V) played the flop was awful, despite results).

Last edited by Nippleman; 07-11-2019 at 03:39 PM.
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